Author Archives: Angel

Livewell Post 3

Continuing to eat healthy and gain weight the proper way. Protein shake contains 1 cup of 2% milk, 1 cup of oatmeal, 2 scoops of protein,  and 4 tbsp of peanut butter.

Live Well Session 2

After completing the 2nd Live Well session, I have noticed that I still do not consume enough greens and fruits on a daily basis. I have tried to help to change that by purchasing more fruits on the weekends and bringing them to work with me to eat as a snack or with my lunch. Also, I have begun to prioritize a bit more with my school assignments and save money in order to help deal with financial and school related stress. So far, it does help to pick apart a large task and complete it in smaller subsections rather than look at it as a whole.

Live Well Session 1

I tried to answer all the questions honestly and most realistic to how an average day goes for me. I realized I do not do much of any Cardio workout but I do weight train and I am conscious about what I eat. The biggest issue I face in regards to health is being able to deal with stress efficiently. The biggest stress inducing challenge I have is financial but I do have people I can speak to about it and help surpass any challenges. Unfortunately, financial stress may not go anywhere any time soon so I must find a way to deal with it in a healthy manner.