Author Archives: Jnei K

Project 3 -Step 5 Deliver by Jā€™nei Kelly

My final collage was my face after being surprised ,I chose to show this feeling by using what moves on my face the most when Iā€™m shocked .First I used the differences in contrast to create an eye catching eye since I wanted it to be my focal point because my eyes go big first and my eyebrows raise up .Then I moved my mouth around to show a jaw drop because the second thing to move when surprised is the jaw .The third thing I did was use grayscale to show the differences in my nose after a surprise because of the sharp breath I took when surprised.Lastly I used my hair raised up because when I think surprised I also think goosebumps and the hair on the back of your neck raising but all over your body

Project 1 ā€œLost and Found ā€œ Jā€™nei Kelly

Angela is running to get her student Id before the office closes,but first she had to print out her schedule at the library and did you know they wonā€™t let you print without an ID .Admist her conundrum an advisor helped her out by printing out her schedule for her .While running back to the first floor to get the office she tripped on her own shoe and jolted torward a vending machine .She didnā€™t fall into it but her schedule paper fell under the vending machine.Angela didnā€™t make it to the office by the time she moved the paper stealing machine

A piece of scrap paper on the ground ,well at least now it is .Before it shouldā€™ve been a essay,or a drawing ,or a scribble of the next big cartoon .But now itā€™s just paper crumbled on the ground that means someone gave up on it .Yet this photo came to be and itā€™s helping someone .Maybe not the originator of the crumbled paper cause that tree went to waste ,maybe not the person who had to cut the tree or make the paper either ,definitely not whoever bought the papers .But in the end it helped someone and fulfilled its duty

Over 25 years ago ,the first got milk ad was created by Aaron Burr and since then milk has been a staple in the American diet due to the popularity of that ad and brand .This photo represents the end product of decades work of milk ads.It shows the meaning of the slogan ā€œGot Milkā€ by showing a spilled drink .Thus bringing a customer in to buy by the cultivation of years of advertising with just a sign of spilled milk .

A snowy mountain runs through a cycle of evaporation ,transpiration,condensation,Precipitation. No matter what and that cycle will never change .Same thing with the Sun ,itā€™ll always rise in the North and set in the South .But what do you think would happen if the sun were to reverse,or if the cycle mixed itself up .Would a new ecosystem come to light ?Would snow turn black ?would the shadow on the dark side of the mountain disappear ?or would it live on the other side ?

Long ago,this school had a teacher who gave his all to his students and was highly respected.They hung a photo of him in the hall and it was a symbol of his dedication to education.Since his work here was done many years had past and with each and every year his story became less important and wasnā€™t remembered by many students or faculty.So when the photo of the once prestigious teacher fell all that remained was the remnants of the tape that held it up .

A black spot in the white paint .Was it there before and never fixed ? Clearly wasnā€™t important enough enough to be changed or painted over.Maybe it got ripped off by tape or just scraped by a unknowing janitor.Could be that the white paint was under the black spot ? and every got painted but this one place ?Does it hold that much significance?Was it hidden by an important poster or photo or plaque? Which came first ,the chicken or the egg?