HW #8: Capa’s “Death of a Loyalist Soldier”

Over the years, people have argued that Robert Capa’s “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” is a staged photograph and I can clearly see why they doubted its authenticity. In the shot,  the Spanish soldier appears to be falling back after being hit by a bullet and shot at the moment of death. It is truly amazing how Capa was able to capture that exact moment and this is a reason why it is hard for the viewers to believe that the shot was real and just captured at the right time at the right place. I personally believe Capa didn’t stage the shot. To me, the most effective reason why the photograph is real is the soldier’s position, the way he is falling back and his face expression which portrays real pain. In fact, the photographer put his own life at risk when going to the battle fields to get true photographs and document what was happening during the Spanish war. This is a photojournalism, not fake.

Homework #9: Robert Frank’s America

Robert Frank, Drugstore, Detroit, 1955-56

Robert Frank, Drugstore, Detroit, 1955-56

For this homework assignment, please watch a short video on last year’s exhibition at Stanford University’s Cantor Center for Visual Arts. The exhibition highlighted Robert Frank’s seminal photography book The Americans (1958) and the photographs that didn’t make it into the book. The book contains only 83 photos but Robert Frank took many more. The video gives you a tour of the exhibition with the curator Peter Galassi, formerly of MoMA. What do you think of the themes addressed in Frank’s photographs, do you find them artistic? bleak? or political?

Take a short tour of the Cantor exhibition on Robert Frank here. 

Please submit your posts by Monday December 14th!.

Homework #8

Looking at Robert Capa’s picture “Death of a Loyalist Soldier,” it is easy to make many assumptions. It is understandable why people think that the photo is fake, but I disagree. After reading the passage and discussing it in class, I thought about the reasons why it is not staged. Firstly, the man in the photograph’s face shows real shock and pain. No matter how many time a shot is taken, there cant be a moment that can capture true pain, which is all I see in this image. Also, Capa was known for getting into dangerous situation to take these photographs, so why lie and set this one up? In this case, I don’t believe authenticity matters because it still portrayed what soldiers were going through during these wars. If it was staged or not, it still had great impact on all who saw it.

Homework #7

Seeing how an app that was made for phone crazy adolescents can make such an impact on food photography is amazing. Food Photography is both an art and market form. Food Photography as an art is done for creative expression, just like all other types of art. On the other hand, food photography for marketing is in hopes of promoting an item or the location the item is sold. When one sees food being promoted, it is unlike the food one see in person. It is made to have people be more impulsive into buying it or tasting it. This is why it is airbrushed or edited to make the colors pop. It is all about manipulating the viewer. Food photography as an art form is more raw and pure. The food in its natural form is what should attract people. This is why food photography for marketing has a bigger impact on people. It is advertised and printed in places that can’t possibly be missed. Meanwhile, food photography as an art has to be sought out. Personally, I prefer it as an art form. I prefer things in their simplest forms.

Homework #8

First of all, once we look the photo deeply, it is easy to understand that it is not fake or staged. It shows the true loyalty. If people check his left hand is already curved and that means it doesn’t staged. He doesn’t protect himself when he was falling on the ground.  I have seen this photo before therefore, i had a chance to search it on that time. Also after reading the article, I can say the photo possibly the most famous of war photos, and also the photographer Robert Capa got a award with this photo. it is “The Greatest War Photographer in the World”.  I believe the authenticity doesn’t matter here because he was the real witness of Spanish Civil War. Therefore, this photo doesn’t staged like the death of sharpshooter that we had learned about in the class. 

Homework#8 Capa is legit!!!!

after viewing the photograph and also reading the argument of Richard whelan  it is clear to me that this war photograph taken by Robert capa  during the Spanish civil war of a fallen solider is legit and not staged at all. After reading the argument of Richard Whelan there was many significant facts that were mention by him that seems to show step by step how this photo taken of the fallen solider is real. For a man like Capa to actually witness the war and be in the same battle field as the solider seems real enough to be proven that his photo without hesitation that they are real. The authenticity of this photo does matter very much because if capa’s photo that were taken weren’t real he wouldn’t be the man he is today who know as taking war photo because a war has fight in it action in it and most importantly death in it that’s why authenticity matters in Robert capa work.

Reminder: HW #8 is due Monday 12/7 and short list for Final

pen-nibPlease remember to submit your posts to the latest homework on Robert Capa’s infamous photo “Death of a Loyalist Soldier” 1936. Also look under the slide lists section (under the ARTH Class Files tab above) for the short list to the final exam. The exam format is the same as the midterm. To refresh your memory, you can look at the format under ARTH Class Files too.

Homework #8 is due by Monday December 7th.

The final exam is on Monday December 21st at 11:30 am.

Homework #7

There are many differences from food photography for marketing and food photography for art. Food photography of art is more of a calm photo as the food is introduced with other items in the art. The art work is usually not focused on the food itself it’s just something that enhances the photo. Now with food photography in a marketing stand point the whole photo is focused on the food and barley anything else as your trying to sell the idea of the food you are presenting. Both are works of art I personally like the art version a little more as it includes  other props and items most of the time.

hw #7

The trend for photographing food became very popular . There are many reasons why people want to post their pictures on the internet. Instagram is the fastest growing social networking platform on the web, happens to be particularly successful among foodies.In those days, Instagram makes a food photographer out of everyone. The photographer can make even the most simple foods look worthy.”We eat with our eyes”.
I think photographing food can be art. Photographing food is not an art of simple and worth to her professionally prepared.There certainly is an art to food presentation. Photographers spend much time carefully calculating precisely how their food will be arranged on a plate making sure it looks oh-so-perfect.

Instagram is the perfect place for businesses of all sizes to advertiseThere are many strategies that these Instagrammers follow to be successful.There is a lot fo people who have built impressive careers starting from an influential Instagram account surely doesn’t end here. I believe it is good business. Of course, not everyone achieves success so quickly.

Ahmet D. HW # 7

After I read the article ” Food Instagrammers Turn Their Accounts Into Professions” on the Wall Street Journal, it is really amazing that how people take advantage of the technology and applications for marketing. I believe that any kind of photography can be an art. Famous instagrammers visit places and photograph some food, hired by the owners, and marketing places. Nowadays, everyone needs to take advantage on everything to be more successful and grow their business. Either an artist could photograph any kind of food and make millions and call this as an “ART” but an instagrammers photographs any type of food in a restaurant to make money or marketing and this doesn’t consider as an “ART.” Both people make money in different ways. I really don’t see the differences in between, although  I don’t look at food photographs on instagram as a marketing strategy.