Reflection: “Why is Academic Writing so Academic?”

An interesting point the author, Joshua Rothman, of the “Why is Academic Writing so Academic?” article made is that while journalism is moving in a populist direction, academic writing is doing the opposite. Academics write their articles and papers with the mindset that only very small, select groups of people will read them. I have noticed that when I have read academic articles in the past that the targeted audience is specific. The method in which the material is discussed in academic writings is dry and concentrated. Typically, the author writes in such a way that he expects the reader to already have knowledge on the subject. Because of this, these academic writings fit into a small niche.

I think another reason why the audience reading academic writing has shrunk is because of how difficult it has become to access academic journals. Rothman attributes the exclusive nature of academic writing to the way the system that produces these writings is. I agree with him. He did not explicitly address this factor, but after reading “Students Can’t Access Essential Research” for a past reflection, I believe that if more people had access to academic journals, it would expand academic writing. Not only would students, professors, and other members of academia read academic writing if access to it was easier and more affordable, but people who simply have an interest in the topic would read it.



Brooklyn Historical Society

The Brooklyn Historical Society has a special collections and archives library on the second floor. It is located in Brooklyn at the corner of Pierrepont Street and Clinton Street. The collection materials are related to Brooklyn’s history and culture, which contains oral interviews, photographs, maps, books, paintings and more. I will focus on any material related to John Jackson and early maps of Brooklyn.


Wikipedia And The Death Of The Expert, Reflection # 9

In the article Death of an Expert Witness by Maria Bustillos, author talked about Wikipedia and how its works.  Wikipedia is based around a strong hierarchy between experts and everyone else, experts do primary research. They look at the actual stuff. Wiki-editors do secondary research. They read the sources that the experts write and debate the meaning of those sources. As myself doing my final project on editing the Wikipedia pages, so this article was really helpful and pretty impressive. I learned that every statement in a Wikipedia article has to be backed up with a citation to an article or book produced by a journalist, an academic, a scientist, or some other expert who has carried out primary research.

Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? Reflection # 8

In article Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? by Joshua Rothman told us about the how now a days people write stuff in all academic institutes. After reading the article i will say there is one basic reason for the often awkward and dull writing is that many of the writers and audience are not native English users. As an engineering student sometimes i feel Scientific  papers are hard enough to read because of the content, allowing everyone their own style would make it even harder. I will say some people are much better writers than others, and many editors could probably do a better job asking for using cleaner language, but i think most of us read for information not really looking for style.

Historic Maps as Historian Evidence, Reflection # 7

In this article Historic maps as historian evidence by institution of library and museums, really explained why People create maps and what are the so many reasons behind all that. After reading this article i can say maps are to help and visualize places, and to pass on information about places to other people. Maps also use to calculate the time it takes to move from place to place. After reading this article i realized that almost my all of the research is based on maps. Historic maps also help us to understand how our vision of the world has changed, either because we have more complete knowledge about the landscape, or because we think about space and time in ways that would have been foreign to past generations. My final project is  on sand’s family farms land, how there farm land converted into blocks and residential area. This reading was really helpful in lot of different ways.

Reflections #8: Mid Semester Course Progress Reflection

I’m enamored by the growth I can see between myself, and other colleagues when it comes to progress between the mid semester and now. By the mid semester, I was pleased with both the amount of field trips we have taken and the new methodologies for research. Prior to this I was unaware of some of these institutions, such as the NYCHA library in LaGuardia Community College. Within these field trips, we were also asked to find quality sources, relative to our research. I can also say that I was unaware of some of the technologies introduced such as, which I have used heavily for the final project.

Reflections #9: Wikipedia and the Death of the Expert

“If learners are indeed doers and not recipients, from whom are they learning? From one another, it appears; same as it ever was.” The writer describes the definition of learning to be a two way street, which requires both “doing” and “receiving”. Learners may learn most effectively through interaction and hands-on experience or “doing.” Learners also benefit from other learners, as peer review or presentation is often pondered or “received”.

Wikipedia exacerbates this definition of learning, whereby users of Wikipedia are both doers and receivers. Users of wikipedia may “receive” numerous citations, but most effectively through reading effectively and through editing rigorously or “doing”. One of the comments I found funny, but relative was “How come Wikipedia hasn’t turned into a giant glob of graffiti?” By reading the article, I also learned that nearly two thousand administrators participate in maintaining Wikipedia.