Organizing the Internet.

How does someone navigate the internet? With countless web pages, digital information can only be organized by digital software. This digital software is a tool used to help us get the data we need, but just like any tool, it is only as good as its user. Badke explains how to effectively use a search engine to accurately pinpoint the data we need. Agostini’s article tells us how branding effects our searching. Where international companies spend large sums of money to make them more relevant in our searches. Liddy teaches us about the steps a search engine takes to deliver our data requests. The internet is growing, and new search software is being made. We are in the middle, learning how to master the two.

4 thoughts on “Organizing the Internet.

  1. ohlynn wright

    i agree and i enjoy your analogy with the digital and real life tool. I feel now that we are not taught how to search but how to avoid unwanted information. Shall we blame it on the organizer? Shall we become the organizer? Shall we blame the costliness use? How do we make it better and where do we start? search tools are the way of the future and we have to use them to build a bright one

  2. dubbullyou

    How can any of the information we receive be beneficial if they were only the “top hit” because that company paid more money to make it the top hit? We can’t solely rely on internet searches when we are required to find any information; we must go through records that are permanent, as in books, federal documents, etc. I think that we have to master, not only the internet, but also basic ways of research, going to the library, etc., to find the information that we actually need.

  3. Livanesa Santana

    I agree that search engines, such as Google, help us a lot in finding documents, but search engines also show us a lot of useless information. It is our responsibility to evaluate the quality of data. We must be very careful and specific when we research to get the most accurate information. If a lot of unnecessary information is displayed, you must paraphrase the keywords. It is very important to know that search engines give you information related to what you type in the search box. In other words, misspelling and writing a wrong subject will cause the search engine to show you unwanted information.

    1. Apples Post author

      I agree with you we are responsible to find the most relevant information we are searching for. We use a device to access information. This changes the old idea of going to physically find a book and spend a lot more time searching. The time we save by using the internet should be used to properly search what we are looking for. Using the techniques in the readings about searching can even save us more time and gets us better results. The main point is efficency, saving time and getting the best answer to effectively complete the task. I believe in time being able to accurately get the information we request will be done in a matter of seconds.


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