Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Category: Announcements

Welcome, Students!

Faculty: This course site uses an organizational structure to help faculty meet the recommended best practices whether your class is online, hybrid, or in-person.

This example post demonstrates how you can share announcements with your students on your course site. You can edit it or delete it if you do not wish to use it. Please delete all gray instructional blocks before sharing your site.

Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the top menu bar to explore the course information, activities, and help. Scroll through the sidebar to find additional information about the materials shared here.

Join this Course

Login to your OpenLab account to join this course. Follow these instructions if you need help joining this course.

If you’re new to the OpenLab, follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.


If you have any questions, please reach out via email or in Office Hours.

If you need help using the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.

Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to COMD 3313 Illustration 1, Basic Principles.

On this site you will have access to all materials presented in the online class, your weekly assignment pages, and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also participate in class discussions, and post images of work in progress to share with your classmates.

To get a quick start, please check out HOW TO NAVIGATE THIS SITE.

Carefully read the directions below to get started. Also please check out the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

If you’d like to learn a little more about ME your professor, please feel free to check out my website!

– Professor Schoenbrun

Getting Started

Login to your OpenLab account to join this course. Follow these instructions if you need help joining this course.

If you’re new to the OpenLab, follow these instructions to create an account and then join the course.

Remember that your username and display name can be pseudonyms, rather than your real name. Your avatar does not need to be a picture of your face–just something that identifies you on the OpenLab.


If you have any questions, please reach out via email or in Office Hours.

If you need help using the OpenLab, you can consult OpenLab Help or contact the OpenLab Community Team.