USS Maine National Monument – Columbus Circle (Central Park, NY)



The USS Maine National Monument is located by the Merchant’s Gate to Central Park (southwest corner) at Columbus Circle.  The Maine Monument is one of the largest monuments in Manhattan. It was build from 1901 to 1913 to honor the 261 crew members on the USS Maine battleship who died when their ship exploded in 1898 in the Havana harbor. Construction of the Maine Monument started in 1901 and the monument was finally dedicated twelve years later. The names of those who died are chiseled in the pylon.

In the first photo above you can see the female figure who is Columbia Triumphant (bronze figure) it is said that the statue was cast from metal recovered from the Maine’s guns. The Monument consists of many figures symbolizing the triumph of the country’s navel power. Such as the Columbia Triumphant, riding a sea chariot pulled by three sea horses. At the base of the ship’s prow protrudes from the pylon is a young boy raising his arms. In his hands he held wreaths symbolizing victory and peace (but they were stolen).

Allegorical statues are shown resting against the left and right side of the monument. In the second photo is the back of the monument where a female figure with closed eyes representing justice. Behind her stands the figure of peace with on her right a man and on her left a woman with her child, respectively representing courage and fortitude.

I underlined all the specific nouns describing the USS Maine National Monument. It wasn’t until I casually went to Columbus Circle that I realized there was a huge Monument at the entrance of the park. After receiving the assignment I remembered about I took photos in front of it in the summer of 2015 without knowing the history being the statue. I never realized that the Monument was so large, that each side symbolized various strengths. Here is a link of the early construction of the Maine Monument:





Strawberry Fields – Central Park, NY





My buddy, Phil and I have been wanting to visit Strawberry Fields for years and this assignment was a perfect excuse to roam around New York City and explore Central Park. I’ve attached three photos, one at the “Strawberry Fields” sign which is placed at the entrance of the park, a horribly dark photo with the “Imagine” mosaic covered with flowers and candles celebrating 35 years after the death of John Lennon.  And third photo is of art by local street artists located in the field selling prints of original Beatles and John Lennon photos.

This tranquil spot was named after one of The Beatles well known songs “Strawberry Fields Forever” and is placed in a section dedicated to a member of the Beatles, John Lennon. It is a living memorial to world famous singer, songwriter, and peace activist, John Lennon. Who was one of the four members of The Beatles. Also, the “Imagine” mosaic is named after a song he had written, also very popular. “The teardrop shaped region was re-landscaped by the Central Park Conservancy with the help of landscape architect Bruce Kelley and a generous $1 million donation from Yoko Ono.”

Sadly, John Lennon was shot and killed in 1980.  His body was cremated at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. His wife, Yoko Ono scattered his ashes in Strawberry Fields. The Beatles, old English rock band from the 1960’s, are still known to be one of the most popular and legendary musical acts in the world.

One of the greatest perks of living in New York City is the ability to take a train and visit historic places with amazing history. Upon entering the park a sense of peace and calmness took over me and was surrounded by people quietly listening to a man on the guitar strumming a Beatles tune. I’ll definitely be visiting the flowered park more often. The park is so beautiful that is it too difficult to put into words. I suggest everyone to visit this extraordinary and iconic park.


Below please find youtube links for the two Beatles songs:




Rufus King Park – King Manor Museum and Park in Jamaica



I work close-by Queens County – NYC Civil Court and every morning on my way to work I pass Rufus King Park. If it wasn’t for Professor Donsky’s “How decedents are honored…” assignment I would not have thought of looking up who this park was named after. Since then I’ve taken a great interest in researching landmarks and monuments I pass by daily. Also, the steel picket fence surrounding the property entrance displays the words from the Preamble of the Constitution

The photos were taken in front of the Rufus King Park, inside the park you will find the Rufus King Manor Museum & Park located Jamaica Ave and 153rd Street, Jamaica, NY 11432. The entire park is just over 11 acres wide. Here is a link to more photos of the premises:

Rufus King (1755-1827) was a lawyer, statesman and farmer and the park was once his home. He was “the son of a wealthy lumber merchant from Maine, he graduated from Harvard in 1777. King suspended his law studies to serve in the Revolutionary War in 1778. Two years later, King was admitted to the bar in Massachusetts. He served as a member of the Confederation Congress from 1784 to 1787, where he introduced a plan that prevented the spread of slavery into the Northwest Territories. King was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, and made his most famous contribution to American history as a framer and signer of the Constitution.” “Descendants of King’s family lived in the house until 1896 when Rufus’ granddaughter Cornelia King died and sold the house to the Village of Jamaica. When Jamaica, along with the western half of Queens County was annexed by New York City in 1898, the house and the property were turned over to the New York City Parks Department which re-designated the land as “Rufus King Park.”

The house and ground were bought by the Village of Jamaica to be used as a park, and later a city park. King Manor has operated as a museum since 1900. The house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the house and park are designated New York City landmarks. The manor contains a library which includes three build-in floor to ceiling bookcases. The shelves hold books and senate records. King Manor Museum is open on a regular basis for tours, educational programs, and community events.

Been meaning to look up who Rufus King was for awhile since I walk past the park every morning and glad I finally did, mainly because of this assignment. The 11.5 acre land was given to the town of Jamaica for $50,000. It’s amazing how much history we walk past everyday unknowingly. Based on my research, he seemed like a noble man, fought in the revolutionary war, delegate on the constitutional convention, introduced a plan to help prevent the spread of slavery, and signed the constitution.

As per New York City government parks website, the parks Commissioner just announced on a $2.2M in improvements to Rufus King Park. See website link: