Monthly Archives: September 2012

Homework #5- Joey

The common crafts video on social media was a great way to explain the idea of social media through example. This video was easy to see and very short, it showed how social media has its big corporation and small markets.  It also explained how every market had there on share of distribution which is the same in social media, every blog or website gets there own share of views and people see their opinions.  Also showed how every person has a say in that they could express what they thought about while they read the blog or newspaper website. The article  “Linked Data gives people power” showed how in the internet people could help others in many ways, it could be just by comments or rating.  It told us how citizens helped make a map of dangerous bike routes just by putting in reports of where accidents have occur to help future cyclist.

Zines – Sabrina Martinez

I thought that the lecture on last Wednesday was interesting. I never knew or even heard of Zines until that class. It was kind of cool to see all the types of Zines people made and the different types of materials used to make a Zine.  I think that zines are a good idea for thank you gifts at a wedding or a birthday. It gave me an idea to create my own zine for a family function I will be having in 2013. I want to create a FAMILY TREE ZINE for my family. I know I would have to work hard getting all the pictures together but I am sure it would be a nice idea. I really liked the zine that was dedicated to Britney Spears, which was made by one of her fans. It just shows how one person can stand up for another without ever meeting them.

Wiki… What – Sabrina Martinez HW5

I started using Wiki about four years ago and me being a student that hated technology I did not know that the public can actually edit the information until the first week of school. I think that it is awesome that anyone can share any kind of information from any part of the world.  I began to use Wiki for study purposes while attending the Ass. Radiology Program at City Tech and now I like to use Wiki for travel information, like what are fun things to do when you are in Saratoga Springs, or what are the best hotels in Florida.  You can get so much information from Wiki however, it becomes a problem when you do one search and you get about 10,000 different hits of information that you have to take time out and go through what is worth reading.  One issue that I tend to think about is, “Who put this information up and how true is the information?” I guess I always leave it up to my judgment to decide.

Homework #5- Wikipedia and Social Media

I have known about wikipedia for many years and I always used it for outside of school research. For some reson for school work, in my trials wikipedia was unreliable. After looking at Baker’s article, i agree with him that freedom of speech has its pro’s and cons when it comes to the internet. Like Baker i feel that people have right to freedom of speech and we all should be mature enough to post only facts on websites where people go to learn. Wikipedia in previous years have been very easy to just go on as a guest and edit a whole document on the page and there was no real review process on the page, however wikipedia is making a big turn because now they have a lock on certain pages/articles to avoid vandalism of commonly looked up information. With freedom of speech comes great responsibility and so we all should watch how we use this freedom.

The negatives and positives of wikipedia

After reading The Charms of Wikipedia, all i could think about was how this website went from an obscure place where people could be editors to a website where millions of people go to research and share information with the world. However, some things just seemed to annoy me while reading this piece. It goes back to something i read in the Badke book. He mentioned this “gatekeeper” idea where one of the questions asked was is the information worthy to be published? This came to mind when Baker talked about other people not deaming his articles on wikipedia to be of importance or relevance. This is why part of the “gatekeeper” idea doesnt sit well with me. To me, all information is important and thus, gives us the right to publish or share with others no matter how irrelevant some might find it.

Wikipedia and Social Media

I found the Common Craft video on social media to be a solid means of introducing and describing how social media works, why its necessary, and how it can be used to benefit all. At the same time, i appreciate Nicholson Baker’s article, which gives us insight as to the negatives of “freedom” and how something that’s meant to be useful and shared can be perverted into a platform for anarchy. Its a sad reflection of humanity in my opinion, and can be seen all across the world in other things. While freedom of speech is something i cherish and believe every human should have, there still is a point at which there needs to be a difference between using speech as a tool vs speech as a weapon. I’ve experienced with a business i’m close with, where people who were caught stealing went on yelp and flooded the business with negative reviews. How fair would that have been in scoopville, if people who just didnt like jarett said that his ice cream was nasty, when they’ve never had it? Wikipedia has evolved into a community of editors within the normal internet community to manage the information and keep some integrity, however, at the same time some of those people have gotten so caught up in themselves and their ability to determine what is “relevant”, that they’re suppressing the free flowing of information. I wonder if there will ever be a solution to the abuse that comes with both freedom, and power.

What’s to come?

After reading the articles, I wonder what is to become of the World Wide Web.  The internet has grown to a massive source of information. Big companies or everyday people are able to share, connect, and sell information.  Social media such as Facebook, blogs, instagram, and YouTube, make it possible. The information obtain from these sites are used for various reasons. It may be for profit or personal use.  Big companies have the ability to expand their networking. For example, some websites you no longer have to create a login. You could log in through Facebook.   Once you log in, the information given to Facebook is now share with the new website. You no longer have to take the time to write you address, birthday, or your email address.  Everyday people are the reason for which these changes are possible. Bloggers, yelpers, and commenters, write their ideas, thoughts and complaints daily on the web. Maybe someone wrote a blog on how much they hate having to write their personal information, create screen names and passwords for every site.  Someone else commented how they have so many different screen names and passwords, they cannot remember. Then a Facebook developer read the blog and came up with Facebook connect.  The World Wide Web is for every changing by the information generated from everyday people.

Blog Post #5 – Ahmad Woods

So a term that always mystified me was the Web 2.0. The phrasing suggests that one day the old internet or Web 1.0 got a massive overhaul and is now reborn as Web 2.0 over night. That clearly is not the case. After reading a wiki article on Web 2.0 I am now enlightened.  Web 2.0 is a platform that involves the user with the internet. What that refers to is the social media or a web where users are able to contribute to the web in many different. Network as platform

The video posted “social media in plain english” was very charming in it’s presentation.  The ice cream factory as an example to explain contributory media made it easy too understand. I used to underestimate the power tagging has but the video clued me into another purpose it may serve.

Wiki_ Homework 5

We all know of wikipedia but then again this article Charms of wikipedia was very interesting. Nicholas Baker went through some negative and positive points in using this website. It all depends in the way we could use and in my opinion I would rather use wikipedia for random search which has nothing to with my school research, because after reading this article I could tell vandalism has existed for a while. Which does not give me the confidence to use the information posted in wikipedia, but browsing wikipedia with the many topics this web page has, may be interesting and fun to see. Knowing there are different editors with bits of knowledge in Bakers term ” it’s like some vast aerial city wiht people walking briskly to and for on catwalks, carrying picnic baskets full of nutritious snacks.” Full of controversies, opinion, ideas and bits of knowledge.

Wiki History – Destiny Modeste

“Wikipedia is just an incredible thing,” stated Nicholson Baker in the first sentence of “The Charms of Wikipedia.” After reading this article I agree with Mr. Baker. It’s a complex online database that I feel we take advantage of. Even though we shouldn’t use it for educational purposes because some articles get vandalized by wiki-users who may or may not have a dislike for the topic or just to want to mess with people, it still holds a lot of information for personal use. This article made me want to actually browse through some recently made pages and see some of the remarks people put just for a laugh, but I don’t think I’d find any because of the “algorithmicized helper bots.” This vandalizing act has a positive and negative side.  Being able to add inaccurate information is obviously the negative but being able to discuss a topic of interest with others is the positive. So, it all depends on how we use it.

-Destiny Modeste