Jose Gervasio Artigas



In Honor to General Jose Hervasio Artigas

In Honor to General Jose Gervasio Artigas

Located on Spring street and 6th Ave. in Manhattan. In fact, the building behind the statue is my old High School.Ā In 1810 JosĆ© Gervasio Artigas offered his services to the Buenos Aires junta that was leading an independence movement against Spain. After winning the battle at Las Piedras, he besieged Spanish-held Montevideo for a time. He then became the champion of federalism against the efforts of Buenos Aires to assert centralized control. From 1820 till his death in 1850 he lived in exile in Paraguay.


facts about the General Jose Gervasio Artigas found in Spanish on Ā :Ā



This cathedral is a must see if you visit Italy. Itā€™s simply amazing on how it was built and how it looks in person. I couldnā€™t picture it looking the same as it did when I googled it but it was exactly the same, which amazed me. This picture is from the bell tower located next to Duomo, also one of hardest tower I have ever climbed. This Duomo amazes me in the sense of how large it is and the attraction it brings in Florence. I had to do research while I was there and found out that it look over 14 years to build and they actually gave up on the Duomo in the middle of construction because they couldnā€™t find out how to fix the roof as technology and architect wasnā€™t caught up with the times. They however had figured it out by a new architect climbing on the roof and showing them how it done one brick at a time. This Duomo is located near everything in Florence and for good reason as how lovely it looks. This was the largest brick Duomo built. I must say I want to visit it again as one time is not nearly enough to take in this magnificent sight.

Rape of Sabine


This sculpture attracted me at first sight. I was wondering what it meant at first but finally gave up and read the information sign. I found out that it meant a lot to the Italians because in their prior history, Romans tired to marry or engage in sexual activates with Sabine women however the men of that tribe didnā€™t allow it. Since the Italian did it anyway and this sculpture then starting making sense because it show one man defeating another and then taking his women. Although I donā€™t believe with the treating of women as property however I get this sculpture because it does show that and how they forcefully took the women after defeating their husband or anyone that protected them. I really was attracted to this sculpture by the fact, on how this was built and amazing it looks. It gives me a headache to think about how I would even start with this sculpture but somehow it was done. I find it amazing how that back in the back people made these sculpture with less technology we have now, well almost no technology.

The David


The David by Michelangelo

As I was in Florence, Italy for a couple of days, I had to stop by and see this beautiful famous sculpture. It still amazes me on how much effort and time was taken in building this famous piece of art. This picture doesnā€™t do this art justice but definitely glad I went to see this. These types of sculpture are made completely out of marble, which I still canā€™t believe someone had the capacity to make this. As I read up on this sculpture, I found out that itā€™s symbolizes defense of civil liberties. Michelangelo built the David before his fight with Goliath, which shows why he has a rock in his left hand and a sling in his right hand. I could see that happening because David looks focus rather than happy or sad because itā€™s time for the battle. I believe everyone should look at this sculpture because it will inspire everyone as I did for me. One of my dreams after seeing this it to make a marble sculpture due to the time and dedication itā€™ll take to make a masterpiece or at least an armature masterpiece for me. I would especially love to watch Michelangelo make this masterpiece as he nearly perfect everything from the hair, veins, finger and toes. This sculpture was just simply amazing.

Anne Frank House


Anne Frank House

As I traveled to Europe this spring break, I thought it would be a great to check out the famous Anne Frank house, which I have both heard and read about. I truly believe that this was one of the best places; I have ever visited due to the environment that is in this house. As I waited close to about one hour to get inside, I couldnā€™t help but think about how it would be inside. When I made it inside, I couldnā€™t believe how beautiful they have preserved the house and you get the feeling that you stepped inside a time machine. I was truly in unbelief about how different the houses were back then. As I kept on going and following the path, it only got better because of all the information videos and picture they have put up. I still canā€™t believe the condition Anne Frank and her family had to live and survive through. As I walked through this house and in the secret room, it made me feel like the Nazi was actually in the house with me and I could see them run around and cause chaos. I believe everyone should visit this if you do go to Amsterdam. After getting outside, I couldnā€™t believe how stupid people were or still can be to discriminate amongst someone else due to their race, religion or belief. Truly sad to hear what happened to Anne Frank at the end.

Juan Pablo Duarte: Founder Founder of Dominican Republic

Statue in Honor to Juan Pablo Duarte

Statue in Honor to Juan Pablo Duarte.Ā Located on 6th ave. and Canal street.


Located in canal street, this monument commemorates one of the founding fathers of Dominican Republic. He was born in Santo Domingo, on January 26, 1813. At 15 years old, his parents sent him to New York, USA, Ā and then to London, England to finish his studies.

Along Francisco del Rosario Sanchez, and Ramon Matias Mella, he fought to bring peace and terminate the power that Jean Pierre Boyer ( president of Haiti ) had over the Dominicans. He formed a secret society called ” La trinitaria,” whose main purpose was to gather as many people as possible without the government knowing, to counter attack the Haitian Army. Unfortunately, in 1842 the government found out, and he was going to be executed, but instead, he was condemned to exile, and moved to Venezuela.

With the supposed “success” of the Haitian government eradicating the secret society “La Trinitaria”, they didn’t think they would have to deal with the trinitarians ever again. They were wrong. From Venezuela, Duarte was commanding the secret society to attack the Haitian government, and successfully, 2 years later on February 27th, 1844. Duarte ( from Venezuela ), Sanchez, and Mella declaired the independence of Dominican Republic successfully.

Duarte was very passionate about freeing the country he was born in. He would spend weeks without eating or sleeping. He suffered and died of tuberculosis in 1876 at 63 years of age. In Dominican Republic, we were told as kids that the only thing he regretted was dying on exile.

Today he is commemorated in Dominican Republic with a holiday, and the highest mountain in the Caribbean is named ” Pico Duarte ” on his honor. He is also commemorated in London, as well as in New York.





Joseph F. Mafera park

I took the pictureĀ on 65th Place & 67th Avenue, once you enter Joseph F. Mafera Playground.

Joseph F. Mafera was a popular democratic politicianĀ  and a good man from Queens, New York who was originally from White Plains. He is being commemorated because of the influential impact he had on students and people alike.Ā  My reflection on this wise man is nothing but the best because that’s what he wanted for his community, the best. Additionally, heĀ  briefly served as Queens Borough President which was indeed the shortest term for any Queens Borough President in history(only 4 months), shortly after that he served on the New York City Tax Commission for several years and since then he has been remembered in the community as a person who just wants to help another by showing care, love, and that they are not alone. He wanted change and he made this change happen, by influencing one person at a time. He unfortunately passed away on February 12, 1967 which was sad because he died on his birthday (February 1895) and after his death, Glenridge Park in Ridgewood was renamed in his honor. I believe that he truly deserves that respect. His name represents everything he stands for and now his community can cherish the same foundation that he wanted to improve. The kids playing in that park will see his name and never forget who Joseph F. Mafera truly was.

WWII Torture Victims Memorial-Bergen, Norway

788 789

WWII Torture Victims Memorial-Bergen, Norway

In a quiet corner of central Bergen sits an unassuming memorial. It has been worn by the passage of time, and is very easy to miss-a simple engraved stone column.

At the top is a symbol-the letter H with the number 7 in its center. This represents King Haakon VII, who was ruler of Norway at the time of the war, but who was forced into exile. While in exile he managed to lead a resistance movement that had widespread support in Norway. This H + 7 became a symbol of hope and solidarity.

Below this we see the following: Ā ā€œSa Hard En Tid, Sa Vond En Stridā€¦ Minne Om Dem Som Ble Torturert Av Gestapo I Krigen 1940-1945.ā€Ā  Such a difficult time, such a painful war. In memory of those who were tortured by the Gestapo during the war 1940-1945.

The very bottom of the monument provides us with the name of the organization responsible for the monument and the year of its dedication. ā€œReist Av Bergens Forsvarforening 1990ā€ Raised by Bergenā€™s Ministry of Defense 1990

During World War II, Norway faced occupation by the Nazis. Germany invaded Norway on April 9, 1940, and the occupation did not end until May 8, 1945. Over the course of the occupation Norwayā€™s resistance movement worked toward freeing Norway from the Naziā€™s grasp. Approximately 40,000 were imprisoned and 500 were killed.

The former Archives building (Arkivet) in Kristiansand, Norway served as the Gestapoā€™s headquarters, and was the location for the imprisonment and torture of numerous resistance fighters. Many suspected of being a member of the movement were taken there to be tortured for information. It is estimated that over 300 people faced torture in the basement of that building, in a room chosen for its location-an area in which the screams of the prisoners would not easily be heard. Today, the building serves as a museum, so that new generations may learn about its history.

I discovered the monument during a walk through the city on one of its many rainy days. I almost passed it by, since it was not in a heavily trafficked area. Seeing it inspired to do some research-my knowledge of Norway’s role in WWII was nonexistent. It made me sad to discover that they also suffered greatly during the Nazis’ reign of terror, but it made me glad to know that there were those willing to give their lives in the fight for freedom.

Sites cited:


King Kamehameha I-Hawaii’s Greatest King

Statue of King Kamehameha I  Honolulu, Hawaii Taken by me in Honolulu, Hawaii

Statue of King Kamehameha I
Honolulu, Hawaii
Taken by me November 2012

King Kamehameha I, also known as King Kamehameha the Great (full name-Kalani PaiŹ»ea Wohi o Kaleikini KealiŹ»ikui Kamehameha oĀ Ź»Iolani i Kaiwikapu kauŹ»i Ka Liholiho KÅ«nuiākea) is a renowned figure in Hawaiian history. He is credited as the leader who united the islands, bringing stability and protection from outside rule. Ā Under his decade-long leadership, the Kingdom of Hawaii was established in 1810. He is held in such high regard that a state holiday was created in his honor-June 11 is Kamehameha Day. There are also 4 statues in his honor-3 in Hawaii, and one in Washington, D.C. Ā The picture below is of the most famous statue, which stands in downtown Honolulu, in front of the Hawaii State Supreme Court (Aliiolani Hale). Ā Standing eight and a half feet tall, the statue shows the king in royal attire. The spear symbolizes his defense of the kingdom, while his other hand is extended in a welcoming gesture. Ā The statue was created by American sculptor Thomas R. Gould, who was commissioned by the kingdom of Hawaii.

King Kamehamehaā€™s birth and death dates are under debate. His year of birth has been cited as early as 1736 or as late as 1758. History does seem to agree that he was most likely born in the month of November. He passed away on either May 8th or 14th, 1819. As per Hawaiian tradition, his final resting place has remained a secret, even to this day.

The King KamehamehaĀ statueĀ impressed me with its simplicity. The king wears only a draped robe and sandals, yet conveys power in his stance and expression. His outstretched hand beckons you to come closer, while the weapon he wields reminds you of his bravery.Ā The beautifully landscaped surroundings offer a peaceful place to reflect upon Kamehamehaā€™s contribution to his people.

Sites cited:

Ol’ Dirty Bastard (ODB)

Taken by me, on May 10, 2015
at the corner of Putnam Street and Franklin Avenue,
Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, NY


Little about Ol’ Dirty Bastard or “Dirty” by

Russell Tyrone Jones Aka Ol’ Dirty Bastard, or ODB, was born in the Fort Greene section of Brooklyn, New York, on November 15, 1968. Having had a rough-and-tumble youth, Jones and his cousins Robert Diggs and Gary Grice formed a hip-hop group that incorporated symbolism from the martial arts films that they loved.The nine-member group was named the Wu-Tang Clan and went on to be one of the most successful hip-hop acts of the ’90s. Having a variety of MCs with distinctive aliases (Diggs became RZA, for instance, handling production duties), Wu-Tang spun off an array of solo acts from its debut album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers).Jones took on the moniker Ol’ Dirty Bastard, with the reported implication that there was no sire to his particular brand of rhyming. Also known as ODB, the rapper developed a crazed, free-flowing style that incorporated singing and warbling.

Off the successful launch of Wu-Tang, ODB released his debut solo album, Return to the 36 Chambers. It reached the Top 10 of Billboard’s main albums chart and featured the singles “Shimmy Shimmy Ya” and “Brooklyn Zoo.”ODB was also known for his shout-out rhymes on the intro and bridge to the remix of Mariah Carey’s 1995 hit “Fantasy”; he later had another hit collaborating on “Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are),” with rapper Pras and singer MĆ½a from the soundtrack of the film Bulworth (1998). The song reached the Top 10 on the R&B chart and Top 20 on the pop chart.Starting in the fall of 1997, however, Jones faced a number of charges.

He was arrested in November for not paying child support for the three children he had with his wife Icelene. The following year, he was shot in the back during a robbery, though the wound was not severe. More arrests followed over the ensuing months, including charges of sneaker theft, missed court dates, public threats of violence to others, traffic violations and drug possession. While Jones’ media antics were often the butt of jokes, there was a terrible, real cost.By the summer of 1999, it was clear that Jones had an addiction to drugs, and he admitted himself into a rehab facility in New York. Around this time, in September 1999, he released the album “Niggaa Please”, which also reached the Billboard Top 10.



ODB thugging
taken from


Here is my memory and reflection with Dirty:

Despite the images and publication created by media, he was a very sweet and humble guy in his private life. I had a change to do background vocals for Wu-Tang Clan affiliated artist. When I was chilling with them in studio in Bedstuy, Brooklyn, he showed up in the studio several times. I was not really sure if he got some cash on him at that time, because he was one of the N***as in the game, who spend all of his money they earned right after they got it in their pocket. In late 90’s the rap industry was all about gangsta. And recording and music companies were taking advantage of those talented rappers, because they know these boys in the street were talented but did not know any knowledge about the flow of the money in the industry. Dirty was one of them. He spent all the money on cards, champagnes, girls, and drugs. He was really representing the gangstas in the industry. by the way, when he first saw me in the studio he said to me “Hey how you doing, pretty Chinese lady?” I did not know he was infamous Ol’ diry Bastard, so I said to him, “I am not Chinese, but I am Japanese.” He was very embraced and sincerely apologized to me. And he said, “Wow Japanese female rapper, cool.” “Let me hear how you spit.” Again, I had to correct him that I am a singer, and not a rapper. Whenever he came to the studio, he always buy me food and drink to make sure I am alright. And sometimes he offered me some marijuana, which I always politely refuse to be offered.

Here is an anecdote I found on the web. Accordion to, the author said:
“The Wu-Tang Clan issued a limited-edition single called “Protect Ya Neck” in 1992, and news of their innovative style spread from college radio stations to major labels. Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers appeared the following year, with ODB preparing the way for the group’s contract with the Loud label by offering an out-of-control version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” before a group of executives from Loud’s conglomerate distributor, RCA/BMG. ODB showed a flair for attracting attention to the group; he once drove to a welfare office in a limousine to collect food stamps, trailed by invited camera operators from the cable-television music.

This story tells how he was humble and crazy in a good manner. He was very naive and pure, and did not know anything about society, he was used by music industry, and his producer Rza, who is living like a king in his luxury house in Bergen County, New Jersey, which was built from sucking up all the money from all the members and affiliates from the rest of Wu-Tang family.
When I heard he passed away, I had to cry. He introduced me to the world of ghetto fabulous, and law of Brooklyn streets. He introduced me to the best soul food restaurant in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. And he left me with all good and unforgettable memories and fantastic songs.

My favorite join from ODB
Courtesy of Brooklyn Zoo


Dirty, I will remember you for the rest of my life!

Musa Watanabe

Ol’ Dirty Bastard Biography. Rebiewed on May 2015. web.