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Ravenous-very hungry

The Shawl by Cynthia Ozick

“Sometimes Magda sucked air: then she screamed. Stella was Ravenous. Her knees were tumors on sticks, her elbows chicken bones”

The narrator used Ravenous to express the level of hunger that Stella was in, then described it by stating how her legs looked.



tubercular of, relating to, or affected with tuberculosis

Tuberculosis -a highly variable communicable disease of humans and some other vertebrates that is caused by the tubercle bacillus and rarely in the United States by a related mycobacterium, that affects especially the lungs but may spread to other areas, and that is characterized by fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, formation of tubercles, caseation, pleural effusions, and fibrosis

The Shawl by Louise Erdrich

“His father’s chest was broad and, although he already spat the tubercular blood that would write the end of his story, he was still a strong man. It would take him many years to die. In those years, the father would tell the boy, who had forgotten this part entirely, that at first when he talked about the shadows the father thought he’d been visited by manidoog”

The narrator explain that Jackson father had a disease Called Tuberculosis and before he passed away he use to spit blood which was a part of the disease.


monotonously—used to describe something that is boring because it is always the same.

The Shawl by Louise Erdrich

“‘She became a gray sky stared monotonously at the wall, sometimes wept into her hands for hours at s time”

The narrator shows how the mother became depressed that she was in love with a man who lives else where. she was sad and just stared into the wall that was the same.


Aleut– a member of a people of the Aleutian and Shumagin islands and the western part of Alaska Peninsula.

Definition 2- the language of the Aleuts

What you pawn i will redeem by Sherman Alexie

When I got to the wharf, I ran into three Aleut cousins, who sat on a wooden bench and stared out at the bay and cried.

These Aleuts smelled like salmon, I thought, and they told me they were going to sit on that wooden bench until their boat came back.

The narrator was trying to describe a certain kind of Indian froma part of Alaska, which links to the second sentence when he states these Aleuts smelled like salmon.


1. an American tree, Sassafras albidum, of the laurel family, having egg-shaped leaves and long clusters of greenish-yellow flowers.
2. the aromatic bark of its root, used medicinally and especially for flavoring beverages, confectionery, etc.

“Was a leaf thing too they gave em to chew on. Mint, I believe, or sassafras.”
Pg 188 (red cover) in “Beloved” by Toni Morrison


A rose for Emily


Termerity– reckless boldness; rashness.

‘’A few of the ladies had the temerity to call, but were not received, and the only sign of life about the place was the Negro man–a young man then–going in and out with a market basket.’’

The Narrator explain that the women had the heart to call but nothing came from it. The only thing that are was the men with the market basket


Deprecation– to express earnest disapproval of.
Defination 2. to urge reasons against; protest against (ascheme, purpose, etc.).

The next day he received two more complaints, one from a man who came in diffident deprecation. “We really must do something about it, Judge. I’d be the last one in the world to bother Miss Emily, but we’ve got to do something.”

The narrator was showing the disapproval and wanted to do something about it when he states Judge we have to do something about it.

Extra Credit: Open Lab Workshop

After visiting the open lab workshop, I learned many things on why this website is very helpful to all students in a remarkable way. When you create open lab, it’s not only used for school and posting your assignments for class. This website can be used for personal reason such as for your career. When you are seeking for a job, there are times your manager or boss will Google search your name to figure out what kind of person you are. However, there’s a chance your name may or may not pop up as most frequently used on search on google. If so, you are able to control what is displayed on the internet, on what you would like other viewers to see. One thing with this website you are able to express what you would want to be shown when someone Google’s your name.

You are able create your own e-Portfolio for free. You can customize it to your own liking, which shows your creativity and represents the kind of person you are. Therefore, someone such as a manager Google’s your name something professional such as an e-Portfolio can pop up when they find you. This would show that you took the time and effort to make yourself stand out from everyone else to show you are different. Because you control what is being seen on the web, you are able to show your resume, achievements you have done in life and so much more. This also shows that you are familiar with technology which is another skill. With open lab, you are able to open up many opportunities for yourself.

In this workshop, I was able to get a better understanding of this WordPress open lab. However, I did wish to learn if there was a way to add a slideshow to text when you write a post. I never knew how many things you were able to do with this website and there are many other things that I forgot to mention, however this is what stand out to me the most when I had visited. I definitely see myself using open lab in the future to benefit myself.


: to laugh in a nervous or childlike way
Meaning in the context: “He giggled and blushed” In the story when Honey Boy shook Jackson’s hand, he laughed in an uncomfortable way.