Professor Kate Poirier | OL33 | Spring 2021

Category: Week 1 group post (Page 2 of 3)

Group 3 Week 1 group post-community agreements

Groups Members :Cristofer Martinez, Omesh Persaud, Daron Roye, Vickram Goukarran, Pegdwende Ouedraogo

The Three words that were most impactful to us in the community agreement was Challenged, Active, and Generous.

  • Challenged: Taking on difficult task or problems and working as group or individuals to solve it
  • Active: Having a active environment within our groups , as well in class
  • Generous: Being kind to each other and supporting each other opinion and respect each other.

The sentence in the community agreement that was most meaningful to our group is “Please be prepared to take an active, critical, patient, and generous role in your own learning and that of your classmates“. We think this is most meaningful to us because we see in classes we take that we learn at our own pace and that we respect how we learn and we are active within to help other to understand the topic or the lesson. The group suggestion to add a sentence to the community agreement is “As we continue throughout this semester, it is important to keep in mind about the integrity and its importance in this class.”

Our secretary is set in stone and is responsible for turning in group assignments and notes. We will contact each other by means of email, discord and utilizing each other’s phone number. If somebody misses the session for a valid reason, we will contact them, show them the missed work, and also be flexible with the time we will begin our group sessions. We won’t judge anyone’s opinions and give suggestions or advice that will improve their understanding. To ensure that everyone feels safe contributing to the group, we will give positive thoughts and logic reasoning that support their idea. Depending on how the semester is going, we will decide if the community agreement needs to change or updated.

Group 2 Week 1 group post- community agreements

Present group members: Owen, Henry, Paa, Redon.

Group 2 had a very productive first meeting. We created a Discord group where we will remain in touch during the week. We also discussed about the community agreement that was provided to us and we built more on that. 3 of the words that we found the most meaningful were:

Patience: Being patient and listening to each other’s ideas and solutions to certain problems that we will come across during the course.

Active: Having an active role in our studies will ensure we do well in this class.

Effort:  Putting in the effort like studying will ensure that you will do great in exams.

Another sentence that we thought would be a good fit for this community agreement is “We will try our best to help those in the group to understand calculus.”

The following is our own community agreement that we discussed thoroughly.

 During these group sessions we will create a comfortable environment where we can discuss ideas and solutions to our problems. We will take turns in selecting a secretary and we will remain in contact during the days that we do not have class. If someone is to miss one of the Wednesday classes, we will help that person as best as we can so he/she can remain on track. Teamwork and patience will be the key to success in this group

Group 6 group post – community agreements

The members who were present were David.H, Albert Sanchez, and Daniel J Pena Batista.

We discussed about how the the agreement on how it made us think that the class will take effort and dedication to get through it and learn the material. Our own agreement is to have each others back to help each other when we need help with problems. One of the members may have dropped the class (Emanuel P.)

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