This Week In The OpenLab: July 17th Edition

(Image by Todd Barnard via Creative Commons)

This week we thought we’d dedicate ourselves to figuring out one of our new plug-in suites, called Twitter Tools, and that led us to thinking about the wonders of twitter, etc.  So this an all Twitter This Week in The OpenLab…


First, A Brief Aside…

Of course, the bulk of our time was spent 1) looking for that hilarious picture above, 2) wasting a lot of time on twitter and, then, 3) figuring out how to use the plug-in so we could explain it here.  For those of you who mostly fumble your way through these things–which is what I do–in a fury of googling until you find something that looks like a solution to your question (in this case “How Do I Set Up Twitter Tools?”), you probably know that semi-complicated plug-ins like this one can be one of the more problematic things to figure out.  The problem is (at least) two-fold:  1) plug-ins break and/or go unsupported and/or 2) they are updated so rapidly that tutorials can’t always keep up.  In this case, my problem was the second:  though I found a nice little helper with my problem here, I also found that several of the steps had changed on both the plug-in set up page and on twitter’s end.  So something very small and obvious (changing one setting from ‘read-only’ to ‘read and write,’ which doesn’t work the way it did when my helper wrote their notes), caused us more trouble than we’d like to admit.

Of course by now we should realize this, but like we said, we mostly fumble our way toward solutions.  And the fact that we usually can is one of the nicer thing about wordpress based systems like ours, and the community that supports them.  But there’s another important point we’d want to make here:  we will do everything we can to consistently update the tutorials we’ve written for The Open Road, but when something doesn’t work the way you’d expect, it could be because something’s changed, and we’d be thrilled if you’d contact us to let us know what you’ve noticed.



The bulk of what we’ve done on The Open Road this week is the aformentioned tutorial, which you can find here.  Twitter Tools is a way of integrating Twitter and your OpenLab site (or any WordPress site), so that your posts can appear as tweets automatically (and, if you like, vice versa).  It also gives you a great deal of flexibility: you can set it to exclude certain categories, and our present installation comes with url shortening and a hashtag creator (if you don’t know what those are or why you’d need them, you’ll want first to brush up ‘What’s Twitter?’  The tutorial presumes you’re already familiar with Twitter, just to save space and time).

As you can see, this is part one of two on the plug-in: the set-up process is a bit complicated and so we’ve concentrated one tutorial on just that.  Next week we’ll have a second part, dealing with the options, how to set up the url shortening, etc.


Lastly, we just wanted to share the work of Mark Smith, which we came across while working our way through Twitter related images.  And these really are Twitter-made:  This one shows “connections among the Twitter users who recently tweeted the word USAToday when queried on August 11, 2011, scaled by numbers of followers (with outliers thresholded). Connections created when users reply, mention or follow one another.”  You can see a larger version here.

According to his website, “Smith’s research focuses on computer-mediated collective action: the ways group dynamics change when they take place in and through social cyberspaces. Many “groups” in cyberspace produce public goods and organize themselves in the form of a commons (for related papers see: Smith’s goal is to visualize these social cyberspaces, mapping and measuring their structure, dynamics and life cycles.”  We think they’re pretty spiffy too.

Twitter Tools: Part 1 (Set-Up)

Twitter Tools is a way of integrating Twitter and your OpenLab site (or any WordPress site), so that your posts can be tweeted automatically as soon as you publish them.  It also gives you a great deal of flexibility:  you can set it to exclude certain categories, and our present installation comes with url shortening and a hashtag creator (if you don’t know what those are or why you’d need them, you’ll want first to brush up on ‘What’s Twitter?’  The rest of this tutorial presumes you’re already familiar with Twitter, just to save space and time).

To use Twitter Tools, first, you’ll want to visit the plugins page on your OpenLab site and activate all of the Twitter Tools plug-ins (you can choose not to activate them all, but we’re recommending it for now).

Once you do that, go to SETTINGS>TWITTER TOOLS, and you’ll come to the Twitter Tools Options page:

Now, as you can see, even the plug-in developers think these next couple steps are a bit complicated.  Bear with it, though–you only need to do this once!

When you first click on Twitter Tools, you’ll be asked to connect your site to your Twitter account.  Click ‘register this site as an application on Twitter’s app registration page,’ which will take you to a page on Twitter that looks like this:

These fields aren’t very self-explanatory for the uninitiated, but basically you want your Twitter user name in the first box, a description like the one I’ve written in the second (the official Twitter stream for (your site)) and the site URL (not openlab, as here, but your specific OpenLab site URL).  Then you’ll need to agree to the terms and conditions, fill in a captcha and…you’ll see a page like this:

First, go to the SETTINGS tab and change Read-Only (which is the default) to “Read, Write and Access direct messages”.

Then you’ll want to note the blocked out bits in the screenshot above.  We’ve blocked them out because you need to keep these things private, but you want to copy that Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from the Twitter page pictured above and paste them into the appropriate fields back on your OpenLab site Twitter Tools Setting page (which, at this point, still says ‘Connect to Twitter’ at the top—it’s the third screenshot from the top of this post).

Once you’ve done that, go back to the Twitter page, scroll down, and click ‘Create Access Token.’

Once you do that, after a few moments an Acces Token and Access Token Secret will appear under the OAuth Tool tab, which the arrow points to here:

Copy what you find there (again, blocked out in the screenshot above) and go back to your OpenLab site Twitter Tools setup page. Paste the keys into the Access Key and Access Key Secret fields on your Twitter Tools setup page.  Again, keep that secret secret!

If all goes well, you’ll click ‘connect to Twitter’ and you’ll see ‘Yay! We connected with Twitter.’

The page you’ll find yourself on has Twitter Tools options which you’ll want to familiarize yourself with, though soon we’ll have a follow up tutorial that’ll give a bit more detail on how to use these options.

This is all a bit confusing, but hopefully this process makes a bit of sense–there’s another description of the same process here that might help as well.  And as always, contact us with any questions!


This Week in The Openlab! July 10th Edition

Spam is part of any open system, and while we do all sorts of things to prevent automated spam, there’s very little anyone can do about those friendly human spammers willing to actually type out comments and post them.  Do remember that by default comments are all saved to your dashboard and won’t appear until you approve them, and try to take joy in there inevitable compliments.  After learning that The Open Road ‘is so good that it is hardly possible to stop reading and start doing something else,’ we here at the OpenLab were happy for days!

Do note, however, that wordpress comments can be adjusted however you like:  you can hold all comments for approval, change it so that only logged in OpenLab members can comment, etc.  You can find these settings under SETTINGS>DISCUSSION.  Here’s a screenshot, what’s checked here is what’s checked by default:


 (Image © Copyright Graham Hardy licensed under Creative Commons Licence)

On the surface, it certainly seems we’ve become slow ducks:  the hazy heat of summer has all of the OpenLab panting in the shade.  But rest assured, the Openlab is buzzing behind the scenes (we’re trying this week to set a record for mixing animal metaphors).  We’re currently working on a update which will add functionality and rectify some lingering issues, and have a longer, summer term update coming which will make the entire OpenLab an easier place to get around.  We look forward to showing you our work, and in the meantime, please remember to keep letting us know what you’d like to see here on the OpenLab.  We’re always listening!


Featured Project:  First Year Writing @ City Tech

This week we’d like to feature a useful project called First Year Writing @ City Tech, which is ostensibly for First Year Writing Instructors but which contains valuable resources for anyone teaching writing or learning to write better or dealing with college and professional writing in any way which, we can assume, means just about all of us.  The project site is here, but this project also has valuable handouts and resources on its profile page, so make sure to check that out too!


Featured Blog:  Pictures of CUNY

This week we thought we’d direct your attention to the CUNY Academic Commons again, and this hilarious (to us) picture, which was featured on a blog entitled Pictures of CUNY, which posts a Creative Commons licensed CUNY-related picture every day.    Pictures of CUNY is run by Michael Branson Smith.  Professor Smith also has a wonderful blog where he categorizes, discusses and digitally displays his artwork.  You can see that here.

This Week In The Openlab: June 26th Edition

(Image by Andrew Dunn via Creative Commons)

Happy Summer, officially!  Apparently Stonehendge is the place to be for the official end of this long, cold, brutal winter.  Or, to be more accurate, this short, unusually mild and often unseasonably warm winter.  Either way, we’re happy it’s here.


Featured Tutorial:  An Introduction to HTML for (and openlab!) Users

More than once here on the OpenLab we’ve mentioned using the HTML tab to make specific changes, embed certain media (like YouTube video), etc.  That’s the tab that turns this:

Into this:

We know that just thinking about HTML makes some users shake in their boots, and the beauty of wordpress is most users don’t have to use it if they don’t want to.  But it’s also very simple, as far as code goes, and having a bit of background knowledge about what it means specifically for a wordpress system like ours is a great idea, and will reduce the intimidation.  There’s a simple overview here that you might like to check out.  It was written for sites, but will be largely applicable to the OpenLab as well.


Featured Course:  Interactive Animation

This week we’re featuring Professor Garnier’s Interactive Animation course.  If you’re teaching graphics or animation, there’s a lot that’s great on this site, including a good number of tutorials.  And here’s a fine example.


A Tip:  Hiding Sites and Projects

(Image by ZeWrestler via Creative Commons)

We’ve noticed a number of faculty have started working on fall courses and summer session courses.  And that’s great, and very encouraged, and as always we’re happy to help with technical and pedagogical questions.   It occurred to us that some faculty (especially if you’ve never been to one of our glorious workshops) might not know that courses can remain hidden until needed.

If you don’t want to show sites that are still ‘under construction,’ it’s good to remember, and easy to forget, that the ‘profile’ and ‘site’ side of your course have separate privacy controls.  It’s important we keep it that way:  many groups and classes choose to make the profile private–available only to their members–and make the site their ‘public face.’   But in the meantime, when you’re working on your course or project and aren’t yet ready to make it public, you can keep everything private by changing the settings in two places.

The first one is on the profile side, under Admin>Settings>Privacy Options.  Here you want to be sure ‘This is a hidden group’ is clicked.

And the second is on the dashboard of your site.  Here you want to go to Settings>Privacy and be sure that ‘I would like (my site) to be visible only to admins.’

Once you have those set, no one will see your site or project/course profile but you.  And don’t forget to uncheck those when the day comes, or you’ll be sending people to a site they can’t find!

As always, contact us with any questions.

This Week in The Openlab: June 19th Edition

(Image via State Senator Eric Adams)

Congratulations to all our graduates!  It seems like just yesterday you started, and now you’re all grown up.  Please keep in touch, and best of luck!

Featured Tutorial:  Finding Print Quality Images

“Have you ever grabbed an image off the internet, then printed it, only to find it looks awful on paper or is the size of a postage stamp? The image looked great on your computer screen, so why does it print so badly? The reason is image resolution. Image resolution describes the detail an image holds. The higher the resolution, the more detail is in the image”…  Our own Professor Libby Clark has written up some nice very nice tutorials on the subject, and she explains more here at Part One, and here at Part Two.

In fact, there are so many great things on Libby’s class site–things that will be useful for anyone touching on design in their courses, but also generally useful for the OpenLab–that we recommend it as a general resource on elements of design, specific skills, and design principles.  Have a look around–to our mind it’s exactly the kind of site that has the kind of cross-discipline value that makes an open platform like ours so valuable.

Thanks for these, Libby!

Reminder:  Upcoming Workshops

There will be faculty workshops on August 16th and 22nd, covering many OpenLab aspects, from getting signed up to broader pedagogical issues of teaching with technology.  Keep an eye out here on The Open Road for more information, and as always, contact us anytime for more information.

This Week in the Openlab! June 11th Edition

(SlideGuy Image by Reverend)


Last weekend, your very own OpenLab was happy to be part of the 2012 WordCampNYC.  If you’ve never heard of WordCamp, it’s a national series of conferences dedicated to bringing together WordPress users, including individual users who run their own sites, and larger groups and communities like ours. (And if you’ve never heard of WordPress, it’s the platform on which we run the site portion of the OpenLab). This year, the OpenLab participated in two sessions, both of which brought together CUNY folk who maintain platforms similar to our own at other CUNY campuses.

The first of these sessions was Building and Supporting WordPress for Higher Education, done with three other CUNY projects: the CUNY Academic CommonsBlogs@Baruch, and Macaulay ePortfolios.  At these sessions each group gave overviews, discussed our development and support processes, and talked over key issues with the audience, like how to present help documentation that makes sense for users.
(image by the inestimable lwalzer)

The second session was called Developing and Extending WordPress for Higher Education.  (Ten points if you can spot the difference in the titles!)  In this session the CUNY teams were joined by Tim Owens from UMWBlogs.  Tim spoke about ds106, an “open, online course that you can join in whenever you like and leave whenever you need.” 

In addition to bragging a bit about our role, we also want to be sure our users check out the important work going on there, so PLEASE check out ds106, particularly if you’re one of our CityTech faculty.  One feature of DS106 is crowd-sourced assignments (here’s a bunch of great examples, and so is the ‘slideguy’ at the top of this page).  Users submit assignments for others to do, complete assignments, and write tutorials describing how to do the assignments.  And the result, sometimes, is this:

(image by Annie Grotophorst)

Tim also talked about the Inspire blog, which we just love as a solution to the problem of making sure people see good work done on our sites, even as those sites get larger and larger.  Because ds106 participants create hundreds of posts, it’s easy for things to fall by the wayside: Inspire was created to allow users to act as curators, and recommend their favorites.  Our own home page was designed with this kind of thing in mind as well. Here’s a great one.

Pretty inspiring!


This Week In the Openlab: June 4th Edition

(Image by Michael Baird via Creative Commons)

It’s June, and so maybe this image is a happy elephant seal father and his elephant seal child or maybe it’s a couple of happy elephant seal graduates.  Or maybe they aren’t happy.  In any case, they’re certainly letting off steam!

Just two quick things this week…


The Kahn Academy

We’re always looking for online resources to share, and realized the other day that we haven’t yet shared The Kahn Academy, an incredible project creating and collecting video lessons on a wide variety of topics, from math and science to economics to the humanities.     You’re free to use any of these for your educational purposes and, because the videos are all hosted on YouTube, they’re easily embedded on The Openlab.   Just click the “watch on YouTube” button near the lower right, circled here:

Once you’ve done that, just follow the embedding YouTube video instructions found here on The OpenLab.  And a lot of people are working very hard on these videos–please give credit where credit is due!


Featured Tutorial:   Embedding YouTube Videos

As we were typing the above, we realized that somehow we haven’t yet featured a YouTube embedding tutorial here on The Open Road.  We’ve dealt with it in other places on The OpenLab, but want to make sure it’s here.  It’s about the easiest thing besides typing on the OpenLab, but do note that if you’re used to other wordpress installations, including, there might be a very slight difference, so be sure to have a look.


Embedding YouTube Videos

Embedding YouTube Videos on the OpenLab is about as simple as it comes.  Just a couple steps, and you’re done.  The only thing to note is that this might be a little different than what you’re used to if you’ve used other wordpress systems, including  In fact they’ve made it a little easier.

First, click the “Share” button beneath the video, then click “embed.”  Then copy and paste the link (circled below) NOT the iframe embed code (and here’s the difference from what you might be used to.

Next copy that link into the html window of your post.  If you’ve never noticed, there are two tabs in the upper right of your post dialogue box.  Click the html tab, then enter the copied link.

You can then switch back to the visual tab to finish your post.  Then hit publish, and that’s it!  As always, contact us with any questions.

This Week In Openlab: May 29th Edition

(By Itai (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, got a break, had a picnic, enjoyed the weather!  In honor of the short week, this week’s This Week won’t tax your patience…

Reminder:  Upcoming Workshops and Student Opportunities

Last week we put up two very important posts, and we just want to be sure they don’t get lost in the end-of-the-fall-term-beginning-of-the-summer-term shuffle.  The first is this notice about upcoming workshops, the first couple of which are THIS Thursday, May 31st. Do note that if you saw this information a long time ago, or even signed up a few months back, that this notice includes a room change.  We’ll be in (the hopefully very cool) A540, the main library classroom.  Hope to see you there!

Also, don’t forget about the Student Opportunities that we posted a few days back–and please tell your friends or students if you think they might be qualified and interested.  As always, contact us with any questions!


Featured Work:  Class Projects Around CUNY

As the Fall term closed, student website projects from all over CUNY started to appear, and we thought this week we might highlight one.  The Macaulay Seminar 2 Encyclopedia, showcases work done by MHC scholars in their second honors seminar, a course called “The Peopling of New York City.”   There are a number of fine examples in here of what can be done for a large-scale, student-directed final web-project for courses.

Have a look through around here and let us know if anything strikes you as something you might like to try on your own site or in your class–because we use the same digital platform (wordpress), what you see here can usually be done on the OpenLab, and we’d love to help.


We’re on Twitter!

 (image by by ecastro via Creative Commons)

We’ve implied, but not specifically mentioned, that we have a twitter account, and you should follow it.   Its @citytechopenlab, and it’s spectacular.  Join us!

Student Employment Opportunities!

(photo by m_dougherty via Creative Commons)

Help build the OpenLab!  We are looking for student applicants for two very exciting positions!  Check out the details below…


Student Blogger

Students, share your experiences and ideas with the City Tech community! And get paid!

City Tech’s OpenLab, our new, open-source digital platform for students, faculty, and staff, is looking for enthusiastic City Tech students for an exciting student blogging project. Everyone here has a story to tell – are you willing to share yours?

Starting in Fall 2012, OpenLab Student Bloggers will write a short post every two weeks about whatever interests you and your fellow students. Your posts could be about you: maybe you’re from another country, a parent, coming back to school after years away, a veteran, etc. Or you could write about what interests you and your friends and classmates: music, sports, food, movies, the 2012 election…

As well as writing on the site, OpenLab Student Bloggers will work with the OpenLab team to create conversation on the OpenLab by commenting on the posts written by other student bloggers and members of the OpenLab community.

And there’s more: In addition to being great for your resume, student bloggers will receive a stipend of $300 per semester.

To Apply:
Contact us at In your email please explain the point of view you’ll be bringing to your posts and why you should be chosen as one of our student bloggers. Please attach your resume and a short writing sample (just two or three paragraphs). In your writing sample you should write in the style you think you’ll use on your blog; there’s no need to be formal—you’re not being graded on this!—but you’ll need to be clear and interesting.


Student Community Builder

A small group of OpenLab Student Community Builders will join our friendly Community Team to help support the student members of the OpenLab community. You will:

  • Be an active presence on the site, greeting new student members, and commenting on student work.
  • Provide online assistance to student members on an as-needed basis.
  • Work with the Community Team to provide training to student users who may be inexperienced with technology, teaching them about blogging and what it means to have an online presence.
  • Conduct outreach to student user groups such as clubs and research projects.
  • Write posts for the Open Road ( and other blogs.
  • Assist with writing student-focused Help content.
  • Assist with testing new features and fixes, and provide feedback on site functionality.

Ideal candidates will possess the following:

  • Strong in-person and written communication skills.
  • Ability to work in a team, be reliable, and meet deadlines.
  • Comfort and familiarity with common social media platforms and online tools such as Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

Familiarity with the OpenLab is required.

Hours and Pay:
Approx. 3 hours a week, $12.50 per hour, during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters

Start Date:
The position will begin in mid-August 2012 (some training will be needed before the start of the Fall 2012 semester).

To Apply:
Contact us at Please send a resume, a few links to your online work, and a short note describing your interest in the position, how your experiences qualify you for it, and how you can help us make the OpenLab a better place for students. If you already work within the CUNY system or for the Research Foundation of CUNY, please note that, too.