Jillian Tamaki lists seven steps on generating ideas or “getting the juices flowing.” She says there is no right or wrong, just successful and unsuccessful.

Step 1. Be interested. As we consume media, such as reading comics, watching movies, and participating in culture it all contributes to our personal visual fabric in which we can draw ideas from.

Step 2. Collect that Media. After seeing things that might interest you, whether it’s a photo, illustration, or design use it as a reference to use as a basis for an idea.

Step 3. Take the Source Content Seriously. When reading content you should go through it carefully to understand more about the content. Then find supplementary material to help parse the content if really necessary. Also to jot down a quick note or doodle when something jumps out at you while reading.

Step 4. Start with Words. It is easier to simply brainstorm with words or phrases instead of drawing or images. You can associate words with one another to create more concreate concepts.

Step 5. Add Images. Similar to step 2 in collecting media, adding images can help trigger a great idea from surfacing.

Step 6. Mix. Taking from all the previous steps, combine words and different references to see what happens. Some combinations might seem strange and abnormal, but even from the abnormal, a successful concept can appear.

Step 7. Build Up Thumbnails to Finished Sketches. When all is said and done edit the ideas that you’ve come up with into legible sketches, which will lead to a unique and interesting final product.

I feel as Step 4 might be helpful for myself, since most times I would stare at a blank page unable to get a concept on to it. But after jotting down some words and connecting a few of them it lead me to an even more interesting concept from my original idea that I had.