Monthly Archives: September 2014

Josue : Second Proposal

Nutritional Facts at Cafeteria Project

User: City Tech students, staff and anyone eating at the City Tech cafeteria will be impacted by this health changing proposal.

Context: When we go to cafeteria everyday there isn’t any nutritional information displayed anywhere about the food being served for students and staff. The cafeteria does not offer enough healthy choices and in order to keep our brain and body running well we need to fuel it with healthy foods.

Motivation: The students and staff are making misinformed decisions on nutritional choices because the cafeteria does not offer any nutritional information about the food they serve. If this information is shown more students will be aware of what kind of diet and calories their consuming everyday at City Tech.

Solution: On the school’s website we can create a menu with all the nutritional content in the food that is being served every day. A flat screen monitor can be place around the cafeteria counter, displaying the menu and showing the food with their nutritional content. (Ex. Calories, Vitamins, Cholesterol)

Outcome: By providing the nutritional facts about the food being given at the City Tech cafeteria students and staff will acknowledged more what they are eating and make healthier choices. The way it will be  designed will  teach everyone to eat healthier foods. Doing this the school could help combat obesity with these changes and improve the eating lifestyle of many students.

ideation scenario: Tricia Browne

1 User: Identify the user, based on the target user group.

Elementry, junior and high school. also college.

2 Context: Describe context or situation in which the problem exists

Students are not exposed to the arts as much as they should be in their everyday life. there needs to be a balance in their education. between academics and extracurricular.

3 Motivation: Describe an incident or condition that motivates the use of the solution.

The different floors in my high school were different colors. two were floors were yellow the other two were blue. This affected the mood and feel of the school, it made it positive and friendly, everyone respected each other.
4 Solution: Show how they access and use the solution to address their need.

When they first design schools, they should talk about how the place should feel, to make it a place where students want to come and learn and it motivates them to. schools should have the art classes and other students that are not in an art class contribute to what their school looks like so they feel more apart of it.

5 Outcome: Describe the outcome of the situation – the payoff, the problem solved, and the happy user.

students will feel more apart of their school if they see something they have done up on the walls, Or any kind of work was put up in their schools to showcase who they are as a school. art being around these students will get them more excited and creatively thinking.




Tamanda Msosa; Multiple Log in fix

User: People who have multiple accounts and passwords

Context: When people have different accounts and have to sign in separately to all of them and end up forgetting what password is for each account.

Motivation: Constantly forgetting log in passwords and having to change them every time you do making it a time wasting redundant process

Solution: The users download an app that manages their accounts and passwords. The user can make one password for all accounts or have separate passwords for their accounts but the app would still be able to recall all the passwords and accounts. The app wouldn’t force people to link their accounts, spam their emails or post anything on social networks and the passwords would be stored on their phone memory to minimize the chances of being cyber attacked.

Outcome: Less frustration from having to remember multiple passwords and reduction in the redundancy of inputting passwords over and over again since you can log in to all your accounts from one account.

Nathan: Proposal


The user of the application would be anybody with a smartphone that prefers a more stylistic and precise way of finding a good WiFi signal.



A lot of the time it can be difficult to locate a good, reliable source of WiFi.  Since the application is based on the geography of your area it is much easier to locate a good connection.  For example, somebody is in a desolate area in queens and is locked out of all the signals in their area, not to mention the signals are low.

Another problem arises when in a dense urban environment.  Trying to sift through all the locked signals to find a reliable one is a huge timewaster.  With most default WiFi locators you arent given enough information based on your geographical location.  All you get is a tiny indicator giving you a scale of 3 to 0.


This application would be accessed through your phone’s app folder.  Once you open it, you are presented a viewfinder using your phones camera.  Where this app is truly helpful is by showing you exactly where to go, to get a great, open, and free signal.  This is presented using a color coded system that shows different zones in your area.  Green representing best and red representing a dead zone.  If all you see on your default finder is low signals that are locked, you can use this app to locate a better source based on your location.


The outcome here is a satisfied person who didn’t have to waste time using a vague wifi finder.


Carlos: Second Proposal


User: Daily commuters that opt out of public transportation. Recreational riders and cyclist, who often ride expensive bikes.

Context: As NYC inches its way to becoming greener state, cyclist; a majority contributor in reducing gas emissions and decreasing human carbon foot print do not have a safe dedicated area to chain their bikes. Though the city provides bars and stands to chain bikes they do not offer much in security.

Motivation: Often times bikes are stolen and there isn’t much to combat it. Reducing crime has not been able to deter bike thefts. Even the hardest chains can and have been cut.

Solution: Users will use internal gps system to locate nearby bike parking. Parking is provided by a community of commuters or cyclist. For a small fee users will receive the peace of mind and security that their valuable bicycles are nicely tucked away in an area close to their destination. Parking fee is optional. Users will also have the option of using the same gps system to locate the safest place in their immediate proximity. The application will reference crime report and recent statistics, and using nearby precincts as a base.

Outcome: A safer and ultimately greener state. Happy commuters and potential source of income.


My proposal would be creating his or her own logo.

This could be for anything; for a game, for a clothing company etc.

The students will expand their creativity to come up with something very small, yet very unique.

This will also bring out his or her own style of drawing and designing.

Ideation practice sheet: Jenny Cho

1User: Identify the user, based on the target user group.

The idea that Dell and his partner have come up with, has really captured my interests. The people that are being targeted with this situation could be everyone that uses the computer. This could be for business or personal purposes.


2 Context:Describe context or situation in which the problem exists

Many users that have emails can lose their email account for multiple reasons. This could range from forgetting personal key words or passwords he or she uses to access the account. An example could be the security questions used to get the information for the email. Another could be a secondary email associated with that account just incase when they lose the password to that specific account. It can also be hacked by another user, and the original owner of the account might not be able to get it back.


3 Motivation:Describe an incident or condition that motivates the use of the solution.

As a gamer, it is best to have many email accounts just incase anything happens to the game account. Many game companies treasure security because some gamer’s accounts could be very valuable. Losing the email to the game account can potentially be losing everything that is held in that account. Any hacker that gains access to 1 email account can essentially snatch many other accounts that are linked to the email.


4Solution:Show how they access and use the solution to address their need.

I feel like one of the best solutions to this situation is to have ONE email account. Every person will have one email and the only way to get access of it, is through face recognition.

It’s much more convenient for the user. (address, parent/guardian’s name, etc.) The email should be split into multiple categories; one for games, one for accounts and one merely for business. (Applications/resumes and so on) That way he or she won’t have to constantly switch back and forth to numerous accounts.

There will be a website for this email and also an app, on the go.


5 Outcome:Describe the outcome of the situation – the payoff, the problem solved, and the happy user.

This way the user will not have to create multiple emails because they lost the information to it. He or she will have 1 email for all purposes and will cause less confusion. It’ll be a lot more convenient and easier for the user, it would also be a lot more organized. He or she will not have to lose the account to anything, or for whatever reason.

Second Proposal- Marvin Clarke

1 User: Identify the user, based on the target user group.

The user is drivers. The drivers can vary by age but the main target is car drivers. Most of the problems occur with drivers such as cars minivans, small truck and jeeps.

2 Context: Describe context or situation in which the problem exists

The problem that drivers have is finding parking. Parking in certain areas such as Midtown Manhattan is very limited because of the size of the parking lots and since there’s limited space people would have to argue with other drivers to control space that is available to them which adds more stress on the driver. Expensive parking fares in those lots can add to the stress because they realize that they would have to pay different prices that takes a toll in the driver’s pocket.

3 Motivation: Describe an incident or condition that motivates the use of the solution.

Parking spaces are limited and we need to enlarge the space so that all cars are abe to park in any lot they please. We also need to lessen the cost of these parking lots so its easier to enter the lot. This Eliminates a lot of problems in parking.

4 Solution: Show how they access and use the solution to address their need.

To increase parking spaces we have to build a large parking lot with levels so its easier to park. They should also make an app that is linked to google that allows drivers to see which lot has space is available and if its not available then it will recalculate and find somewhere else. To lessen the cost of the parking lot we should have a car where you can scan and it will recognize how many times you used it and you can pay it off one time instead of paying each time you go into a parking lot.

5 Outcome: Describe the outcome of the situation – the payoff, the problem solved, and the happy user.

The driver are going to become stress free when they are looking for parking spaces because they would not have to argue with other drivers for a parking space. They also do not have to worry about paying high prices in each parking lot they enter. With these solutions they would make drivers calm when driving and allow them to enjoy their day without worrying about someone interrupt their space since the space is large enough to fit in.

First Proposal- Double Reality- Marvin Clarke

2. Double Reality is a wearable design

3. People are usually asked “ What are your plans for the future?” or “”What do want to be when you get older?” and the answers varies. People sometimes have dreams of what their future would look like but they never have a clear memory of what they have seen so I want to create a virtual reality that looks like stylish glasses where people are able to see their future in their eyes. In this reality you get to visualize the future that you have dreamt of and you also get to experience every movement and other aspects in the world. Double Reality allows the user to get a glimpse into what your future might look like because this device will use inputs from the user itself and their dreams. This device is inspired by oculus riift projects and it is different from any other device is that the glass is something you can wear as regular glasses for everyday use and when you feel like using the device you can press a button on the deivce and you will get to see what the future holds.


First Proposal – Nafis Sabir

Conscious Art Installation

Category: Tangible

Brain wave activity can be monitored in individuals using an electroencephalogram or EEG.  I’d like to create an art installation that takes these waves and creates a static output using intense graphics.  You could record all brainwave the states for a single individual, and make a comparison between the piece created by a those allegedly being able to tap into higher levels of their brain capacity (i.e. savants, geniuses, eastern monks) and the average person on the street.  Would the art, created by those able to access certain brain frequencies more easily, be more aesthetically pleasing?

Heart Bot Turns Heartbeats Into Personalized Illustrations

A Team Of Artists Are 3D-Printing Their Emotions As Abstract House Decorations