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homework #4

Irish town

In “the power of family lore”Eamon Longsigh talked about a old neighborhood callded “Irish town”. he mentioned how he got to know about this place from his grandmother who was born in Brooklyn in 1917. Even though there were places like vinegar Hill, Brooklyn nights and Navy yard existed but Irish town didn’t have any official labeling. to find out more about Irish town, Longish used other resources such as New York times, Brooklyn by name , Brooklyn Eagle .We also know from previous article those neighborhood were referred as Irish town because of the Irish immigrants. he also pointed out how the information about Irish town were lost because it was not documented.

Reflection #4-The power of family lore…

As I was reading this article I noticed that it was filled with valuable information after reading through the first couple of paragraphs, such as the name of a neighborhood(s), the relation to a particular film(s), the history of New York as well as a list of specific years listed throughout. This article was published on April 8, 2013, which was a little over 2 years ago; which makes it recent. This article is interesting because in it, is much valuable information some of which could be further researched. The information provided as well as from the history; which was passed onto him from his ancestors.

Reflection #4: Applying RECAP to Loingsigh Reading.

When applying the RECAP criteria to Loingsigh’s article “The power of family lore: uncovering Brooklyn’s ‘Auld Irishtown'”, I do think the article can be used as is a credible source.  I also think that it acts as a stepping stone to access additional credible sources. The article is current and is certainly relevant to this class because of our focus on Vinegar Hill. The author does cite his research throughout. He bases his knowledge off of what he has read by other authors who have researched and written about “Irishtown”, Brooklyn. He seems well informed and well researched, and I would use the article as a source during research. I would also use the authors and other sources he cited as sources for my research. I think that the author’s trilogy would be a better source than the article. This article comes across as being a way to advertise the author’s books. It informs the readers of the trilogy, speaks of the author’s inspiration, and gives a brief synopsis of the history. Even though I think the main reason of the article was to promote the author’s trilogy, it was definitely also meant to be an informative piece to educate people about “Irishtown”.