Food Photography – Depth of Field Manuel Razuri

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Week 11 – Background Matters

Wooden board

Black book cover

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Fill Manuel Razuri

no fill



Fill 2 lightroom

Fill 2 lightroom

No fill 2 Lightroom

No fill 2 Lightroom

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Fill or Brightening Shadows | 1 Comment

Week 11 – Depth of field

Focus on back

Focus on front

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Background Matters

Photographed on plate

Photographed on table mat

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Depth of Field

Focus on front of object

Focus on back of object

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Week 11 – Fill

Without fill

With fill

Without fill – Lightroom

With fill – Lightroom

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Fill or Brightening Shadows | 1 Comment

Food Photography – Background Matters

Background on top of computer seat.

Background on top of wooden table.

Posted in Uncategorized, Week 11 - Food Photography - Background Matters | Leave a comment

Food Photography – Fill or Brightening the shadows


No Fill

Fill Adjusted

No Fill Adjusted

Posted in Uncategorized, Week 11 - Food Photography - Fill or Brightening Shadows | Leave a comment

Food Photography – Depth of Field

Focus on the top left full orange.

Focus on the bottom front off the slice of orange.

Posted in Week 11 - Food Photography - Depth of Field | Leave a comment