Author Archives: Dwayne Carolina

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Dwayne Carolina

Charles Baculima-Castillo

Reno Abraham

Hw #8

From watching the three videos, i have been exposed to things in a new light that i never really viewed as a problem. One thing that really bothered one of the author’s was that he liked to listen to people sing. When he said he liked to hear people sing that was him listening to pure good vocals with little to no touch-ups. Auto-tune was a technological advancement that upset people that were very strong-hearted about people singing and actually having the raw talent. On top of this, privacy laws were also changed do to airplane and helicopter flights, before due to laws planes could not fly directly over or extremely close to houses but this law was later changed for easier airplane flights, but people were upset with this law change because it gave them less privacy.

H.w post # 6

From reading both articles assigned to read, I was forced to look at things in a new light. “Facebook Privacy Train wreck” shed a light on how after face books update on september 5th 2006 “invaded privacy”. However when this was brought to Zuckerberg’s attention he defended himself by claiming that everyones post are public regardless and that the news feed just allowed the users to keep tabs on they friend without having to sign on and type in their name all the time. Although Zuckerberg has a legit argument, people still feel like Facebook shows too much of their data and so as a result Zuckerberg had to make groups to allow people to post on a feed where only a few friends that were selected by the user can see.

Homework #5- Wikipedia and Social Media

I have known about wikipedia for many years and I always used it for outside of school research. For some reson for school work, in my trials wikipedia was unreliable. After looking at Baker’s article, i agree with him that freedom of speech has its pro’s and cons when it comes to the internet. Like Baker i feel that people have right to freedom of speech and we all should be mature enough to post only facts on websites where people go to learn. Wikipedia in previous years have been very easy to just go on as a guest and edit a whole document on the page and there was no real review process on the page, however wikipedia is making a big turn because now they have a lock on certain pages/articles to avoid vandalism of commonly looked up information. With freedom of speech comes great responsibility and so we all should watch how we use this freedom.

Homework # 4- Zine

From reading the 3 links, i have come to a conclusion that all zines are strictly made as a smaller “Mood Board”. Companies always liked to make zines even tho they bring back low profit and most people think its a waste of money. However if presented and showcased correctly a zine can do your campaign a great service but to have a decent zine, you have to look up good examples and really understand a zine’s purpose. In the creative thinking link that was posted i think the author said it best when he stated ” If we are interested in understanding the world, we need to ask serious questions about the institutions that teach us about that world.” That statement can also be related to zine’s in a way where, if someone wanted to make a zine that was worth making then they have to understand why and how a zine works and what people look for in a zine. That is the big difference in between making a Mood board and a real professional looking article that looks like its straight out of a newspaper.

HW #3 Producers of digital Media

Through reading Pavlik’s, “Producers Of Digital Media” I took a big understanding to how and why media changed through time. In the reading it was confirmed that most of the newspapers were privately owned, however many people were into blogging. So the privately owned newspapers had to start allowing the publics voice in the paper or they would end up with no sales. The reason being is that people would simply go online and look at blog post for recent news and unbiased thoughts. The way that we know the internet plays a big role is even the presidential candidates promote very hard through internet ads on common websites like youtube. That goes to show that the internet is very powerful because if people promote on their to be world leaders harder then they do on the public campaigns then you know that the online community is very large and at the same time very powerful.

Homework #2

In the video about how information has been reported differently through the 20th and 21st century was very interesting. In “Blogs In Plain English” we are exposed to how in the 20th century, reporters were the only ones who delivered news and only shared news that they were allowed to. In the 20th century when the news were reported it was professional but also very bias and it became very different in the 21st century. Although in the 21st century news were still professional and bias, the world of blogging was elevated. People were abled to talk about any and everything and post it online and share it with millions within seconds. Looking at the world of blogging, if more people start to accept it or not, it is making a big come up in the world. I agree with Pavlik’s “In the Digital Age” he states, “It is clear that the twenty-first century will witness a continuing and fundamental transformation of Journalism and media in the digital age”. In the “Blog Wiki” video the author shows us that the blogs wiki can help you in your regular day life, virtually plan an event with extreme detail, and everything you add can be viewed and edited by your peers.



Homework #1 Chapter 1 Blog Response

From the 1st page of the chapter to the last, Badke came out the gate swinging. Badke’s style of writing is very aggressive and he doesn’t waste anytime getting his point across. Badke approached his topic head on and spoke about how societies and their traditions have escalated throughout time. As Badke progresses in his teaching he briefly shows how information and culture was passed down from generation to generation. Although he agrees passing culture generation to generation is a good thing, he also takes one step ahead and talks about the disadvantages. Although they were passing the information down, it was verbally so it was becoming more inaccurate every generation. This inaccuracy all came to a halt with the invention of the printing press because it allowed for multiple copies of documents so no one had to pass it down because it was written all around. Then came the Internet, which was an advancement that was also a major setback because of people putting up information that was false.