ideation scenario: Tricia Browne

1 User: Identify the user, based on the target user group.

Elementry, junior and high school. also college.

2 Context: Describe context or situation in which the problem exists

Students are not exposed to the arts as much as they should be in their everyday life. there needs to be a balance in their education. between academics and extracurricular.

3 Motivation: Describe an incident or condition that motivates the use of the solution.

The different floors in my high school were different colors. two were floors were yellow the other two were blue. This affected the mood and feel of the school, it made it positive and friendly, everyone respected each other.
4 Solution: Show how they access and use the solution to address their need.

When they first design schools, they should talk about how the place should feel, to make it a place where students want to come and learn and it motivates them to. schools should have the art classes and other students that are not in an art class contribute to what their school looks like so they feel more apart of it.

5 Outcome: Describe the outcome of the situation – the payoff, the problem solved, and the happy user.

students will feel more apart of their school if they see something they have done up on the walls, Or any kind of work was put up in their schools to showcase who they are as a school. art being around these students will get them more excited and creatively thinking.




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