
For this article, it talked about how Monsanto is a monopoly that some of the corruption of how food is being made in the industry and how it impacts the food that we keep mass producing.

Some of my ideas I have is sorta show pieces falling off the potatoes and make it look like it has scares. I believe that would be effective because it really shows what food goes through in order to coexist.


To summarize this article, it basically states that Monsanto is aiming to control the agricultural industry. Currently farmers can plant only one generation of potatoes and not replant it because that would break the potato genes in production. Monsanto, instead of trying to go the organic route is going down the route of Genetic engineering and is trying to monopolize it by preventing anyone else from reproducing their method.

Certain image that come to mind would be a moldy potato that looks likes its dying. Another idea would be newborn plants in the foreground and the potato in the background.

Beats and Bose Campaign

Beats ad campaign is straight forward of what their product is. We clearly see that their products are headphones because their are feature in most of the ads. To me this campaign is mostly targeting one audience and that would be black people. Also most of the ads are profile pictures, we only see their faces but not their body expressions.

Bose ads makes you imagine or wonder what they are trying to sell. In most of the ads we do not see the product but we see the name of the brand. I feel that Bose is targeting variety of people, from people that work in loud environment to people that travel.

Foursquare vs. Yelp

The Foursquare and Yelp campaigns are similar in that they’re both humorous. The Foursquare ads use words that are different but sound similar to illustrate the different wants of the people in the ads which makes it interesting while the Yelp commercials use a particular kind of humor (showing people who are in uncomfortable situations and need a solution, that the man offers, which seems like the obvious option) to get the viewer to think similarly. Yelp is known for its reviews and there is a strong sense of trust involved while Foursquare has a much stronger social sense since you can look up places to go and then check in at these places. The audiences are different in that those looking to use Foursquare are concerned with a more social aspect than those looking to use Yelp which is more of a source for trustworthy advice.

The tone of each of the campaigns speak directly to their audiences just as the photography style does. They chose to shoot scenes in real environments but for Yelp, they make sure the actors interact with the viewer so that you can definitely relate to them. For Foursquare, the models were shot going about their lives and not looking at the camera which shows who the viewer could be if they used the app.

Beats vs Bose

Beats and Bose are two leading brands of premium headphones. Both companies are famous for their over-the-ears wireless feature for consumers who are looking for a noise canceling quality.

Beats “Hear What You Want” campaign uses a profile shot of black athletes. The company specifically target black consumers who are interested in fashionable electronics. Each shot focuses on the sleek features of the headphones to show the brands model and logo. The models used for each image are disengaged from their viewers with a contemplative expression. The background for each image is either blurred or a neutral color, which is best for the product to be a focal point. This works for the campaign to support the quality of Beats products.

Bose’s Noise Canceling campaign uses a landscape shot of visual proof to represent noise level decreasing. The company specifically targets middle-aged adults who are interested in blocking atmospheric sounds. The images show a construction worker with a jackhammer, an active child and a playful dog. All three examples are relative in the same concept for each environmental ruckus. Each photo was taken in diffused light with soft shadows. This works best for the campaign to support Bose’s noise canceling feature.

Campaign Analysis 4 – Beats and Bose

Both Beats and Bose are two leading brands of premium headphones. Beats’ “Hear What You Want” campaign is geared toward the the very people that they display in their ads – stylish individuals who are more fashion forward. Much like the name of the campaign, Beats promotes the message that you will hear only what you want to hear – your music, of course – when you are wearing their headphones. As for Bose’s Noise Canceling headphones, they are promoting that their headphones will drown out all of the excess sounds and noise around you. Judging from their photography, Bose is targeting their products towards suburban, middle classed families.

The photographic styles for each brand significantly differs due to their target audiences. Beats portrays a higher quality, high end product which is why each of their models look so focused, concentrated, clean cut, and ultimately like a boss. Beats’ headphones are not high quality like they are made out to be, so it makes sense that their ads look high quality. Bose’s ads on the other hand are conceptual unlike those of Beats. Volume is being personified through dogs, jack hammering construction workers, and badly behaved children. Each one of these things is noisy all on their own so to use them to represent a volume bar is genius. As the volume bar gets louder and louder, each person/dog reacting to the sound also gets louder and noisier.

The difference in lighting and contrast is also very evident. The Beats ads are higher contrast, well lit, much like fashion ads. The ads for Bose are more muted, mono toned, and even a bit dreary. None of the Bose ads display their product, while, two of the Beats ads do.

Beats vs Bose

When it comes to quality between the beats and the Bose headphones there about the same quality. However, in there ads they are promoting there brand in a different way. In both ads it shows a certain lifestyle and audience that the brand is encouraging. In the beats ads it shows african americans male athletes with a focused and determined expression. In my opinion its promoting people be to be more like these athletes, and that if you wear beats brand you’ll be able to be as focused as them. In the Bose ads it shows more of a family oriented people which shows multiple pictures of them at different levels which suppose to symbolize music levels. This ad. I feel like the ad. is to focus on people in a middle class background who understand stand the everyday noise that we experience.

Beats and Bose

The message of Beat’s ad campaign is to promote the headphones by using famous athletes and using glamour shots of them wearing them as well. Beats decided to take close up profile shots of their subjects in order to show the product in different lightings. Judging from the consistency in their choice of models, its safe to say that their main target audience is the African American community in the age range of young men to middle age men. The strength of the advertisement lies in the use of well known people during a time when they are still relevant, which hurts it in the long run.

The Bose ad campaign on the other hand relies on visual metaphors to get their message across. Their subjects are known for having one thing in common and that is being noisy. Each subject was shot from the front and is well lit from being shot under diffused lighting. Their intended audience is people who are fed up with loud and are looking for a way to cancel those sounds. Bose’s ads were successful because of their clever message and relating to a larger audience.

Beats and Bose


The two famous brand Beats and Bose produces a headphones. Beats by Dr. Dre is owned by Apple Inc as of today. In this “Hear What  You Want” campaign ad is showing a black sport player as models. The photographer taken in profile view to show the Beats product. I believe the brand wants to showing the quality of how the product is designed. All models looks so serious and focused because of what headline is trying to say to their consumers. The audiences are for people who needs to stay focus physical activity.


Bose campaign is showing the places where we hear loud noises of something that distracts us. By this, the brand is trying to show the solution of what it can do by visually showing the shape of volume going down. They are targeting for those people who like to listen to their music in quite  places.


The two ad campaigns for Beats and Bose headphones both appeal to different audiences. The Beats ad is gear more towards a different target audience that been African American Male. The tone of the imagery is high contrast with close up shots of the face of the model on profile. The beats ad looks classy and made for someone with a more expensive taste. The beats ad is also more brand focus.  On the other hand the Bose ad campaign is more conceptual  and it uses low contrast muted images. The bose ad seems to be more effective when it comes to getting their concept across in a clever newer way.