Journal Entry #1 Company Overview




THE POINT CDC (Community Development Corporation) is located at 940 Garrison Ave, Bronx, NY 10474. To reach there, we can take the 6 train to Hunts Point Avenue or the Bx6 bus at Jerome Avenue and 161 street (Yankee Stadium) to Hunts Point Avenue. This organization is on the corner of Garrison and Manida but the entrance is on Manida Street. It is a small organization with like 40 employees, and as it happened to me, people get lost because the main entrance is not visible from the walking area.

The Point at Manida St




THE POINT is public. It is profitable for small groups or agencies that come from different places to show their events to the community. For example, TATS CRU the graffiti artists who turned professional muralists have their studio there. Therefore, most of the time there is auditions and workshops open to the community in the South Bronx from other different small agencies.





THE POINT primary business focus on Youth Development, Arts and Culture, and Community Development of the South Bronx neighborhood. This organization offers after-school and summer programming for young people in grades 1-12. THE POINT opens its door in 1994 and began working with local residents to strengthen its neighborhood until now. During that time, THE POINT began responding to a community in crisis. Therefore, it’s customer still are the local residents and small agencies.

Within the organization, I work in the department of Graphic Designer and Web maintenance. Two recent articles about THE POINT is Mind’s Empowered and Free Hunts Point Wifi. Mind’s Empowered is a program offered for people from ages 14-21 who want to become a change maker in their communities when domestic violence happens. On the other hand, Free Hunts Point Wifi is a network project to provide resilient back-up in the event of an emergency. Currently, will provide free Wi-Fi to the community. Therefore, this is another program offered to become a digital steward.