Tag Archives: wikipedia

Homework #5- Wikipedia and Social Media

I have known about wikipedia for many years and I always used it for outside of school research. For some reson for school work, in my trials wikipedia was unreliable. After looking at Baker’s article, i agree with him that freedom of speech has its pro’s and cons when it comes to the internet. Like Baker i feel that people have right to freedom of speech and we all should be mature enough to post only facts on websites where people go to learn. Wikipedia in previous years have been very easy to just go on as a guest and edit a whole document on the page and there was no real review process on the page, however wikipedia is making a big turn because now they have a lock on certain pages/articles to avoid vandalism of commonly looked up information. With freedom of speech comes great responsibility and so we all should watch how we use this freedom.

Wikipedia and Social Media

I found the Common Craft video on social media to be a solid means of introducing and describing how social media works, why its necessary, and how it can be used to benefit all. At the same time, i appreciate Nicholson Baker’s article, which gives us insight as to the negatives of “freedom” and how something that’s meant to be useful and shared can be perverted into a platform for anarchy. Its a sad reflection of humanity in my opinion, and can be seen all across the world in other things. While freedom of speech is something i cherish and believe every human should have, there still is a point at which there needs to be a difference between using speech as a tool vs speech as a weapon. I’ve experienced with a business i’m close with, where people who were caught stealing went on yelp and flooded the business with negative reviews. How fair would that have been in scoopville, if people who just didnt like jarett said that his ice cream was nasty, when they’ve never had it? Wikipedia has evolved into a community of editors within the normal internet community to manage the information and keep some integrity, however, at the same time some of those people have gotten so caught up in themselves and their ability to determine what is “relevant”, that they’re suppressing the free flowing of information. I wonder if there will ever be a solution to the abuse that comes with both freedom, and power.

Wiki_ Homework 5

We all know of wikipedia but then again this article Charms of wikipedia was very interesting. Nicholas Baker went through some negative and positive points in using this website. It all depends in the way we could use and in my opinion I would rather use wikipedia for random search which has nothing to with my school research, because after reading this article I could tell vandalism has existed for a while. Which does not give me the confidence to use the information posted in wikipedia, but browsing wikipedia with the many topics this web page has, may be interesting and fun to see. Knowing there are different editors with bits of knowledge in Bakers term ” it’s like some vast aerial city wiht people walking briskly to and for on catwalks, carrying picnic baskets full of nutritious snacks.” Full of controversies, opinion, ideas and bits of knowledge.

Wiki History – Destiny Modeste

“Wikipedia is just an incredible thing,” stated Nicholson Baker in the first sentence of “The Charms of Wikipedia.” After reading this article I agree with Mr. Baker. It’s a complex online database that I feel we take advantage of. Even though we shouldn’t use it for educational purposes because some articles get vandalized by wiki-users who may or may not have a dislike for the topic or just to want to mess with people, it still holds a lot of information for personal use. This article made me want to actually browse through some recently made pages and see some of the remarks people put just for a laugh, but I don’t think I’d find any because of the “algorithmicized helper bots.” This vandalizing act has a positive and negative side.  Being able to add inaccurate information is obviously the negative but being able to discuss a topic of interest with others is the positive. So, it all depends on how we use it.

-Destiny Modeste

Homework 5.

I found the article of Wikipedia really interesting, because for the longest time i always used Wikipedia for research and looking up information. In high school  i was told most of the stuff on that website wasnt true. The editors get angry when you change a post on something that was created by a user. I got banned from editing on Wikipedia for such a stupid reason. My favorite sport is hockey im a rangers fan, so awhile back they traded for a bunch of people over the summer, so i figured i would update the roster on wikipedia and, i guess the so called “Editors” did not like that and warned me that if i do that again id be barred from posting. and they changed my revisions. So a few weeks later i did it again cause it still was not fixed and i got barred from editing stuff on Wikipedia with my account. Some people edit for the wrong reason, like how that bedbugs post was changed to “BED BUGS MOTHER FUCKER THEY GON GET YO MOTHA FUCKING ASS BRAAAAAAAT FOOL BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.

Overall i thought the article was good, and learned dont edit  something on there even if its clean.

homework #5 the charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for as long as I can remember. I do not use it for educational school research purposes, due to its inaccuracy, but rather for my own personal knowledge on a subject . Nicholas Baker points out many negative and positive aspects of using/editing wikipedia, in his article Charms of Wikipedia. The negative aspect is that anyone can enter the site and edit any articles with invalid information. The positive aspect is that one can enter and discuss topics of their interest and share useful information that others can build on. It is a place where editors can formulate their knowledge to hopefully become a reliable source to others. Because of its vandalism, it reminds us that wikipedia is not a commercial product. It gives one the satisfaction of “fame” so to speak, because people spend hours days and decades editing and publishing their information on Wikipedia. Others view your information and, if it is a notable, can use it as a reliable source.

Homework #5 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

In, “The Charms Of Wikipedia” article, I know that Wikipedia is a website that pretty much acts like an encyclopedia. I can search anything I want and there will be an article based on the subject I searched. I find this website very helpful for homework and personal research. The growth of Wikipedia is very appealing to me because I’ve been using Wikipedia for years now; when the website was on its early stages and wasn’t popular at the time since it was new. Now throughout the years, Wikipedia has expanded so much and received recognition. As a result, it gained a huge audience and the website has undergone through several changes and revisions not only to their articles but to the website itself, like the homepage and menu bars. I find this very convenient, personally, because as Wikipedia grows, so does the content it carries. A few years ago, I remember I used to get frustrated when Wikipedia didn’t have articles on subjects I wanted to find and learn about. Now, in today’s world, the website has an article on almost anything; whether that ranges from music genres, movies, celebrities, food, hardware, to languages, politics, government, history, etc. I also felt that Wikipedia wasn’t just a website, but more like an online community data base, where anyone can contribute to the website. I’m a user of Wikipedia and I’ll proudly say that I also contributed to the website by adding content to articles that I have a great interest in and am very knowledgeable in.