Author Archives: Almira

Poster found in school

I found this poster about Active Minds, however, I had found it after the activity had already taken place.



Live well session 3

I have completed the live well sessions and found it to be useful in my life. I do try my best to balance my healthy eating with my junk eating from time to time. I believe I manage my stress well enough. As for my exercising, I did start from the first live well session but then I had gotten food poisoning and not too long after, a stomach virus. I thought I lost weight from these two stomach issues, but I did not 🙁 . Since this past weekend, my body is back to normal, I have started again on my exercise routine and planned to keep it come since I have a trip booked to Dominican Republic in June and a wedding in July. Need to be fit 🙂

Live well session 1

After doing the Live well session, my outcome was Preparation. This is so typically me because I would prepare my routine, get everything I need and may start the first day and then quit or maybe at least do one week before falling off completely. I think Live well is very interesting and it may help me follow through on my exercising routine maybe in other aspects of life such as doing HW earlier than later. I had planned to do some cardio yesterday on an elliptical but instead I went to the park  took a walk and kicked around a soccer ball with some friends; hopefully I maintain the schedule I have planned for myself.

Active Minds

I like that Active Minds can help College students because people are dealing with their life long goals. College can be stressful because of society, family, peers, just wanting to fit in etc. People can be pushed into a career not of their choosing and it’s frustrating to deal with or someone may start their career at a late age, where they have kids and bills, therefore having to work and go to school at the same time. People can get depress very easily in college and having active minds can definitely help them. I also think Active Minds should be in High School to help with the bullying, mental disorders etc.