Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Week 1 group post (Page 1 of 3)

Group 7 Week 1 Group Post Community Agreement

Group  Members present: Christopher W., Irin Y., Regina V., Jianfei Z. 

Group 7’s discussion was a bit slow moving in the beginning, but once one person spoke up, the conversation flowed and our tasks were completed. The words we found meaningful within the community agreement were “meaningful” and “empowering.” We felt that “afford[ing] others the same courtesy and respect that you’d want extended to you” could’ve been added.

Our agreement was the aforementioned addition to the community agreement; afford others the same courtesy and respect that you’d want extended to you in return.” 

Group 1 Week 1 Group Post- Community Agreement

Members that were present:

 Eduardo Berroa-Wisky

Zanab Alawlaqi

Aleem Ahmed

Mamadou S Bah

Brygetee Al-Shawkani

As a group, we believed the most important part about the community agreement to be the words “patient” and empowering”. We decided these two words best described what the group should be about. A sentence we decided would be a great addition to the community agreement was, “As students we will keep an open mind and respect one another’s ideas and thoughts”. 

Group agreement:At the beginning of every study session we will create a google doc that the entire group will have access too and at the end of the meeting we will decide who will be the secretary for that week. Everybody will take a turn.We created a group chat on Whatsapp because it would be much faster than utilizing email. If a person must miss a session we can inform the person of what they missed through the group chat. We can make sure that we are all on the same page and ask each other questions on topics we don’t understand so that we don’t fall behind. We can go out of our way to involve a member of our group if we notice they aren’t participating, the reason might be they don’t know what’s going on, so we can try to get them up to speed. Another way we can make our group members feel safe contributing is by actively listening and agreeing with what they are saying. Contemptible disdain, hate and disrespect are not welcome here. As a group, we are entitled to respect and let’s treat each other with patience and compassion by listening to each other, not to ignore and belittle one another. We as a group have the privilege to communicate, ask without hesitation, show and compare our work (not by plagiarizing). If a member of the group believes the community agreement is out of date or needs an addition to it, they can bring it up to the rest of the group and we can all talk about it and add it with open minds.

Group 4 Week 1 Group Post – Community Agreement

-Member’s Present: Brandon, Jeffrey, Jessica, Michael, Ryan

The first three words that we found meaningful were joyful,meaningful and empowering. We all agreed that these words were the most meaningful because of the positivity of the words. The most important line of the class community agreement was “You will be challenged and supported.” We found this line the most important because throughout the course there will be many challenges but as a group and as a class we will support each other and overcome difficult circumstances. A line that we would add to the community agreement would be “We will be determined and strive through this course” 

For our class community agreement every week the secretary post will be completed together. We will be in contact with each other through discord and whatsapp. If someone has to miss a study group we will catch the person up on the work and let them know what they have to do. We will support each other’s learning by helping each other out with any question we may not know how to answer and by also studying together. We will make sure everyone feels like their contributions matter by including any contributions they make into our secretary report and we will make sure everyone feels safe about their contributions by not judging anything others contribute. We will respect each other by letting each other speak their mind. We will decide on updates to our community agreement by coming together and deciding if there will be any changes.

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