William Shakespeare statue



  1.  The statue of poet William Shakespeare is located on where I took the photograph located on the South end of the Mall/Literary Walk, at East 66th Street. This enormously standing portrait was made by John Quincy Adams Ward
  2. 2. The commemoration of William Shakespeare statue in New York City’s Central Park was built in 1864 to celebrate the three hundredth anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth. The southern end of the Mall in Central Park is often referred to as “Literary Walk.” William Shakespeare is being highly honored as one of the most widely read English authors, but also one of the most easily recognizable, with his beard, mustache, and oblong shaped head. As a result, he has been commemorated and memorialized throughout New York City.
  3. 3. My reflections regarding William Shakespeare’s statue is that it grab my attention that th environment where the sculpture is situated it’s very relaxing environment, I was surprise to find out that The sculpture was donated by the citizens of New York, led by a committee to honor the 300th anniversary of the birth of the poet and dramatist in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. Shakespeare is one of four sculptures by Ward in Central Park.

Venus de Milo – Parth Patel

This statute was in Paris, France. Me and my high school friends had gone to Europe after graduating high school. This picture was taken 2 years ago, located at The Louvre. One of the biggest museum in the world and holds many different historic monuments.

The sculpture was build between 130-100 BCE about a Greek goddess of love and beauty. The sculpture was found accidentally by Yorgos Kentrotas a young farmer in 1820. The hand of the goddess was lost during the discovery of the sculpture. The sculpture was founded buried unground, in the city of Milos. The significance of this sculpture is not only that it is an actual goddess, but instead that the sculpture was found a hundred years after it was made. In such condition, representing the history of the ancient greek culture. Which is why, to this day this sculpture sits in the biggest museum in the world with such high regards.


The significance of this statue is something i do not need to say, it speaks for itself. In my opinion everyone should go to Paris and visit this museum.  I think the Greeks are very proud to see a work of art being represented in the biggest museum in the world. Essentially, i was shocked to find out that a statue can survive over 100 years and still be in such good condition. Granted that the marble that the artist used was very strong and expensive, regardless it is still a miracle. This statue represents the history of the Greeks and there talent.

Washington Irving


  1. This head statue is of Washington Irving, located on 40 West 16 Street Irving Place.
  2. Washington Irving was an American author. He’s known for his writing of “The legend of Sleepy Hallow”. This statue is part of Washington Irving High School. It was an all-girl school back in 1902 with eleven floors. The school commemorates him for his writings. The school recently closed this past June as the last class graduated in 2015. The school remains open under a few different names.
  3. I graduated from Washington Irving High School in 2011. This statue always reminds me of the times I’ve had in the school and as well as the great stories I have read by Washington Irving. The picture did not come out so great because it was barricaded inside. I am assuming because the school was shut down and just remains open under a different name they will possibly remove the head statue.


Korean War Memorial



  1. This photograph was taken in Battery Park.
  2. This statue is commemorating the soldiers in the military who were involved in the North Korean War which started June 25th, 1950. This memorial is dedicated to all the nations who participated from all around the world. The statue has flags all around the granite are to give dedication to the countries involved as well.
  3. I liked the way it is structured. When I took the picture someone left a teddy bear and flowers in the front of the statue to show the appreciation people have towards the people who participated in this war.


Giovanni da Verrazano


  1. This photograph was taken at Battery Park.
  2. The Statue is of Giovanni da Verrazano who was an Italian explorer and navigator. The statue was built on October 9th Verrazano was born as Castello Verrazano in a town named Greve near Florence, Italy. Verrazano is being commemorated for his travels in being the first to stumbling into the New York Bay in 1524. He was in search of the Pacific Ocean and the Far East.
  3. I like how the sculpture is. The way Verrazano is posed showing that he is a man in control. I did not like that the statue is enclosed with in gates possibly for construction purposes.


The Immigrants Memorial


  1. This image was taken at Battery Park.
  2. The statue represents the diversity of immigrants who have came to the United States. The statue reads “dedicated to the people of all nations who entered America through Castle Garden. In Memory of Samuel Rudin.” Rudin is the son of Jewish immigrants who came to the United States though Castle Garden. Rudins father bought his first property in 1905, a three story brown stone located on 153 E 54th street then advising his children to never sell the property and purchase buildings surrounding it. Rudin founded the Rudin Management Company which deals with leasing and managements of businesses. At his death, his children created a foundation in honor of Samuel and May Rudin.
  3. This statue symbolizes all the immigrants who have came into this country. My parents came into the United States as immigrants, my father from Cuba and my mother from the Dominican Republic. I understand the struggle immigrants go through to survive in NYC. The statue show people just looking as if they are wandering and some even praying as if their prayers were answered in coming here. This definetly gives off a strong message on how immigrants came and especially how they feel just by face expressions.


East Coast Memorial


  1. This photograph was taken at Battery Park.
  2. The statue of the eagle and the walls with names on them honors the 4,601 missing American soldiers from the Navy who lost their lives battling in the Atlantic Ocean during World War II. The eagle has the dates of 1941-1945 representing the times the war was going on. The walls with the names are to commemorate all of the soldiers who passed in a special way. There are a total of six walls with names in both front and back of them. The eagle is facing the direction of the Statue of Liberty which makes it more symbolic to the American people. President John F. Kennedy and the federal government were the persons who funded this commemoration.
  3. This statue and the walls with every single soldier who passed is a very strong message. These people fought for America to be what it is today. These World Wars were important eras in U.S history.

Isaiah Sheffer


  1. I took this photo right up the block from the elementary school I went to, PS.75. This is Symphony Space, a performing arts center located on West 95th street and Broadway.
  2. Isaiah Sheffer is being commemorated after this place because he was the co-founder along with Allan Miller. Symphony Space was created in 1978. “Isaiah transformed a crumbling building on the corner of 95th Street and Broadway into the vibrant arts institution known today as Symphony Space” as said on the Symphony Space Website 
  3. Personally I feel like its only right for the place to be commemorated after Isaiah Sheffer, after all he pretty much built this place from scratch.

Dorothy Haase- Jehovah’s Witnesses under Soviet Rule


  1. This is a uniform of Jehovah’s Witnesses who spent time in a Soviet Union labor camp.  This was found in the Watchtower building 25 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn, NY, in the display “A People for Jehovah’s Name: Archives.)
  2. This was to commemorate Jehovah’s witnesses who were imprisoned in Soviet labor camps during the Cold War.  They are being honored because of how brave they were to stand up to men like Stalin who said he would “Stamp out Jehovah’s Witness name from all of Russia.”  Even though their preaching work was under ban during the Soviet rule they continued to so by any means they could.  They would write and publish literature in their own homes and had portable printing presses that they would have to hide in their homes in order to protect themselves from Soviet Officers.  Sometimes though they would be caught and sentenced to Russian labor camps.  Many times after they finished serving their sentence they would resume the work they did before.  They are honored because many died in the labor camps, some lived to their old age but have died recently and they showed great faith and showed devotion to their cause.
  3. Again this was a faith strengthening commemoration to me.  Not a lot of people would go to the lengths that these men and women did in order to fulfill what they believed was the duty they owed to their God. They did this fully knowing that they could be thrown in jail, some risked, therefore, time away from their families.  Yet, when you read their personal experiences, all say that they regret nothing and it strengthened their relationship with their God.  They all went through really hard times and yet they stayed positive and strong.  It was very moving to read their experiences and I was amazed by what they did.

Odessa Steward


  1. I took this picture in my neighborhood; this is the street I live on.
  2. The person being commemorated in this picture is a woman that lived in my building. Her name is Odessa Steward. She is was known for all the things she has done for everyone in the neighborhood. This isn’t the safest area, yet she always organized meetings on how we can work together to make the area better so we can all feels safer, such as the “Neighborhood Watch” where groups of people would volunteer to sit on a desk in the lobby of each of the buildings until a certain time. Of course that didn’t last long because not that many people volunteered, but she also organized Halloween and Christmas parties and used to put up decorations and lights. She always tried to keep everyone in the neighborhood together. 103rd street, the street she lived on, was renamed in honor of Odessa Steward.
  3. This Street event happened 5 years ago and I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was on my way home from school and i was so happy to see this. This women had a beautiful heart and she will always be remembered.