Food or coffee

CM this is the food I can not live without.

Especially since I quit smoking, caramel machiatto is the only thing that keeps me up and give me an energy to get through a day. Also, caramel machiatto is what i get when I suffer from headache. I would totally understand if the soldiers chose coffee over foods, but I would choose food if I were them. It it true and I strongly believe that caffeine fuels people but without source of energy, there is nothing to fuel. “We save a piece of bread for the last, with which we wipe up everything, and then eat the dish rag.” This sentence impressed me the most through out the article because it reminds me of how my mother taught me not to waste any food. 

Civil war food and coffee

Today almost every american drinks coffee with most of their meals, especially in the morning it is like their energy boost for the day. I never really did not know what was so great about coffee that most people could not go a day without drinking. It tasted awful to me and and really did not get it. I tried it for the first and it was one of the most awful experience because it gave me a bad headache for the whole day. Nevertheless i decided to try the it again because i needed to stay awake for my morning classes and it really gave me a boost everyone morning and i never slept in my morning classes. So for soldiers in the civil war to include coffee in their daily diet is very fascinating and i can imagine the energy that it gave them because their diet was not that nutritious and hygienic. Most Americans today can go the whole day without eating anything but just drinking coffee, one of my professor told me that she can not go a day without drinking coffee she has become so addicted to this drink she could not survive without it.It is amazing to find that soldiers got their energy and boost from what most Americans are addicted to and cannot do without. One of the food that i can not live without is cake cakes. They are one of my favorite desserts and i cant go a day without eating one.

Week 2 Discussion Topic: Civil War Food and Coffee!

Union soldiers cooking dinner in camp, Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865

Union soldiers cooking dinner in camp, Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? This coming week, we will look at photography of the Civil War and the difficulties of producing photographs during war. To help better understand the conditions that photographers worked in, in this week’s blog topic we will explore what Civil War soldiers ate and their dependence on coffee. The typical food ration for a Union soldier included small amounts of meat, coffee, and hardtack (what’s hardtack? Look here to find out.) The Union side half-jokingly believed coffee helped fuel their soldiers. Meanwhile, the Confederate South suffered vast food shortages due to strong Union blockades, and resorted to unique recipes (called receipts in the 19th century) to produce coffee substitutes. Read about cooking on the battlefront and the importance of coffee (the word ‘coffee’ appears more frequently than ‘rifle’ or ‘bullet’ in Civil War diaries).

Share what you think is most fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet AND post an image of a food item that you cannot live without. You can link to a photo on the web, or take a picture!

Read about what Union soldiers ate at

Read the NYT’s article “How Coffee Fueled the Civil War” 



Taking pictures of food

I grew up in a household where electronics and gadgets are not allowed at the dinner table for any reason. Til this day i follow the same rules up to a certain point. When i go out, i ocassionally take pictures of the things that i ate . I do it in rememberance of what i ordered, so i can come back and order it again. Also to recommend the meal to family and friends so they have a visual of what they are getting. Some people become obsessive over taking pictures of food , rather then the quality and and thought of the food. While some may want to take pictures of food and call them art, i believe food is an art all in its own. Pictures are not necessary to make food art. Walking into a restaurant and seeing people with their phones out taking pictures of every songle meal that comes out is what i believe classifies obsessive. Every once in a while is okay, but continuously is too much. It shows that people arent there for the food, but more so for the photographs. I believe that food is art on its own, and can stand up to any photograph of food.imageI have posted a picture of my family at thanksgiving. I took this picture because it was for memories and to hold as a keepsake because it holds sentimental value

Taking pictures of food

Taking pictures of food is just so common now in days I think food can be creative and beautiful, a different way to express our self sometimes but, I’m not the type of person that will let my food cold down just because I’m taking pictures of it. Food is art at certain point, but i prefer to take pictures of backgrounds, every time i visit a new place i will full my phone of all i see, but food. I won’t lie I may took two or four pictures of desserts on birthdays in the past as memories of whatever happen that day or if it was a special day to me, but pictures of food is not something I’m crazy about.

Taking pictures of food

Taking pictures of food is just so common now in days I think food can be creative and beautiful, a different way to express our self sometimes but, I’m not the type of person that will let my food cold down just because I’m taking pictures of it. Food is art at certain point, but i prefer to take pictures of backgrounds, every time i visit a new place i will full my phone of all i see, but food. I won’t lie I may took two or four pictures of desserts on birthdays in the past as memories of whatever happen that day or if it was a special day to me, but pictures of food is not something I’m crazy about.

Taking Pictures of Food

Veggie Pork Rolls

This picture that I’ve posted is the first photo that I’ve taken to kickstart a series of foods that I’ve personally made in preparation for my trip to France in 2015. I envisioned the project to be a “before and after France” compare and contrast, to identify improvements in selection, taste and artistry in my food. Ambitious, one might say. I completely agree. But what I wasn’t prepared for was the difficulty of producing said photos! I didn’t realize how complicated the task really was: on top of making the food, there is the consideration for getting the right angle, light, quantity, plating…the list goes on!

Although having said such, I would have to agree with Tucker Shaw (the food critic for the Denver Post) when he said that food can evoke unique memories and emotions that no other medium can. I swear that for each food photo that I’ve posted, I can still remember those moments while preparing the meal, right to the last moment when the food was consumed; all happy times! Sharing these photos does give one a sense of connectedness, not only because food conveys a joyful language that everyone can understand, but also because it reveals something personal about the blogger that anyone willing can appreciate.

taking picture of food


Before I start my sentence, I must admit that I take pictures of food from time to time. However, I don’t like people take pictures of food in general. From my perspective, dining in at a restaurant is more about share a great moment with your accompany rather than take pictures of the food and the restaurant with small electronic device and post online to brag how amazing their lives are. I see many of my guests that are very busy posting pictures on their SNS and add comment right under them and say how happy they are to eat awesome foods with their close friends. That doesn’t mean that those guests always have good time. In fact, some of them barely even talk to their friends and they don’t always look happy.

Anyone who is actually appreciate food would want to eat it when it is at the right temperature.

Taking pictures of food

When it comes to taking selfies everyones phone is full of them but when it comes to my phone there are more pictures of food than of myself and the other parts would be of words and sayings. But food is the main thing on my phone. I love to take pictures of food when the food is well represented and well organized. I find it creative and just fun. I can almost have my own blog of food because if I go to lets say a restaurant I take pictures of everything. These pictures are memories of so much food that we have eaten all our life. I suggest everyone to do so because its part of something really fun and creative.