Tag Archives: Homework 3

Exposure HW#6

“Avoiding social networking site is not, however, a guarantee of privacy. For IPSs and search engine providers can learn a good deal about customers by tracking the searches they make.” In reading both assigned articles I concluded what I had learned before in one of my classes, which is that not only do social websites expose our personal information we give but also other non social websites that use our information for contact, promotion, ads, and so on. I myself have a facebook account but I make sure I don’t provide personal information I want other to know. In the facebook article where there was an example of burglars knowing when someone would be in vacation to make there act, that actually happen to my co worker. There is no more privacy in the web so the only thing is to due is look for other alternatives or make sure a web is trust worthy, like buying a textbook online.

joey- hw3

While reading Pavliks “Producers of Digital Media” I learned how media had changed over time and the meanings behind it.  It helped me recognized how involved the public is in todays media.  It gave examples of how phones are were used to record some important evidence and how mostly it was random citizens.  The reading also talks about newspaper were privately owned before and now changing to be publicly owned for the sake of having business because people like having a say in todays media.  This is why most media have adopted to having online distribution and consumption, in order to let the public to have discussions by the means of blogging.

HW #3 Producers of digital Media

Through reading Pavlik’s, “Producers Of Digital Media” I took a big understanding to how and why media changed through time. In the reading it was confirmed that most of the newspapers were privately owned, however many people were into blogging. So the privately owned newspapers had to start allowing the publics voice in the paper or they would end up with no sales. The reason being is that people would simply go online and look at blog post for recent news and unbiased thoughts. The way that we know the internet plays a big role is even the presidential candidates promote very hard through internet ads on common websites like youtube. That goes to show that the internet is very powerful because if people promote on their to be world leaders harder then they do on the public campaigns then you know that the online community is very large and at the same time very powerful.

Producers of digital media (Homework #3)

I would have to say that today the biggest source where people get their news is probably from Youtube. Now-a-days people go on to YouTube and search for the latest new updates. Also people get other new information about other products like the latest video game or the next movie that’s in production. And not only do national television shows show content on the site but everyday people also post up news stories and millions of people watch them.

Another source people get the daily intake of information is anywhere online. All a person has to do is go to Google or Bing and just type in what they want to look for and a giant selection of information will be available to anyone who has a computer with Internet. Also written sources are also going digital because they know that people would rather spend nothing for an article they could just find on their own instead of going out of their house and “wasting” money on a $1.50 newspaper they could get at a local store.

Producers of Digital Media – Homework #3

The World Wide Web. Open publication to whatever you please.  All the things we use as a source of information such as; books, audio, video content, and pictures are mostly found on the web.  It hasn’t always been like this though. Let us take a trip back in time. According to Pavlik, newspapers were only local, books were primarily national, and magazines were mainly regional but sometimes national. Now, all of these can be easily found on the World Wide Web within the click of a couple of buttons, opposed to rummaging through thousands of old pages looking for the first article on JFK’s assassination, or 9/11. I think this is absolutely remarkable because it shows how far this world has come and how quickly things are changing. It makes you think about what’s going to happen in the next 20 years. Will the web even be relevant anymore? Or will there be a new way to find information quickly.

-Destiny Modeste

Young Publishers_ Homework 3

We all may agree that technology is advancing and increasing in its daily public users. There has been changes in the way we look for information in the world wide web and sharing thoughts, pictures, applications, home made videos, news etc. From reading this chapter of pavlik I can prove what technology can help do, in where  not only do professional writers can publish, but also any individual who wishes to do so. Websites like youtube or facebook can be an example of public (non professional) use to publish anything they desire to share. http://youtu.be/q8K5UGSFW40 Magazines or newspapers publishers make sure that their print productions can also be found in the web for online users to keep reading and at the same time giving them the bonus exclusive content. Demonstrating that they are not going to be left behind by this advancing technology.


Homework 3.

After i read Pavlik’s, “Producers Of Digital Media” i learned national news papers were once  owned by private businesses. with the technology gradually increasing they became owned by the public. When the World Wide Web became a medium of public communication, books, audio and video content slowly began to increase.  Now we can publish anything from pictures, to blogs and funny videos on the internet. The presidential candidates now use the internet to speak across the world to many different people. Even Saddam Husseins execution was caught on video via cell phone then distributed all over the internet from phone to phone. The most important thing i took out of this was, that  with the internet you can almost do anything wether your watching a video such as Skateboarder Tony Hawk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xkXTZtzNA0 or watching a world leader speak, downloading a book to your tablets or cell phone, or uploading pictures from your camera.