Hw #4

Food is the most important thing in our  life.Without it, the living organisms could not function. For many people, food is also an described pleasure, ritual that accompanies mankind since its inception.Our life, faith, tradition for centuries, focused around food and the table.Nowadays, we often forget that eating meals is a ritual, part of the tradition.
The table has always been a place to meet, talk, exchange ideas. Common supper, not only on holidays, was the basis for the functioning of many families,regardless of their social status. Now rigid working hours each of the household often do not allow for the survival of the common. Often meals are eaten quickly and without having to pay attention to what you like. However, I think food brings people together. Tradition dictates eating meals together with your loved ones, these daily and receptions suchus wedding ,communion, birthdays etc. I used to work as a server in catering company and I noticed that food can communicate status at parties especially weddings. People like to show off , spent a lot of money. Many people forgot what is the purpose of this kinds of events. It’s not about how much money you spent it’s all about how wonderful time you can have with your relatives.People should not give up so so simple and meaningful traditions , it gives you the ability to create close relationships with people.


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HW 4: Food and Status in History

I believe food has become a significant part of people’s lives and it helps in bringing them together. Food promotes diversity and tolerance because it is a universal language that brings all different cultures close. Therefore, dining is an important part of any event such as weddings, birthday celebrations, business meetings, and even everyday family dinners. Especially nowadays, it has become a tradition that gives us the opportunity to gather, share, connect with other people and present ourselves to them over food. The preparation of food also helps bring people together and it is often one of the traditional experiences that bind family generations together.image

Homework #4 Food welcomes you!

From before time and after food has always been a welcoming to everyone from poor to middle class and to rich food brings people together. Food shows significant signs after watching the video of king Louie  I was actually stun seeing how many things were brought to him from his people and the manner it was given. It showed me that food can be given in royal ways and also in my experience in an Arab cultural way you will receive an invitation to a person home for a welcoming and food will be serve with love passion and sweat  because the person who would make it wants your first experience at there home the best experience. Food that would be serve to guest in a Arab house held would be Maqluba which is a type of rice with potatoes noodles and lamb all in one big plate served in the middle of the dinning table. Other foods that can be done would be when someone invites you over for breakfast which would be a bunch of small portions given out in one giant tray served to everyone on the guest table. Once again food is an international word for welcome and will continue to mean welcome till there’s no more of it. Petra_metzes

Ahmet D. Homework #4

Food is an important part of any celebration for everyone, not only main events that we all hear about, more small everyday family and friend celebrations. Nowadays, everyone goes out to have dinner to have fun like trying new chefs, new cuisines, new fusion kitchens. Also all the weddings, holiday dinners, conference dinners, business dinners are the different way the present yourself and connect with others. I believe food brings people together.



homework #4

Food is almost in every single major event. You can’t have fun without eating something during that time. In the video about the king it took too many to count to serve him. It took 2 people for about five minutes to just get the music going. During my years I have noticed how food can really communicate a status especially at a wedding. A wedding is to some people the most important part of your life there for the cake has to be one of the most important choices that you make. This cake shows how food can communicate with the guests that see it. It shows character and creativity a cake that is so funny for your wedding.


wedding cake

Cheyenne Acosta: If your cake isn’t 10 feet tall, you can’t sit with us.

That excerpt was amazing to watch. So many people needed to put together a 3 course meal for one person! Just handing the King his bread took 3 people to pass it down. That was unnecessary. Well, in our society I think a good example of measuring status by food is at weddings. I’m in the middle of planning my own December wedding, so this is the first thing that popped into my head! I think the height of a wedding cake is a very good count of status. The bigger/higher the wedding cake equates to the number of guests you have. The more people at your wedding, the more well-known you are. I mean, that’s the general idea. For example, I recently came across an article of a famous Hong Kong singer/actress by the name of Angela Yeung having a $31 million wedding! Her cake had a carousel in it! A carousel! Yeung had 2,000 guests! I don’t know that many people. She beat out even Kim Kardashian’s wedding! While I’ll probably only have a wedding cake that’s a foot tall because I’ll only have about 30 guests. So, I can conclude that your wedding cake height is equal to your status in society.


Lavish: Actress, singer and model, Angelababy, married leading actor Huang Xiaoming, in an elaborate wedding in Shanghai last week

HW #3 Photographing the Texture of Food

One of the first things that you should consider when you shoot the food is that beauty is in the details.Texture plays very important rule in food photography.It impact the way food looks or tastes. I think that,People are incredibly sensitive to texture.What can texture do for a food photo? Texture can do a lot for a food photo. When we look a t food pictures. A textured background can be an important element of the overall image in food photography.Texture can enhance the quality of the image, provide it with a feeling of age, and make it interesting.

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Homework #4: Food and Status in History

Bill Brandt, Parlourmaid and Under-Parlourmaid Ready to Serve Dinner, c. 1934, from metmuseum.org

Bill Brandt, Parlourmaid and Under-Parlourmaid Ready to Serve Dinner, c. 1934, from metmuseum.org

The twentieth-century photographer Bill Brandt (1904-1983) took photographs of the servants working in wealthy households and coal miners in modest dwellings. His photographs often juxtaposed the working class and those with privilege. The images show the abundance of the upper classes, including the banker whose servants are pictured here about to serve dinner at a country home. Historically, the number of servants has long been equated to the status of the household, more help reflects greater importance. One of the most extravagant displays of status through food was the royal court of the French King Louis XIV at Versailles outside Paris. Watch an excerpt from a film by Roberto Rossellini, La Prise du Pouvoir par Louis XIV aka The Rise of Louis XIV (1966) that recreates the dinner service of Louis XIV. The excerpt is in French with English subtitles. Note how many cooks and servants are required to serve one man. In our own times, have you noticed how food can communicate status? at parties? weddings? or even picnics?  Post an example of how food can be make a social statement.

Watch the excerpt from Rossellini’s film here.



HW 3: Photographing Texture in Food

Food photography is all about texture and color. It is crucial to have a nice “feel” when looking at the image. The human eye can look at something and see details that the camera most likely can not capture so the photographer must use lighting to bring out the texture in order to make the dish look appeling and inviting. This is a picture of a Greek Moussaka – an eggplant-based dish, often including ground beef and tomatoes with cheese on top. My friend and I took this photograph while attending Smogasburg food market in Industry City Studios in Sunset Park. Moussaka has a delicious taste to it. Very tender, juicy and smooth. Grilled cheese and tomatos on top make the dish very appertizing. FullSizeRender (3)



When I thought about texture there was so many shapes, sizes and different looks of food items that I can think of but one of them that stand out to me the most was banana believe it or not. Banana is one of the most popular fruits that are known and the most eaten one I would say. When it comes to the texture of it there really not much to say about this perfect fruit since its just simple. Banana are yellow sometimes green or even brown but the shape of a banana stands out to me the most the way it is curves remind me of a boomerang for some reason. It is hard from the outside of the shell but when your are peeling the shell of the banana off it is soft and mushy with a lighter color of yellow. Bananas have a unique shape more then the texture on how it feels can be simple but the fruit it self has some unique feature but none the less bananas are my favorite fruit and they taste great.IMG_4792