Author Archives: Melissa Tsang

LiveWell Session 2

I haven’t progress much since the first session of LiveWell. It is hard to manage a healthy lifestyle when my schedule is overwhelmed with responsibilities. I have no time for additional tasks. Most of the time I feel extremely exhausted. However, I do plan on managing my stress after I graduate in June. I will go back to the gym and prep healthier meals.

Active Minds

Active Minds is a great support system for people who are suffering from mental health. Is it a non-profit organization that support a network of people who provide/seek for emotional support. It is a great organization because it encourages people to open up and overcome their problems in life.


According to LiveWell results, I need to find a healthier choice in eating. Such as consuming more vegetables and fruits. However, due to a very tight schedule, it is very difficult for me prep a healthy meal or consume a meal in a reasonable time frame. My plan is to filled myself up, therefore, I do not need to be worry about getting hungry during work or in school. However, I do plan on changing this habit in few more months. I will go back into healthy eating and exercising.