Author Archives: Maria Ramos

LiveWell Session

Incorporating 4 cups of vegetables into my diet has not been easy. I am definitely trying my best and will continue doing so. In relation to exercising and managing stress, I am hoping to be at the maintenance stage by the end of the semester. Good luck to everyone!

Active Minds

After thoroughly going through the Active Minds website, I found many resources college students can make use of. In addition, what I found most interesting was why this program was started. Active Minds brings on awareness and  vital resources/ services to those whom suffer from mental health issues. It shows them: they are not alone, there are others out there who can relate.

LiveWell Session 1

The LiveWell program seems to be a great program to better an individual in various levels. I am excited to get started on it and build better eating habits. I enjoy working out and seeing progress. I do not see the results I would like to see due to my bad eating habits, but I intend to work very hard in that area. I look forward to this journey and can truly say I’ll make a conscious effort to watch what I eat.

Until next time, best of luck to everyone.

—Maria Ramos—