Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Tag: WEEK 8 (Page 2 of 3)

Nicholas Albanese Sketchbook Week 8, Inked Textures

March 24, 2022 1:40 PM

For this week’s sketchbook assignment, we were asked to illustrate two closeups of objects with differing textures and then use various inking materials to illustrate those textures. For this, I ended up choosing a closeup shot of a stone wall for the first illustration and a closeup shot of a rose petal with dew drops on it for the second illustration. I chose these two because I believed both of them had different enough textures to warrant illustrating them. For the stone wall, I decided to use hatching and stippling as my main shading methods as I believed it better illustrated the “rough texture” look I wanted to go for. For the rose petal, I mainly went with the stippling method as I believed it would better illustrate the softness of a rose petal. However, I ended up using cross-hatching for the background in order to better illustrate positive and negative space. For both of these illustrations, I used a combination of Pigma Micron pens and Faber Castell pens. At first, I created the sketch using an H level pencil. Then, I inked in the sketches with the smallest line weight I could achieve with the 005 Pigma Micron pen. This would allow me to back later and give parts with more heavy shadows a thicker line weight. I also used the 005 Pigma Micron pen to do the stippling, hatching, and crosshatching seen in the 2 illustrations. For the first illustration, I used an M line Faber Castell pen to illustrate the darker cracks between the stones.

Reading Week 8

Read two articles about the editorial illustrators, Ana Juan and Edel Rodriguez. Consider both illustrators’ work, how their stylistic approaches differ, and the medium they use. Do you gravitate toward one style more? Does one illustrator’s work evoke a more emotional reaction from you? Compare and contrast their work and discuss it in your response.

Ana Juan interview

Edel Rodriguez interview

Week 8

Class Info

  • Date: March 18th

To-Do Before Class


Editorial Continued


Warm Up

  • Spring Fever


Review Week 6 artist/color

Group review of editorial articles and presentations

Process of Editorial illustration project

Class Working time:

Thumbnails and concept development

Review Assignments and Expectations for Next Week’s Class

Due Next Week

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