Tag Archives: blogging

Wrapping up the online documentation project, and presentations next week!

Today in class we established the order of class presentations that take place next week:

Monday, December 16:


*there will be time in class for group work on Monday, 12/18*

Wednesday, December 18:





Don’t forget, your very last blogging assignment, originally due on Monday 12/9, is due by Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m.: please comment on a classmate’s blog post or on 2 different blog posts, totaling 100 words. Remember that the self and group evaluations are a required part of the online documentation project; each person is responsible for both a self and group evaluation, which must be emailed to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18. See the guidelines for specific information about the self and group evaluations.

If you have questions about the online documentation project or the group presentation, please get in touch, and don’t wait until Sunday night!

Good luck, everyone.

~Prof. Leonard

Your last blogging assignment, and our last class meetings

Your very last blogging assignment is due by Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m.: please comment on a classmate’s blog post or on 2 different blog posts, totaling 100 words.

On Wednesday 12/11 we’ll establish the order in which presentations will take place during the final class meetings, December 16 and 18. If any groups wish to rehearse presentations in A543 in advance, please contact me with a few possible dates and times that work for all in your group and we’ll work something out.

Remember that the self and group evaluations are a required part of the online documentation project; each person is responsible for both a self and group evaluation, which must be emailed to me by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18. See the guidelines for specific information about the self and group evaluations.

~Prof. Leonard

My Research Path

The topic i choose is very broad and it can be narrowed down to different subtopics. I don’t expect  many difficulties in the continuation of my research. What concerns me as of now is how to narrow down my topic and which path to choose. I expect to find more articles about my topic as well as media coverage. Putting together all of my research will be rather challenging and how to express all that information into a 6-8 page paper. In my opinion my topic would cover more than the required pages but my objective is to find many opinions on the topic as well as many articles to try to compare them to answer my research question in full detail.

Research proposal difficulties

Choosing a topic was difficult enough for me but when it come to narrowing it down and trying to get the information needed to write this 5 to 8 page paper will be even harder. But thanks to Badke I am able to narrow down and find the information that i will need when I try to search it in the frustrating search engines. Now i can use different strategies like using the word and, or, not to find the proper info i need for my research topic. Probably the most difficult part for me would be the annotated bibliography because it would be my first time in doing it.

Is the search engine a good thing or a bad one?

We use the internet search engine to look up information that we need to complete our work, projects, or find the knowledge that we are looking for. But sometimes we dont get what we are looking for. Sometimes we get things that are related to what we are looking for but not exactly what we are looking for. But thats because we dont make use of the advance search options that are provided with the search engines that are provided to us, for example something like google and their advanced search options. If we were to use the advanced search options we would have a better and easier time finding what we need.

Information leads to knowledge which leads to power or a felony

Its funny how people say that “Knowledge is power” which makes other people want to gain more knowledge(hopefully), but when we want to gain knowledge there is always an obstacle in your path when we try to gain or pursue it. In “Aaron Swartz: Opening Access to Knowledge” the article explains how Mr.Swartz wanted to share information with everyone that can give them knowledge but people would have to subscribe(such a horrible word these days, makes you cringe right?) to a digital library such as JSTOR. Mr.Swartz wanted to share this information and he did, but when he did somehow under vague wire-fraud and computer-abuse laws, he was charged with 13 felony offenses(and here I thought sharing was caring).

Why cant information just be free? Why is it that we the consumers must pay to receive information that can one day help us? 

Oct 2nd Hw: Plagiarism

Plagiarism is something that we as readers are unaware of until we notice a sentence or quote that belonged to another author or until we go looking up similar novels and find out that the author we just read from took the ideas of a different author of a different book or article. To me plagiarism is taking someones words or writing word for word and claiming it as your own. But writers tend to take other writers ideas or thoughts and tend to “alter” them and make them their own. I would not call that plagiarism, as long as the writer who took the other writer’s ideas and thoughts and not copied it word for word.


From The Aggressive yet comical point the articles and videos stood in defense of i would have to disagree . they spoke on how copy rights aren’t fair and are a choke hold. on the contrary i believe that copy writes are good and stand in place for the majority. if i had work out there and someone was to create something off my idea i want a type of intensive of any form not always money but recognition for your creation,because i helped to make it what it is. it sucks for the deep thinkers and the time spent doing these things and someone else to claim that its thiers and that they did it and i stand on the side of the law with my best foot forward

Sept 18th HW – Zines

Zines used to be a strictly underground culture phenomenon, but with an estimated 20,000 zines in existence it is now a significant part of the American cultural landscape. The word “zine” comes from the Arabian word “makhazin”—the plural of “makhzan,” meaning storehouse. Also zines are self-published prints by one or more people which can contain a massive amount of information and creativity based on the topic the person or people chose to talk or print about. According to the text “A zine is produced for purer, personal reasons—the only demand it supplies comes from the creator’s imagination and not the marketplace”. My question is what kind of personal material would people put into zines? Why would that specific material be important enough to share it with the community?

Small voice in loud noisy media (Group)

ZinesMedia has the ability to spread a message globally at an incredible speed. Even in outer space a message is sent to communicate knowledge of exsistence. With this acceleration of delivering media comes a high price. The cost not only has a high monetary expense,  but also a cost of media control. The fact is that media is dominated by giant corporations and drown out the voice of people with less finances. The scale is tilted giving small communities or individuals less voice in spreading new ideas. This has caused underground zine readings to act as an output for groups or people with opinions. This alternative media has allowed new thoughts to be spread without being edited. Small publications have been published for many years, eventually leading to being called zines. Self published readings carry personal ideas, rebelling against mainstream media. Giving people power to speaking their voice.

Other types of alternative media?
Will zines ever go commercial?
How important is the word zine?Can zine communities be compared to earlier stages of information being guarded like gate keepers?
How reliable is a zine?How important is freedom of information?
Would you make and read zines?
Are we living in the “reel” world or the “real” world?