Homework PART TWO #10 Kiara Wright

1 In the context of discussing personality, what does the Big Five refer to?  What is one of the Big Five?  Who authored the theory?

The big five traits are really bipolar dimensions. One of the big five is Conscientiousness the person who authored the theory was Freud.

2 Freud developed the first systematic theory of how human personality was shaped.   What role did he accord to conflict in the process? Give an example of the sort of conflict he identified as being important in the process .

Dr. Freud found out that he could not hypnotize many of them deeply enough to duplicate Charcot’s results. He did not know that people vary widely in their degree of hypnotizability, the ability to follow suggestions offered by a hypnotic agent.

3  Zimbardo and his colleagues, in their textbook Psychology: Core Concepts, suggest that a single theory of personality is unlikely to be adequate to answer all the questions we might have about the subject.  What is the basis for this assertion?

4 How does Freud’s concept of ego defense explain an individual’s personality?

If unconscious desires become too insistent, the ego may solve the problem by ” putting a lid on the id” that is by sequestering both extreme desires and threatening memories deep in the unconscious mind.

5 Zimbardo, when he set up his Stanford Prison Experiment, assessed his potential subjects to a battery of psychological tests that showed that they all had normal personalities, as well as no history of mental illness or violence.  Nonetheless within a very short time both those cast as prisoners and as guards were acting in ways radically different from how they had acted before the experiment began. What does this observation suggest about the validity of theories of behavior based on biological constraints?

The validity was to show the measure of the personality and can show signs of mental illness.

Mid-term paper

Article # 1: Getting it wrong: Surprising Tips on how to learn

In this article by Henry L. Roediger and Bridgid Finn the researchers mentioned different affective strategies that can be used to help student learn a material better. The methods the researchers suggested contradicted the use of the no errors permits. The no error method basically provided students with correct answer to a problem and repeat this process till the students remembers it. This type of technique is supposed to help the student slowly learn from their mistakes and get the question right. According to Nate Kornell, Matthew Hays and Robert Bjork they believe that it would be better that “learning becomes better if conditions are arranged so that students make errors.” When it comes to people remembering, things they would remember it better and longer if they are given hard questions knowing that they can fail. In a series of experiments that was conducted, it was shown that if students were to make an unsuccessful try to retrieve information before receiving the answer, they could remember the information better than in a control condition in which they are simply to study the information. They conducted another experiment where they have a group students that required to learn pairs of “weak associates,” words that are related in some way. The word that they chose to give them was star-night. So they gave they the students the first word then they were ask to think of the word that associates with it. There was a pretest condition they were given the first word which was star and then was given a few seconds to think of a word that goes with it. The thing about this is the students is just going to think about the first word that comes to mind think it’s right but it’s not. Because they were only given a short time to think about it. They might say bright because of the word star. In the control condition, the students were given the pair to look at for 13 seconds. Because of the little more time they had, some students was able to guess the word. They found out that the students remembers the pairs better if they first tried to think the answer before they were shown the answer. Since they were given such a short time, they didn’t really have time to think about their answer meaning that they most likely get it wrong. But if they were given more time there is a chance for them to get the answer right.

A similar interesting article which can relate to “Getting it wrong: surprising tip to learn” targeted towards youth and providing different learning techniques to learn to bolster schools method to teach. There is a definitive issue of students being left behind in an educational system. With the combined effort of multiple educational psychologist, an experiment is conducted on students in efforts to alleviate this problem. The psychologist went forward knowing that the educational system would have to be corrected in many aspects. There are ten techniques that were applied during this experiment. Some techniques were chosen because of their accessibility, and the other chosen because the techniques students often use. These techniques are elaborative interrogation, self-explanation, summarization, highlighting, the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text learning, rereading, and practice testing, distributed practice, and interleaved practice. In order to make an accurate hypothesis the psychologist applied those ten techniques to four categories of variables: learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and criterion tasks. The article defines all these variables as the following: Learning Conditions are environmental (I.E alone or in a group), Student Characteristics are age/ability/prior knowledge, Materials vary from simple mathematics to complicated science text books, and  the Criterion Task are tapping memory, problem solving, and comprehension. The information that is provided generalizes the information because of the findings being extensive. Before the article gives results, it gives a disclaimer that the findings are generalized across the different variables combined with techniques. Meaning some techniques could not be properly evaluated. The techniques with the highest utility assessment were practice testing, and distributed practice. Just shy of high utility were elaborative interrogation and self-explanation. The lowest were summarization, highlighting, the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text learning, and rereading. It seems like the psychologist here really done their homework, and made sure they had all variables accounted for. My only gripe is if any of these findings are being properly utilized. I believe it is of the utmost importance to make sure students are provided with an environment that which they can truly grow in intelligence, and not be forced fed knowledge with no retention in mind. So my question is anyone using this information to change the educational system? And if not than why not?

Throughout human lifespan they will always be a period of time that consist of learning. Furthermore, learning is a process that is never ending and human has been finding ways to improve on this process. The researched that Nate Kornell, Matthew Hays, Lindsey Richland, Liche Kao,  and Robert Bjork conducted at U.C.L.A has taken us one step forward towards the improvement of the never ending process of learning. A series of experiments was done to defy the idea that the best way to learn something is to be given the correct answer to a problem and study it. The researchers mainly focused around the concepts that we all learn from our mistakes, and painting a clear images in our mind before illustrating it on paper helps us paint a better picture. They prove their ideas through a series of different experiments which shows that we tend to do better at something if we fail at it first. This idea gives us a fundamental concept to focus on when approaching a problem. Although this methods might raise some questions such as: does not failing at something lowest a person confident to do better. The experiments shows still shows that the retrieval attempt is most effective.

I think the authors in the first article “Getting It Wrong’’ surprising tips on how to learn by Henry L. Roediger and Bridgid Finn give good enough reason and data to support their conclusion in the first experiment, because I believe if you continuously repeat something to an individual they will remember it eventually. I feel like this is the most common way to learn. In Nate Kornell, Matthew Hays and Robert Bjork also give good enough reason because if we would arrange questions so that person can get the question wrong and the reason I believe this is a great method is because for an example you give a 8th grader an easy question he isn’t really learning but if you give him questions that you know he will get wrong not only will he get the questions right from multiple attempts but he will be required to think and he will know why he got it wrong and know what he did to get it correct. The last method is an experiment of time if kids have more time on the test they will have a better chance of getting the problems right on the exam. If you are given a short amount of time you will be thinking at a faster rate and you may end up taking a guess and getting the problem wrong. Out of these experiments I personally like Henry L. Roediger and Bridgid Finn the more you repeat something our brains will process it and sort of have a photographic memory on what was said and what exactly happened. I do think the author provided good enough reasons and data to support their conclusions because the techniques with the highest utility assessment were practice testing and distributed practice. The reason I felt this is a great and successful experiment because students will have a better understanding of what is going to be on the test but also improve their test taking abilities. What I like about the work is that we get to see what a long term change in the student’s grades after using this experiment. The author should have asked what did the students who did not have a practice test do. I will personally go to the first experiment in the article “Getting It Wrong’’ by Henry L. Roediger when you repeat something a person will eventually remember it just like how we know the national anthem we have heard it so many times. The second article would be my backup but it is also great because you will have a practice test see what you got wrong and know why and then be ready for the actual test.




















Thinking psychologically



Philippe Paul

Shawn Villeta

Kiara wright

Justin Casiano

Mid-Term group 8

Angela Gonzalez 

How does pornography affect our brain?

“Pornographers promise healthy pleasure and relief from sexual tension, but what they often deliver is an addiction, tolerance, and an eventual decrease in pleasure.” (4) Although pornography is seen by many as a ‘healthy’ entertainment, it can become an addiction that controls a person’s life. In the past, factors that made people addicts were considered to be only substances that were inhaled into the body. Thus, pornography wasn’t considered a possible factor of addiction. However, studies have demonstrated that pornography alters the way our reward pathway system works in our brains; making pornography as addictive as any drug. Pornography can drive people to cross their moral limits, as it may change the sexual taste.  Yet, to be able to understand how can porn become an addiction is important to first understand the way our brain works in relation to addiction.

In our brain, there is a reward network, that evaluates anything that brings us satisfaction. After the information is evaluated, it is taken to the reward pathway center where “our sense of pleasure is first produced.” (1) Things like, “food, sex, drugs are all registered as delicious, as something we want more off,” it releases chemicals such as dopamine or adrenaline in our brains and these makes us feel good. (1)  Healthy people are able to control the need of this chemicals in their brain. Indeed, a person that is in control of their instincts and body can per say love sweets, but know that they have to control the intake as it could make them obese. Yet, while a healthy person can wait to satisfy the crave, people with addiction cannot. In an experiment made by the Cambridge University, MRI scans of the brain were made to those that considered themselves to be porn addicts and a control group.  In the experiment what was mainly observed was the reward center of the individuals while seeing strong pornographic videos, and the comparisons between the two groups were astounding.

Although, the reward center of the control group was definitely activated while watching pornography, “the compulsive user’s brain was twice as active, just as addicts responding to drugs and alcohol.” (1) The brain reacts to porn like it does with any other addictive substance, the more a person watches the more need it creates towards it. “Porn offers an endless stream of hyper-sexual images that flood the brain with high levels of dopamine every time the user clicks on a new image.” (1) At the beginning, everything is triggering and the brain reacts to it immediately. Yet, as the brain starts to get used to the images it perceives, the dopamine doses release are not the same. Thus, the brain begins to crave new things that can create the same activation of these chemicals in the brain. Here is where addiction starts, people with this problem create a dependence on porn as it makes them feel good; and they are always looking for more. Sexual addicts begin to explore new things crossing even their own moral limits  combining things like violence and pleasure and much more. (4)

These chemicals and sensations are important as they motivate us, giving a glimpse of happiness to the monotonous lives we sometimes live. Yet, food, drugs or indeed porn become an issue as we create a dependence on them. Thes addictions are most of the times related to intense emotions. Thus, to not fall into this habits that can destroy our life is important to be aware of how our feelings are making us react, and seek for help when there is need of it. Anything in extremes can become harmful for our body and mind.


  1. Porn on the Brain. Perf. Dr. Valerie Voon at Cambridge University. Youtube. N.p., 13 Oct. 2014. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
  2. How Porn Affects the Brain. Fight the New Drug, 10 July 2013. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
  3. “Porn Addiction Recovery.” Cure the Craving. Youtube, 7 Sept. 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
  4. @FightTheNewDrug. “Home – Fight the New Drug.” Fight the New Drug. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
  5. Hendriksen, Ellen. “Your Brain on Porn and Other Sexual Images.” Scientific American. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.

Mitchell Landeros

Further Analysis:

Pornography is the displaying of sexual activity intended to stimulate erotic instead of aesthetic feelings. Although it can bring temporary sexual pleasure; what is pornography doing to the brain in the long run? “A recent neurology study found that the more porn a man watched the less gray matter he had in his brain.” [1] Although some may argue that self-pleasure from pornography healthy, it can surely become addicting. “
all addictions create, in addition to chemical changes in the brain, anatomical and pathological.” [2] These changes usually result in the various manifestation of cerebral dysfunction best known as “hypo-frontal syndromes.”

A study in the prestigious journal JAMA Psychiatry showed that men who reported watching porn showed less volume and activity in the striatum (connected to reward processing and motivation). [1] As stated before, some may argue that porn can be healthy. However, the gray matter (intelligence) in males who watch pornography decreased. What supports this statement is the less processing and motivation the men who watch porn have. An additional observation that was made was “connectivity between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex (used for decision making, planning, and behavior regulation) weakened the more porn the men reported watching.” [1] In other words saying men who watch pornography have trouble with their everyday life. With your ability for decision making being weakened, one is unable to function productively throughout the day. Without being able to plan properly, one can easy be late to work, whether it’s public transportation or self-transportation. With their behavior regulation being compromised, they can end up with road range or just another angry subway rider.

Donald L. Hilton Jr. and Clark Watts stated that hypo-frontal syndromes (well known to neuroscientist) are seen in tumors, strokes, and trauma. Patients with traumatic injuries to the cortex display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.” [2] With injuries to the cortex one can make a poor judgment of future consequences which can result in minor/fatal situations such as an automotive accident or an aggressive exchange of words.

From these studies, we can take away that sexual imagery is both not as bad as we think, but probably worse than we think. A moderate amount of pornography might affect the brains of men but don’t seem to affect their mental health. [1]


  1. Hendriksen, Ellen. “Your Brain on Porn and Other Sexual Images.” Scientific American. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
  2. Pornography addiction: A neuroscience perspective

Donald L. Hilton, Jr and Clark Watts1

Group 4: Memory

Group 4 Members:

Donato Zevallos, Amanda Martinez, Lauren Pemberton, Gustavo Diaz, Nia McNeill


Donato Zevallos: 

Two forms of long-term memory are an implicit and explicit memory. Both of these types of memory that we use are different from each other. Implicit memory is used when we are doing something without much thought and is usually physical, being already learned through past experiences. This means that we don’t really consciously think, we just act. Our Implicit memory is used almost all of the time. From the moment we get out of bed to brush our teeth, shower, and get dressed for school, to entering the building of City tech and pushing the elevator button that will take us to the floor we’ll need to go on, to just knowing our friends and professor’s name. These are all things we do without much concentration and is an example of implicit memory. As for explicit memory; it takes much more focus to perform a task and is more factual than physical. When we conduct ourselves in doing anything that takes concentration and effort we are most likely using explicit memory. We can use our explicit memory for school, to study, do homework or take a test, there all things we do consciously. So although implicit and explicit memory are both long term memory, they’re still different in ways.

Title: The Memory Illusion

Author: Julia Shaw

Date: June 13,2016


Amanda Martinez:

Memory can be defined as a system that stores information. Unfortunately, not all information is stored easily. Since humans are cognitive learners, we will only remember selective information. This means we will forget the rest. Amnesia is a type of memory disorder, that causes an individual to permanently forget information or memories. One type of amnesia everyone has experience is called “Childhood Amnesia”. This is the inability to remember the first few years of living. I can use a personal example when I was young I wondered away from my parents in an amusement park and got myself lost. Fortunately, I was found by a friendly couple that helped me find my parents. Although this sounds as if I remember this day well, I actually cannot recall ever getting lost. This is due to childhood amnesia. I may not remember this day because I was too young but my parents will always remember it vividly.

Who: Myself, my parents, two strangers

When: 19-20 Years ago

Where: Amusement Park


Lauren Pemberton:

Memory is something we always take for granted. Memory can be taken in from different perspectives. We often use memory without even realizing it. For example, every day we wake up and most likely we do the same thing such as brushing your teeth, eating, walking, putting on clothes. These examples are something that we were taught to do and from then we always remember how to do it. We don’t think of it as a memory but more of something we are required to do every day. Memory tends to be selective especially depending on the person. People often either block out a memory that happened because of how much it hurts while some people remember every single detail and can’t get the images out no matter how much they try. Sometimes a person recalls a situation and although they repeat it multiple times in their head they create an image of what they thought they saw and sometimes they are wrong. Our imagination plays a big impact on our so-called memory.

Title: The Memory Illusion

Author: Julia Shaw

Date: June 13,2016


Gustavo Diaz:

As much as we don’t want it to, there are many times during the day that memory fails us. The seven sins of memory are transience, absent-mindedness, blocking, misattribution, suggestibility, bias, and persistence. Every day when I get home I put my keys on top of my computer desk in my room so I can easily remember to take them with me the next morning. When I walked into my apartment Monday, September 26th my sister was watching the movie The Avengers so I immediately sat down on the couch next to her.  About ten minutes later my mother called my phone and told me she needed help bringing up the groceries, so I threw my keys on the living room couch and went to help her. The next morning as I was about to leave my house for a psychology class I realize that I didn’t have my keys. I walked towards my computer desk and saw nothing, I started checking everywhere and my keys were nowhere to be found. I started to panic when I realized my mind was blank and I had no idea where I had put my keys. This is a good example of Absent-mindedness which occurs when there is a breakdown between attention and memory. My attention went from watching the movie to helping my mother with the groceries so quickly, that I didn’t care to memorize what I did with my keys in that moment.  The memory randomly came back to me hours later while I was on the train back home.

Title: The Seven Sins of Memory (How The Mind Forgets and Remembers)

Author: Daniel L. Schacter

Who: Myself

When: Monday, September 26th, 2016

Where: My apartment


Nia McNeill

            “Memory Manipulation,” also known as memory control, is the act in which a person can selectively change or modify their own memories or someone else’s to either make them believe something, suppress certain memories, erase them or give them a sense of nostalgia. In doing this, a person can make specific memories better or just completely dismiss them by filtering them. For example, when I was younger my parents got divorced and of course, for any child at a time like that it’s difficult to deal with. However, my memories lead me to believe that I handled the situation quite maturely, which according to my mother was not accurate. What I remember was when I reassured them that I would be okay and that it’s a part of life and I’m okay with it when in reality there were some instances where I tried to sabotage everything because I was angry. As my mom brought this up I slowly started to remember the truth. I guess it was something I chose to fabricate to make me feel better.

Title: How Easily is Your Memory Manipulated?

Author: John M. Grohol, Psy. D.

Who: Myself

When: 10 Years ago

Where: Home


Research Project – Group 8

Angela Gonzalez

Motivation is the explanation for the decisions or judgments we make in our everyday life; our attitudes towards tasks and simple actions depend on this called motivation. Yet, motivation is a type 1 thinking. Therefore, even when the pattern of our day might be led by how motivated we are while doing something, we don’t necessarily realize this (as it is part of our unconscious.) There are two types of motivations, Extrinsic motivation, and Intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic Motivation is when something tangible from the outside gives us the impulse to make a decision. We are given a positive or negative reinforcement that motivates us to do something, either because we want to avoid a punishment or because we are trying to gain something, like for example money. However, intrinsic motivation lead to decisions we make based on our inside feelings and emotions.

Intrinsic motivations are driven by anything that touches our emotions, these motivations are based on how happy a decision makes us. They give us this feeling of  empowerment and self-motivation, it’s the belief that we can accomplish our goals. Thus, there is a possibility, we create visions of where we will be if we succeed. Our mind asks different questions to our unconscious: “do you believe you can do it? will it work?” but the most important is the motivational question: “is it worth it?” Because behind this decisions there are consequences and we need to have accountability for them. (Scott Geller.) Therefore, if we believe that it is worth doing something, then we will be pushed towards the pursuit of this idea.

Furthermore, as humans, with this motivation we look for a sense of social support and acceptance; which is one of the principal things that move us forward. Yet, it is important to remark that this kind of social support does not involve the reward of a motivation, the decision to do something must come from the individual alone.“When you perceive choice you perceive motivation,” (Ellen langer) otherwise motivation is driven away. “Human beings want to – and in a deeper way need to- feel a sense of being autonomous ..” rewards take away our autonomy because “now [we] are doing it for something else.” (Shankar Vedantam)  We are no longer motivated, we are not longer doing it for our own happiness and empowerment, but because we will more likely gain something. And your language pretty much changes from ‘I want to’ to ‘I have to’(Scott Geller.)

After understanding this concept, I was able to look at my own experiences and see how motivation affected my life in the past. From a very young age, I’ve always love to swim. I was told that when I was of the age of 5 to 6 years I would jump inside big pools without saying anything and  my parents had to pretty much jump to save me from drowning. Since we lived in Cali Colombia a place where pools are almost everywhere and were also the weekend entertainment of my family,  they put me on classes as soon as they could. From then on I was always in different courses, on and off and it became my passion. As I grew and started High School I got the opportunity to join a swimming group that trained and competed against other schools. The training was intense, we would be in the pool from Wednesday to Friday and Saturdays we worked out at the gym; as intense as it was I love every single bit of it. I was really motivated and became one of the best within my category.I trained hard for a whole year until my mother made it seem as if it was my obligation, rather than my hobby. If I didn’t go to training I wouldn’t be able to go out with my friends and every time we would talk about it, everything that I had accomplished was because of her efforts rather than mine. My motivation went away and I stopped going to class and by the time I decided to go back everyone was ahead of me. Thus, I decided to stop going which now is one of my biggest regrets


TEDxTalks. “The Psychology of Self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech.” YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

LisaFosbender. “Psychology 101: Psychological Theories of Motivation.” YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web. 28 Sept. 2016.

Vedantam, Shankar. “When Play Becomes Work.” Www.Washingtonposts.com. Department of Human Behavior, 28 July 2008. Web. 26 Sept. 2016.

Cameron Merisier

I believe that when people can’t guess at a motivation, their brains are not satisfied. Their brains are not satisfied because we are driven to want answers. Type one thinking in my opinion is the reason doctors and scientists that constantly tries to find cures for diseases and viruses or causes for diseases and viruses, and they would do all the research and experiments necessary to find the answer. Another example is historians trying to find out unsolved mysteries. For example, what did Adolph Hitler have against the Jews or who is Jack the Ripper. We are wired to want to receive answers and explanation and when we receive it, our brain cherishes it.

Mitchell Landero

Motivation is view when a boy is always asking for a toy where ever the mother takes him. This toy to him is like a reward but he is a problematic child at home with an attitude and no control to listen. His mother pays no mind for he always does a seen in the location and knows that he doesn’t deserve anything due to the fact he is not passing his math class. The mothers realized that she had to change his mindset and persuade him to exceptional. The mother sets out an agreement where she will buy him a toy for every 85 and higher he brings home on a math test every two weeks. This agreement gave him the motivation or a drive to do exceptional. His instinct was to study because at the end of the day he would come home to something he wanted. So by the parent taking this authority to set out a plan it leads him to have a desire to chase his needs. This also is a positive reinforcement because it makes him study hard to get want he wants and the mother becomes more satisfied with his son’s grades.

Motivation is the reason behind the behavior or actions one acts in a particular way. The curiosity behind the motivation is the explanation of why we ask questions majority of the time its “why” and get an explanation. The explanation leads to the observation of a person’s drive, need or want. This process isn’t really seen or recognized because it’s done unconsciously. Many have motivations in life seen by people and even animals when they desire or are in necessity of possessing an object. A person’s instinct or drive is someone’s natural reaction to a certain situation put in. There is also two more motivations which are total opposites and those are want and need. Want is desire for something and need is the lack of subsistence.

Observation on Learning

Antony Zhao

On weekends I usually play basketball with my friend Barry. Barry is a really competitive guy and really stubborn about his losses and, recently he’s had a slump. The problem was that when he played, his left hand was useless because he did everything with his right hand. I told him to start learning how to play with his left hand. Of course he was really stubborn and didn’t want to listen to a lower tier athlete like me. So I challenged him to a game were he could only use his left hand to score. He lost convincingly. Disgusted by his loss, he started coming out to the court earlier just to practice scoring and dribbling with his left hand. He soon realized he was harder to defend against and harder to predict because he wouldn’t always dribble toward the right side of the court. This led to me realizing that proving a point with action really did speak louder than words.

Observation on learning

Jared Wiggins

Hello readers. Today I would like to tell explain to you an observation about learning. My little sister Jordyn who is only 5 now is someone I observe a lot when she learns new and exciting or even difficult stuff. She never gives up when trying to learn so it is often easy to teach her new things if you know how to teach her that is, and try to not sweat the small stuff. A few months ago I was teaching her how to pronounce the name of a character on her game we brought her 2 years ago. Everyone( or a large majority) of people are familiar with the game smash brothers I presume? Well if you don’t know smash brothers is a game that puts all or most of the Nintendo characters together in a classic fighting arena to fight against each other. My sister loves playing smash brothers on the wii u and enjoys it. However there are some characters she used to have a problem saying and even now still has some small minor issues, I however was able to teach her how to say a few character names. She knows how to say simple names like Link and Pit of course but some more intermediate names such as the names of the pokemons that come from the pokeballs she has trouble with. Such as Chespin. She used to say Chest man. I however taught her how to say it the right way but breaking down the words in a more simple way. I told her to say Chess. I then asked her to say Pen. After that I simply put the words together and she started saying Chess- Pen witch translated to Chespin. There are other words I see her say correctly that she learned eventually such as Refrigerator she used to say ‘Frig frazor’ but she got past that and has learned to say her words more efficiently.



Positive reinforcement has been seen to be the best way to make other people  do what you want, sometimes  a negative  reinforcement might work better but the question is if the person  convinced that  doing what you want them to do is right or the person  is doing it because  you are reinforcing it. Well I have observed  some kids in the past but I never knew  this could be  connected to way people learn.some kids lived in the same compound  with me which has 8 apartment and It has been  a  traditional thing for parents of this kids to buy their  kids toys, video games,  cellphones,bicycle, or whatever they requested for as long as they have good grades at the end of the section. Considering  what I observed , most of  the kids were able to  please their parents since a reward was guaranteed. However  two kids couldn’t get  any gift since they didn’t meet up with the expected grades. This two kids are always  left to watch other kids whiles they have fun with what they have. Am sure that must have frustrated them enough  until they realize that  the  only thing they can do is to study harder. As expected  this two kids grades went up they got gift for  that at the end of  another section, but  the unexpected  happened some of  the kids  that had good grades before had lesser grades which made there parents think they made a mistake  by buying  them video games and cellphones because they were distracted by  it. Well I was curious to know  what will happen  if their parents  took the previous  reward from them  how much that can also affect their  grades . Even though the kids got what the want it seems to me like the kids were more intested in the reward rather than getting higher gradeswhich is their parents  piority

Who: my neighbors  kid’s

Where: within my compound

When : during the  summer break 2014 and winter break  2015



Observation on learning

Everyone can say that they are learning something, but only some people are able to capture the information. We can learn good thing just like the bad ones too. For example, last summer, my little cousin would get in trouble for the same reason. He would follow his sister and do the something she did. They would come home from school and play video games instead of doing their homework. Even though my aunt would ask them to stop playing games and start doing their homework they wouldn’t listen at all. Until my aunt lost patient and took their video games away for almost a month. So every time they came home from school, they had to do their homework, plus extra work like reading, writing or math. I have noticed that my little cousin would learn the bad habit of his sister in which they both got punished. After two weeks they got punished, their attitude had changed instead of being rude they were acting nice since my aunt started to be strict. They receive a positive punishment because their attitude became better and they got better grades on their report card.

Reference |

Who: My little cousins, my aunt

When: last year

Where: home

Yuseth Lopez Torres – group 2

Cameron Merisier Group 8 observation on learning.

When: 5 years ago

Where: At home

My sister wasn’t performing well academically in school. She constantly brought home Cs and Ds. The reason why she wasn’t performing up to my mothers expectation is because she kept on hanging out with her friends instead of completing her homework assignments or studying. My mother eventually got tired about my sisters actions and she did something that my sister will learn from for the rest of her life. My mother took her phone for a month and she wasn’t allowed to go out with her friends either. her grades improving drastically. She felt a lot better and my mother was extremely proud, From that day, she learned that her friends could wait and school comes first.