week 8

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Week 8 Exposure


White object                                      Black object

The reason why both photo’s look like this is because the camera is trying to find  some equilibrium when it comes to light.

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Week 8 Exposure

With the automatic settings, the camera is trying to compensate and find a middle ground between the levels. It usually fluctuates to a medium grey.

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week 8

I took the both photos on the window. I see the different between the two the light are collected in the photos.

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Week 8 Exposure Manuel Razuri

From the two pictures i took i think the reason why they look the same even if they are different background is because on automatic the camera cannot tell the difference and tries to compensate for the black by raising the exposure and it causes the black to turn light dark almost white.

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Exposure class work

boat darklight exposure

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Week 8 Exposure 2 Manuel Razuri

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