Reflection 1

COMD 3503                                                                                                                 Sept 11, 2018

Prof. Marianna

Miguel Santos

Reflection one: First Day of Class

My first thought when I sign up for this class, Topics in Graphic Design is that I will learn all the resources about this field. In a broad context, I am expecting to receive a lot of important information that will be new to me and useful. Therefore, on the first day of class, I had learned about important trendsetter on the field. Also, the role of a Graphic Designer, and the difference between Art and Design. As expected, I already should know some information by now but I was surprised that I had forgotten many things.

I learned the word trendsetter. In my own words, I can say it is a person that starts a new idea that identifies that person for the rest of their life. In other words, is to create something as a symbol at the perfect time. For example, the slogan of 1977 “I love NY” by Milton Glaser. The use of the heart at the time impact people, agencies, and society because Milton did what he was feeling to change the present and people connects to that. Another trendsetter that I knew but I forgot is Stefan Sagmeister who create the AIGA Detroit poster. He decides to break the rules, stepping out of the box creating the design of words on people’s bodies. In other words, Sagmeister is saying that art is not a crime and he can do whatever he wants. One more trendsetter that I learn about in class is Paula Scher, famous for her style on albums cover and branding. After the class discussion, I personally feel more connected to what’s going on in the industry. It is refreshing receiving information that keeps us aware of what’s going on.

No one can be a graphic designer without design principles. I relate myself to this statement in class. The design principles are the base of any composition. While my classmates share their opinions, I started visualizing works that I had done that include design principles such as hierarchy, balance, color theory, and repetition. I felt very happy at the moment because is a reminder to me “I am a graphic designer” and my work is evidence, I know I can do better. I learn that a lot of times working for a company is to design on brand but is not challenging. However, it will teach me a lot of things. This will help me in the future as of where do I want to work. My role as a graphic designer is to inform people and communicates ideas visually, work will come in a variety of ways and I have been creative and flexible.

Equally Important, I learned the benefits of determining my final output with a client. In other words, an agreement or a contract that state budget and time. This will be a time saver, a stable way to start a project with the fair and right attitude. One benefit is that we can have a deadline right at the way and that meantime management. Also, I can make an agreement with the client for the quantity and budget before I start working. This means that the client will know the final outcome of the agreement before he judges it at the final version. It is like having a planner which is very useful. In the process, I will need to teach the client everything I’m doing in the design in a way that can be understood by a viewer.

As discussed in class, Art and Design are very different. Art is the expression that makes us feel and take action on what we are looking at. On the other hand, Design is to inform and communicate a message with the purpose to sell an idea or product. When I create a painting my emotions are more involved than when I create a design. Those emotions can reflect being happy, sad, angry, lonely, protesting or being in love. However, when I design my purpose is for the viewer to get the message fast and clear. In other words, I am the seller of the ideas.

My expectations about Topics in Graphics Design are met on the first day of class. I am very pleased to know that a lot of resources about the industry and opportunities are coming next that I didn’t know before. For example, information about design studios, opportunities for freelancing, salary, and types of jobs. In this field, I am interested in becoming a Graphic Designer who does a little bit of everything dealing with the advertising industry. I feel that out there in the workplace are a lot of doors that I may not see now but this class will help me see it.  This class will inform, prepare me for future outcomes upon graduation.