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Reflections #10: Students can’t access essential research

While research can be facilitated through the use of “Google”, the quality of research is questionable. “Essential research” or “quality research” on the other hand can only be accessed through privilege. Privilege can be defined by economic and academic status (having financial stability to subscribe to private data hubs, or university journals, databases etc).

Contributing to Wikipedia will enable anyone (regardless of economic or academic standing) to conduct quality research. The greater public will have access to these documents, which are often cited by the contributors. Citations also provide the greater public with access to the agencies in which the documents were derived from.



Final Project Plan

My final project for this class will a chronological timeline (most likely as a Power Point, will pictures and videos) of the histories of 5-6 distilleries in Brooklyn. The areas of focus are Brooklyn Heights, DUMBO, Vinegar Hill, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard, in the mid to late 19th century.

Based on the addresses of these distilleries, I will use SketchUp to model and pinpoint their locations and color code them based on their time period.

Tenth 100 Word Reflection: Wikipedia and the Death of the Expert

My absolute favorite line from this reading is “learners are doers, not recipients.” for the simple fact that this is more than true, really hits home. I for one believe that when you are given information, it definitely is up to you to do whatever you want with it, but if you actually understand the information being fed to you, you will figure out a way to implement it into your daily life, so you as a learner is actually doing something making you a doer. However if you just keep the information you’re given and store it you’re not actually learning, you’re just receiving the information brought to you.

Eighth 100 Word Reflection: Why is Academic Writing so Academic? And Annotated Bibliographies (Reading)

As far as the author of the article on “Why is Academic Writing so Academic?” I completely and utterly agree with everything stated. Academic writing is not for everyone to understand, because it is not catered to the general public, it is meant for people who actually enjoy the approach. Now for the page on annotated bibliography, I have some experience with doing an annotated bibliography, maybe once or twice before. And the same rules and guidelines listed in the reading are close to or almost identical to what my previous professors have taught me when completing an annotated bibliography.

Final Project Plan, Reflection # 6

My final project will be editing the Wikipedia pages, the pages i will be focusing on are Brooklyn, Downtown Brooklyn, Vinegar hill, Rope walk and Sands Brothers (Joshua sand and comfort sand). The intention is to fill in the gaps between 1770’s to 1820’s. After research i found lot of information about these topics and it sounds like my project will be more like telling the story of Brooklyn. Story will begin with sand’s brothers by telling how they came to Brooklyn, how much land they had and how there farm land converted into blocks and the relationship of Olympia (rope making industry) with sand’s brothers.

Reflections #11: Project Plan

For the final project, I plan on compiling a visual map which record NYCHA’s housing complexes. The intention is to analyze NYCHA’s housing properties in relation to their site conditions, and to see if there is a tangible connection between the typology of the site condition and date that the property was built. The typologies that will be utilized in this project are: edge conditions/neighborhood borders, waterfront/flood zoning conditions, medical center adjacency, and infrastructural fragment adjacencies. The study will be from the 1930’s to the late 1990’s.

Using CARTDB or a GIS software will enable me to precisely document these properties and parameters. I am hoping that this map can be an interactive learning tool for future students. Students should be able to freely zoom in and out of the map and hover over properties to learn about their basic information.


Project Plan

For my final project I plan on focusing on the change from farm land to urban land.  I have researched many different farmers and where their land was specifically located in comparison to today’s outline.  I will be looking at the map of John Jackson’s land which provides information about who purchased what land and how much.  With this information I plan on either making a 3D diagram or an online diagram showing who purchased what and how that compares to the streets, businesses and residential areas today.  I also plan to try and find what the area really looked like in order to perfect the accuracy of my diagram.

Project Plan…

I plan on producing a project which consist of literal as well as visual through the use of technology. In order for me to create this visual aspect I will attempt to use the software sketch Up. In Sketch Up I will do my best to compare and contrast the various alley’s throughout Vinegar Hill, I will also try my very best to collect information on each alley. Each alley will have a description which would include both its length and width as well as the purpose in which each alley served. I will also determine the possible changes that occurred within about a hundred year time span; between 1855 and 1955. I understand that this project could be a group effort however, I plan on completing this project individually.