Monthly Archives: December 2017

Glossary Wrap Up


  1. Adequate – adjective
  2. Critiques – noun
  3. Plaques – noun
  4. Eradicate – verb
  5. Bewilderments – noun
  6. Commonalities – noun
  7. Nebulous – adjective
  8. Amenities – noun 
  9. Algorithms – noun
  10. Restorative – adjective
  11. Alter – verb
  12. Aghast – adjective
  13. empower – verb
  14. Alienate – verb
  15. Amenity – noun

The glossary assignment helped us, student, a lot. It has the benefit of learning new words and gaining credits for defining them. When we get confused because of the new words we encounter, we always choose to ignore it and continue reading further down even if we don’t understand the meaning of it and the whole sentence. When I was doing this project throughout the semester, I have the chance to learn new vocabularies. One thing I like about this is that it’s not due the next week or next next week in class, it’s due when the semester is over, which gives us enough time to learn all 15 new vocabularies. We have 2 choices; either we do it all at once or week by week which gives us more times. Another good thing about this is that we can see our fellow classmate’s vocabularies, so not only we can learn within ourselves’, we can always get new vocabularies from the others. Even though we have enough time for this assignment, but I also get lazy and forgot to do it sometimes. Overall, this assignment is a success, I learn new vocabularies and gain credits for it in the end. Although I cant remember all the definitions of the words but I can always come back and check it out.

Glossary wrap up

  • Facsimile
  • Misanthrope
  • Blissful
  • Resplendent
  • Thwart
  • Promiscuity
  • Analogy
  • perception
  • Implication
  • ludicrously
  • Boisterous
  • Hectic
  • Dwindle
  • Posterity
  • Impede

This glossary assignment wasn’t a hard task to complete and if I had more time to myself I would’ve definitely added more words to my glossary. However,  the more we moved on the throughout the semester , the less I paid attention to this assignment and had to do this assignment last minute  .   However,  this assignment is very beneficial when it comes to expanding your vocabulary because then you can use this method as a life skill. I sincerely enjoyed learning new words in class and reading my classmates glossary. I learn a lot from this glossary assignment  and I will definitely apply this method to continue  expanding my vocabulary.

Alienating, amenity

Alienate (Verb): To make differences or hostile

“While HotBlack is not the first cafe to withhold Wi-Fi from the public, industry experts said such shops are in the minority and risk alienating customers” Christopher Mele

I’m sure I’ve never heard the word before so I couldn’t take an educated guess on the meaning. I took the word to the website and search for the definition and realize that alienating mean to make differences or hostile. “experts said such shops are in the minority and risk making differences to customers.”

Amenity (noun): an agreeable way or manner.

“It’s not quite an essential amenity or legally required to open, but it’s nice. It makes customers happy, and make your space feel more like their space” Christopher Mele

To summary amenity, it can be described as a way of saying not necessary. It is not necessary for the coffee shop to provided hotspot for the customers.


Aghast (adjective): Struck with overwhelming shock or amazement; filled with sudden fright or horror. 

“Customers initially were aghast at the decision” -Coffee Shops Skip Wifi Encouraging Customers to Actually Talk.

As I was reading the article about skipping wifi in the coffee shop, this word aghast blocked my way of continuing reading further down. I don’t know the word at all, but I have a feeling it means gasp, being surprised at something. The moment I search up for the word, the definition matched my guess.

Reflecting/Wrapping up

  1. Scenic
  2. Anathematize
  3. Censure
  4. Incredulous
  5. Eradicate
  6. Pretentious
  7. Brochure
  8. Drab
  9. Roused
  10. Hokum
  11. Braggarts
  12. Apocalyptic
  13. Roue
  14. Sterling
  15. Mollify


This glossary assignment was alright to start off in English class. However, I realized I had a lot of projects and other important things to do. In my other courses, there are a lot of studying to do and this assignment was honestly not important to me however I still did it. I felt like if I did have the time, I would absolutely this assignment because learning new words everyday or every week is important to me. It improves my vocabulary skills and it is useful in life. I did some of these vocab words last minute because I was studying for finals and I was busy with other important things to do. In High school, we did not really have any of these assignments however in middle school, I did have similar assignments like these. This assignment definitely improved my vocabulary and helped me reading skills by learning the word better and the sentence better. The articles were interesting and researching the words takes a lot of time. I did enjoy reading other classmates glossary words as well so that improved my vocabulary skills too. 


facsimile :noun  fac·sim·i·le  \ fak-ˈsi-mə-lē \

 Definition:  an exact copy
-“The Statue of Liberty has never made me feel at home, either in New York Harbor or on Las Vegas Boulevard, where it stood squat and compressed as I drove past, a facsimile in
incremental scale.”
While I was reading the article ,Walk with Me” by David L. Ulin, I came across a word that I never encounter before. The word was facsimile ,and at first I was confused because I didn’t know what it meant ,so I try context clues to see if I could get an understanding of the word.  I was stomped and couldn’t come to an understanding, so I went online to find the definition . Once I found the definition , I understood the definition and was surprised for such a complex word for a simple definition .


misanthrope :(noun)  mis·an·thrope  \ ˈmi-sᵊn-ˌthrōp \

Definition: a person who hates or distrusts humankind

-“I can attest that each is capable of turning the gentlest romantic into a misanthrope.”

While I was reading the article ,“The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter,” by Brian Merchant,  I stumbled on the word misanthrope, and was kinda confused because I never encounter this word before . while I was using context clues , I thought this word was put in a negative aspect and thought to myself that this word might mean catastrophe or disaster. I went online to search up the definition ,and got a clear understanding  of it. Meaning disliking human kind.



blissful: (adjective)  bliss·ful  \ ˈblis-fəl \

Definition: full of, marked by, or causing complete happiness

“So yes, people are blissful in Central Park, and bummed the hell out at Penn Station, as intuition dictates.”

While I was reading one of the reading in class , I came across the word blissful. When I used context clues to figure the word out, the word that pop up in my head was happy . Even though it made sense to me , I went online to make sure if I understood the word correctly. Once I went online to search up the definition of blissful ,  I understood the definition and was right with my context clue conclusion.



resplendent: (adjective)  re·splen·dent  \ ri-ˈsplen-dənt \

Definition: characterized by a glowing splendor

-“Dense urban jungles and resplendent verdant parks. ”

While I was reading through the article “ The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Brian Merchant , I came across the word resplendent and was kinda familiar with the word , but was too sure about the exact definition. I used Context clues and the word that came across to me was splendid. After using context clues , I went online to look up the definition. Once I found the definition , I understood the word better. The way I understood the word was glowing or beautiful .


thwart: (verb)  \ ˈthwȯrt \

Definition: to oppose successfully : defeat the hopes or aspirations of

-“People are beginning to exercise a bit more reserved online or are otherwise engaging in subversive tactics to thwart data miners.”

When I was reading the finals article , I stumble on the word thwart but never heard of the word before. So I used context clues and the word that pop up was eliminate or to target. After using context clues, I went online to search up the definition and got a clear understanding of the word thwart. The way I understood thwart was that it meant to counter the opposing  side.