Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Author: Diana Schoenbrun (Page 11 of 17)

Sketchbook Week 4: Thinking about Composition

After reading the article about Celine Raffy consider the quote from the excerpt,

” record a moment or experience that she doesn’t want to forget.” Brainstorm and write down some experiences or moments you don’t want to forget. These could be events from your past or something that happened to your more recently. These are personal experiences. However, they can be simple experiences and don’t have to be complicated.

Decide on two ideas and create at least two drawings in your sketchbook. The drawings can be 1/4-full page. The final should be done in ink. You can draw in pencil first and ink on top.

Consider how you use composition; directional lines, negative space, balance, symmetry, asymmetry, unity, rythmn, movement, or unity.

Write about what event you depicted and what type of composition cues you used in your drawings. Post drawings and writing on open lab.

Post when complete:



Write your post. Add a Descriptive title.

Choose CATEGORY (bottom right side): Sketchbook

TAG>Week 4


Assignment 1, Part 4

Create a Line Ink Drawing for your Final Composition

  • Decide on your strongest concept sketch from the two you created. This will be your final composition for the Ice Cream packaging.
  • Do any additional tweaks to your concept sketch based on feedback and suggestions you received in class. Finalize the pencil drawing.
  • Use a lightbox, graphite transfer paper, or retrace your drawing onto the Bristol paper by using a window.
  • Focus on using line. Think lines or thick lines. Loose, curvey lines vs angular lines. Short lines vs long lines.
  • Test out your different materials. Try using a micron pen, brush pen, dip pen, or brush with ink. Combine a few or just use on medium. See what works for you.
  • Create at least two different line drawing versions and experiment with at least two types of media.
  • For at least one of the compositions you should focus on value.
  • Place the finals in the template


  • Openlab, Student Posts> Works in Progress, Week 4.
    Describe what materials you used for each drawing.

Assignment 1, Part 3

Concept Sketches

  • Decide on your top thumbnail sketch.
    • Choose based on feedback you received from your Art Director (In this case your Profeesor) and your peers, as well as your own passion and design sense.
  • Research additional reference images needed to fully realize the concept. Create a mini mood board.
  • Sketch at least 2 Concept Sketches full size, not thumbnail size.


Compare in these examples the Approved Thumbnail sketch and the corresponding Concept Sketch. Consider where changes were made.

Concept Sketch by Yuko Shimizu

Diana Schoenbrun’s thumbnail and concept sketches


  • Post your Concept Sketches and mini-mood board along with a description to Openlab. Concept sketches should be posted alone without the package branding and then with the with side by side.
  • Categorize your post as Week 3 in Work in Progress.

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