observation on learning Yann Tchoumta

observational learning is a process in which a person observes another person’s behavior  and  the consequences of the behavior. Children are excellent example of observational learning. They watch parents, family, friends, teachers etc… and they copy it. it means that they could copy good or bad habits. so, the adults should be a model for children and assist them during their learning. Recently, a clear happened to my friend. He asks to his little brother not eat in the room because the food can bring rats. my friend told ” every day i repeat the same thing but he doesn’t understand “. when i asked to his little brother why he doesn’t obey, since he eats in his room i didn’t see rats. I concluded that because my friend doesn’t show the good example of learning. it’s like i encourage you to get a good behavior but i don’t show you the right one.

Homework (Observation on Learning)

It has been recorded that positive reinforcement is a very effective way of learning for dogs and young children. Although punishment may be best suited for humans since they can develop and maintain a sophisticated understanding as to why they were punished and why what they did was wrong, dogs seem to be best suited for positive reinforcement due to their lack of understanding. I was visiting my friend’s house briefly and he owns a pug dog which seemed to be the perfect specimen for my positive reinforcement learning experiment. I started off clapping my hands and spreading my arms to indicate I wanted the dog to come into my arms but it was a failed attempt. The second time a held a dog treat in my hand while using the same motion and he came into my arms aiming for the treat. The third time I had no treat but did the same thing and he came into my arms expecting a treat so I gave on to him as a reward. This continued to work as long as I rewarded him with one treat.

Who: Me and my Friend’s Dog Toby.

Where: My friend’s house.

When: 9/10/16

Observations on Learning

My observation is on my little sister AnaBella she three years old and she has a habit of coming into my room without knocking on the door. Every time AnaBella will walk right in I would tell her “AnaBella stop walking into the room without knocking on the door.” I would then make her go back out and re-enter the room but with knocking on the door.  Anabella had a habit of walking into my room several times in the last couple of months, where now in the present time she has learn to knock before entering my bedroom. Anabella learn over the course of several months to knock before entering my bedroom after being shown how to properly walk into a room and was spoken to multiple times.

Who: Anabella (sister ) Jesus (I)

When: The Last couple of Months. June, July, August and September.

Where: My Bedroom at my house.

Angela Gonzalez – Learning observation.

I have a 14 years old niece with whom I started living 3 years ago, and to be honest it is quite fun for me to see her grow as many times I see myself reflected on her for all the drama that being 14 represents. A few months ago she came back from her other house (As she lives with us and her mother,) with her hair cut as if someone had just taken the scissors, close their eyes and given her a haircut; it was pretty bad. Yet, as soon as she came through the door she started telling us that the woman who gave her the haircut was trying to make this hairstyle on her and that suddenly she heard her said “Ups.” Supposedly when she looked up she had this uneven and really short hairs on the front of her head, and that the hairstylist took more hair from the back and cut it to try to make it seem better. The story seemed weird but everybody started laughing and in the middle of that her little brother said, “But you told Mami Mami (her mother at the other house) that it was grandma (my mother) who did it.”  And that made everyone stop and the whole scene change from laughter to tension. My sister, who is her stepmother, turned red and she was pissed not just because of the lie but because the lie was involving my mother, who actually is a hairstylist. When she calmed down she sat down with her and made her understand that she wasn’t mad because she cut her hair, it’s her hair after all and she is done that before, but that lying is never a solution for anything and much less giving another person a bad reputation. After that they both looked for a punishment, it consisted in an essay of why her actions were wrong, and her iPhone was changed to a flip phone for the rest of the summer, and she couldn’t go out with friends for a week. She was feeling really bad and she hated every single bit of the punishment but she agreed to it. She also called my mom and hers to explain the situation and apologize. However, as talked in class how do we know that a person actually learns the lesson? Well, when she came home last weekend with a ‘new hair style,’ we looked at her and even though nobody said anything she said, “OK OK it is a bad idea to cut my own hair.” She hasn’t had any problems with lying and although it could be because she hasn’t been caught, I do believe she learned her lesson. I grew up in a family that used to be more violent at the moment of correcting a child, but I believe that there are so many batter ways to approach situations like this one and to me, this was a proven example of that. Living with my niece and her parents has made me realize that parenthood is tough and that even when parents seem to have all the answers they not always do. Yet, they are testing different strategies and trying their best to teach us important values that will help us in life.

This was a personal observation. The first part of it was made the early days of summer 2016 on an evening in the living room of an apartment in Brooklyn. The second part of it was made on September 9 in the same place.

Ana Bravo: Observation on learning

People learn or take in information every day on different things, wether they are conscious or unconsciousMost of the learning humans adquire happens when they are kids. Humans learn the basics to walking, running talking and other things. However there are many things that they have to learn throughout their life, learning happens every day or most of the time. Kids learn things by looking or hearing someone doing it. Kids are taugh most things by tbeir parents and teacher’s. This is the case of my brother, since I’m the oldest I am the one who teaches and helps my brother learn. I have been observing my brother while he does his homework alone and , got to the conclusion that my brother learns how to do his homework on his own when someone teaches him twice or three times. My brother had trouble with math,and I sat with him and helped him by explaining step by step on how to do simple math. My brother would watch me do two problems or three and then say he can do it on his own. When I was done showing him how to do it, I will then give him some problems to do own his own. When he was doing his problems I saw that my brother will recall how to solve the problem. He will either use a number line or draw pictures. But after two problems he will use his fingers or nothing at all (may e every time he counted, he will count on his mind),this got me to think that after some problems he got confident and used only his hand,he wouldn’t need to draw or use a number line which was good.

Who:My brother

Where:My house

When:Last year

Gustavo Diaz observation on learning

This past weekend my friends decided that they wanted to start playing the video game Destiny again, so that they could complete the “King’s Fall Raid”. The “King’s Fall Raid” is one of the most frustrating and time consuming challenges I’ve ever faced in a video game. The challenge lies in the fact that you need six people to complete the raid and each one those people most be able to follow instructions and be quick learners/thinkers because they are all equally important. As one of the only people to have completed the raid before i had to teach 5 other clueless people how to get through each section of this long difficult raid. It took a lot of social learning for my group of friends to start being successful and progressing. I first explained what each one of them had to do in each part and then i showed each one of them by doing it myself. If one of my friends understood before the others i would tell them to help me demonstrate each step by imitating everything that i did. There was a lot of failing and questionable quick thinking decisions but i got to observe a group of people go from being clueless and not good to being knowledgeable and capable. Just to give you an idea, a group of 6 people that know what they’re doing can complete this raid in about 1 hour.Me and my friends took about 7 hours to complete this raid.

Who: Me and my group of friends

Where: My house, playing the game Destiny on Playstation 4

When: sunday, september 4th

Donato Zevallos: Observation on learning

Learning can be absorbed in many different ways. That being said i decided to make an observation my self to see which would be more effective in how my little cousin would obey me. Now before I explain my experiment, l’m going to add addtional information so that you can understand it a bit more. My little cousin is three years old, he misbehaves almost all the time and never listens to anyone, except for my grandfather. Everyone but my grandfather seems to handle my little cousin’s bad behavior the same, they would all give him whatever he wants so that he could behave or relax. sometimes they would  try to reason with him through words so that he could stop. My grandfather takes a different approach when it comes to discipling my little cousin. He would yell or hit my little  cousin with his belt enough so he can cry , but not cause excruciating pain, every time he does this my little cousin would obey anything my grandfather would say to him. So to begin my experiment i had to wait for my little cousin to misbehave again, when he did i went up to him and told him that ” if you stop i’ll let you play games on my phone”. This positive reinforcement worked temporary until he got bored, after which he started to misbehave again by cursing and throwing his toys around the room. This is where i then asked him nicely to stop, but he didn’t listen to me. I then yelled at him and told him i was going to get grandpa’s belt. When I  grabbed the belt and positioned myself as if i were to hit him, he immediately stopped, looking as if he was going to cry he repeatedly said “sorry” over and over again, from then on he had obeyed everything i had to say to him. This experiment taught me that positive reinforcement can work, but not as effectively as positive punishment, because it wasn’t until i showed him that i was going to hit him that he actual stopped completely and listened to what I had to say

Reference- Personal experiment

Kiara Wright learning and observing

On Thursday I made an observation on one child and her parent while I was at the pool with my friends. what I notice was hat the girl was learning how to swim. after a few minutes later the parent said I coming back I’m going to do a lap. But the child want to follow her and she said I will be right back and I will do it fast. when she started to swim the child watched her like she ignored everything else and only focused on her. when she came back the child said can we try to do another lap. She said yes and when I say she really tried her best I mean while they was doing the lap the child got far. Like she was swimming and didn’t notice it. The parent stop and watch and was so happy to see that she really did it. when the child stop the parent said you did it you actually swam. the child said really I didn’t notice and didn’t know that I was moving. I was so happy to witness that. That actually made my day.

Shawn Villeta: Homework on observing learning

Shawn Villeta                                                                                                                  9-10-16                                                                                                                        Professor. Schutz

Learning is a very beautiful asset that we have. The reason behind my theory is because we have the ability to take in information, process it and give a response in any way or form it doesn’t have to be by speaking it can be hand gestures, physical action etc. So yesterday September 9, 2016 was a perfect opportunity to test my little cousins learning skills. I had to babysit him for 7 hours until his mother returned, So I told him to clean his room he then sat down near me and stood quiet. When I saw this I then told him if he cleaned his room I will take him to the movies and get ice cream afterwards. He obeyed my command because I told him I would reward him this would be called in psychological terms positive reinforcement. When I went to the room to evaluate it I saw that it was rushed so I told him to do it again and he started throwing a temper tantrum like throwing his toys, his bed sheets etc, so then I felt like I had no choice so I used positive punishment, I hit him and all of a sudden he got quiet and immediately he started to clean his room the ”RIGHT” way. He then came back to me without me going to him and apologized for rushing which taught me that he learned and he’s more than likely to listen to me just because I used positive punishment.


Learning my Dog

Justin Casiano

Learning is a necessity in our lives as human beings. We learn almost everyday, but hardly notice it. As per assignment the class was told to do an obeservation of learning taking place. I decided to make my post on my experience with my dog. The experiment I set up is that I command my dog ( Cylde) to simply go to his house. I will try three different ways to get him to obey my command and document all three. The first time I tell him Cylde looks at me plainly. Does not move into his house until serval seconds later. The second time I gave the command I use what they call positive reinforcement in the psychological realm. I had a treat in my hand, so Clyde knew if he had follow m instructions he would then receive a treat. With only having to repeat myself twice Clde eventually complied and went into his house to received his treat. The third time I gave Cylde a command I applied a threat of violence. This would be defined as a positive punishment. I didn’t hit my dog cause I would consider that unethical however I did threatened to hit him for the sake of the experiment. My mother often struck him with the bristles of the broom when he misbehaved. So I picked up the broom, gave the command, and he followed my instructions almost immediately. Which gives truth to what the professor says about violence being the most effective way to get someone to do something you want.