All posts by seoyeonieee4

“The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Cottagette”

For the two stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman that we have read, the settings are new houses where the both main characters moved to, but each house gives us quite different mood.

In “The Yellow Wallpaper,” the narrator describes her new house in the second paragraph. “A colonial mansion, a hereditary estate, I would say a haunted house, and reach the height of romantic felicity – but that would be asking too much of fate! 
 Else, why should it be let so cheaply? And why have stood so long untenanted?” Although the narrator’s husband decided to move to this house for his wife’s health and cure of her depression for the summer, she keeps telling the readers about her bad feelings about the house. She says the house looks like a haunted house, and there will be a reason for the cheap price. In page 58, the narrator mentions about the broken greenhouses. And she says “There was some legal trouble, I believe, something about the heirs and coheirs; anyhow, the place has been empty for years. That spoils my ghostliness, I am afraid, but I don’t care – there is something strange about the house – I can feel it.” Since the beginning of the story, the narrator describes her new house negatively including the “repellent, almost revolting; a smouldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-turning sunlight” wallpaper. All these word choices of the author provide readers information that the narrator doesn’t like the house and negative atmosphere throughout the story as well.

On the other hand, in “The Cottagette,” the narrator, Ms. Malda, provides us the description of setting in the third paragraph. “I was delighted with it. More than delighted. Here this tiny shell of fresh unpainted wood peeped out from under the trees, the only house in sight except the distant white specks on far off farms, and the little wandering village in the river-threaded valley. It sat right on the turf,–no road, no path even, and the dark woods shadowed the back windows.” In paragraph 7, the narrator says “never did I know the real joy and peace of living, before that blessed summer at “High Court.”” When describing the house, the use of all these positive word choices of the narrator in the third paragraph gives the reader the positive impact about the house. Also in the paragraph 7, she feels “the real joy and peace of living” during the summer at the new place.

Even the settings for the two stories are same as a new place where the main character started to live and both are little far from the town, the house in “The Yellow Wallpaper” is depicted as an abandoned haunted house, whereas the “Cottagette” looks more peaceful and bright.


“Young Goodman Brown” and “Metamorphosis”

In “Young Goodman Brown,” the young Goodman Brown finally follows the devil after hesitating for a while on the way in the forest. He thinks about his wife Faith resisting him from leaving her alone that night, and his Christianity as well. However as he arrives at the place in the middle of forest, he sees all these people whom he thought they are good Christians, including his wife. After that night, he lives sad, confusing and dark life. In the last paragraph of the story, “Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown. A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream.” He couldn’t trust his or all other people’s Christianity on the Sabbath-day after he saw people in the town followed the devil that night. He feels guilty but at the same time mistrusts Christians including his wife and himself until he dies. Therefore when he dies, “they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom.”(Last sentence)

In “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, the main character Gregor Samsa “found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.” (Paragraph 1) He worked hard to support his family but after he transformed into an insect, his family trapped him in his room and started avoiding him. His sister Grete was the only one who took care of him even after he became terrible looking insect, but even Grete started to ignore him and feel depressed about her brother’s appearance. Gregor used to be a head and a supporter of the family but now he became an insect that causes problems and hurt the family’s feeling. In the very last part of the story, it says “And, as if in confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions, as soon as they reached their destination Grete was the first to get up and stretch out her young body.” Throughout the story, the author’s voice was very gloomy and negative, but after the family confronted with Gregor’s death, the tone and mood of the story changes to positive sound.


Scruples (noun) : an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action

Source: Merriam Webster


Found in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne paragraph 15

“Friend,” said the other, exchanging his slow pace for a full stop, “having kept convenant by meeting thee here, it is my purpose not to return whence I came. I have scruples, touching the matter thou wot’st of.”

Young  Goodman Brown has a journey with his companion at night, even though his wife Faith doesn’t want him to travel “this night, … of all nights in the year!” (paragraph 2) However he already meets up with his fellow-traveller and tells him that he is hesitating because he thinks this journey is not morally right.

“A Rose for Emily” power dynamic

In “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, “Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town”(section1, para3) when she was alive. She didn’t have to pay taxes because Colonel Sartoris, the mayor, lied that her father had lent money to the town. Also when the tax notice was sent to Miss Emily later on, she completely ignored. Even when the deputation visited her house and “the spokesman came to a stumbling halt,” (sec1, pa7) she didn’t even talked back to the visitors. She vanquished them in her dry and cold voice. Not paying for taxes, and her reaction to the town and visitors shows that Miss Emily plays a role as power dynamic.

Also Miss Emily’s power dynamic is implied in section 3 of the story when she went to the druggist to get poison. She didn’t even ask the druggist to get arsenic but she just stated that she wants it. And the druggist said “If that’s what you want. But the law requires you to tell what you are going to use it for.” Then the narrator describes that Miss Emily didn’t tell the druggist the reason even if it is required by the law. “Miss Emily just stared at him, her head tilted back in order to look him eye for eye, until he looked away and went and got the arsenic and wrapped it up.” (section 3 last paragraph) Even though druggist couldn’t sell the arsenic without proper reason of using it by the law, he couldn’t reject her. In this scene the druggist doesn’t have power in contrast to Miss Emily.

The narrator in this story is one of the people in the town. Even though the narrator knows that the town thought of her as a duty or a care, they were not able to say anything in front of her because she is a tradition and last dignity in the town that they have to accept.

Even Miss Emily’s death was powerful. Although some were not there to show her respect, because she had been a tradition and a duty to the whole town that they have to care, the town came to her funeral.




macabre (adj) – involving death or violence in a way that is strange, frightening, or unpleasant. (by Merriam Webster)

source: Merriam Webster.

Found in “A Rose for Emily” section 5, second paragraph, second sentence

Text: They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre; and the very old men –some in their brushed Confederate uniforms–on the porch and the lawn, talking of Miss Emily as if she had been a contemporary of theirs, believing that they had danced with her and courted her perhaps, confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck of the most recent decade of years.

The town came to Miss Emily’s funeral. The old men were wearing Confederate uniforms and talking about Miss Emily as if they believe “they had danced with her and courted her.” And the ladies who came were talking in a hissing sound (sibilant) and in gruesome and terrifying way(macabre).

Introducing myself

Hello everyone. First, since english is not my first language, you might have trouble with understanding my post and if you do, feel free to ask any questions on the comments. But before that, I will try my best to write it understandable.

I will start with the general information of myself. I was born in Republic of Korea, which is the south side, not the north. It has been about seven years since I came to New York with my family. I went to Bayside High School in Queens and I remember I was so depressed in highschool, because I could not say a word in English and at the same time I had to take SAT right away. Luckily, I was able to finish my highschool with an “okay” grade, special thanks to my Korean-American friends!

I used to love language and history, but not sciences and math when I studied in Korea, but now, I like the later ones better and I think it is because I have hard time with reading and writing in English. So, ever since I came to America, I started to like learning science and math better. But this time I hope I can find interest in reading and writing more.

What I really wanted to be in the future was pharmacist, but because I know my family cannot afford it, I had to give up. But since I have been working at a dental office for three years, I started to have interests in dental area, so I am studying for dental hygeine now.

One thing very important in my life is traveling. It does not have to be special place like foreign countries or some planets in the space. Even if I have one day off, I would rather drive my car or wander somewhere than staying home doing nothing. I am very active and I love to do something new. For the past years, I tried to visit many places in America, even by myself, and I am going to travel more places whenever I have time. It makes me feel free and I love meeting new people and learning new things from traveling. My goal is to visit all the states in America before I graduate college and travel abroad.