Tag Archives: facebook

hw-6 JOey

Modern social media sites are constantly changing ever since I could remember.  When MySpace was the place to be I remember people complaining about privacy, they didn’t want there comments to show or let people see their pictures.  People figured a way to do through the means of either MySpace giving them the option or just customizing their profiles.  Facebook was started for college students but it expanded and drew in a big crowd.  At first no one seem to have a problem but after a while people want new things and find things to complain about.  When using a social media site there is not much privacy and if you don’t want people to see certain things then certain things shouldn’t be posted.  Facebook is constantly changing and making it able to privatise your profile as you please giving you the option to choose who sees what.  People always seem to find something to complain to change things yet when change happens it becomes an outbreak.

homework #6

Facebook went through a lot of changes since it had first started. Facebook was first intended just for college kids and just like every social media site little kids tend to take it over thus changing the main idea for a site. The privacy setting have also changed, but as I use Facebook I’ve never touch them because i really don’t post things I don’t want to be posted. The problem people have with their privacy is that they don’t keep it private and just post it for the entire world to see, but once someone they don’t want to see it they complain that there is no privacy.


Social Networking… Sabrina Martinez

While reading the research article, Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck by Danah Boyd I was surprised to see how much of problem users had with the News Feed feature on Facebook. Although there are roughly 800 million active Facebook users, about 700,000 users joined a group to protest against the newly added feature which according to Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg was a feature to help keep tabs on their friends. Being that the information was already public information, I do not understand why the users had a problem with it. In no way it is invasion of privacy because it is only showing the information that the user shares. Yes, viewing the information was more obscure to users when Facebook was originally made however, like all networks companies pay to upgrade the sites and add new features. Many Facebook users have misused social networking sites to tell the world about their problems or for bullying purposes. Yes, you get those people who really read into everything on person does which creates problems.  I see it like this, if you are going to be ashamed if a certain someone is going to read your status or view a picture that they shouldn’t you shouldn’t post it.  If you don’t want people in your business, it shouldn’t be put on a SOCIAL NETWORKIG SITE! Now with the most recent updates I think that it’s a good idea that Facebook left if up to the users to choose whether they want certain information to be seen by their friends. One of the biggest problems I think is that people add other people just because you see you have friends in common etc. I have always said it the social networking is making people more anti-social. It makes me wonder what will  peoples social life look like in the next 20 years… will people be sitting at the same table texting each other while they are out….

H.w post # 6

From reading both articles assigned to read, I was forced to look at things in a new light. “Facebook Privacy Train wreck” shed a light on how after face books update on september 5th 2006 “invaded privacy”. However when this was brought to Zuckerberg’s attention he defended himself by claiming that everyones post are public regardless and that the news feed just allowed the users to keep tabs on they friend without having to sign on and type in their name all the time. Although Zuckerberg has a legit argument, people still feel like Facebook shows too much of their data and so as a result Zuckerberg had to make groups to allow people to post on a feed where only a few friends that were selected by the user can see.

Online Privacy

In the article,” Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck”, the author discusses the inconvenience caused by “News Feeds” where people could have access to their Facebook friends’ activities and sensitive information. However, after the protest of Facebook users again the violation of their privacy, Mark Zuckerberg took some initiatives to stop this annoyance. Indeed, Zckerberg says that the goal of Facebook is to help people share information, but some users use it as source of libel and bullying. For instance, a friend of mind split out with his girlfriend; thus in order to take her revenge, she used his own Facebook page to gossip several bad things about him include their sexual life, and all his receive those horrible posts. In fact, she was able to do that because she knew his password.

Concerning the online privacy, I thing that something must be done by the government to stop the tracking of other people information because if someone has some information about what you like, what you do, and what kind of website you surf, it is like you are walking naked in front of him, so he can harm you at anytime he want.


Facebook has changed alot since it first opened when it was for college students only. im starting to dislike it even more because of the lack of privacy people have. You can basically stalk people in a way. Seeing what peoples first post ever was due to the timeline. i really think this needs to change so people can be more protective.

Increasing Dislike for Facebook – HW# 6 Destiny Modeste

Being a user of Facebook, I’ve noticed all the changes discussed in “Facebook Privacy Trainwreck” by Danah Boyd. I too, have become unsatisfied with the constant changes they make to the site. The other day I was trying to figure out how to prevent people from commenting on photos or statuses because I have friends that do say inappropriate things and unnecessary comments, and noticed that facebook had taken that feature off earlier this year. I believe that is one of the worst things that have come with the update. I also hate timeline. In the article, Boyd discusses about a queer group and how people couldn’t notice if you joined or left it; timeline now allows people to know everything you do and when you do it, on which day or year. Facebook has become the ultimate site for stalkers and the youth who are using it are just letting them know everything they want to see/hear. Facebook privacy is bad but you agree to those terms when you first click “Sign Up.”

-Destiny Modeste

Exposure HW#6

“Avoiding social networking site is not, however, a guarantee of privacy. For IPSs and search engine providers can learn a good deal about customers by tracking the searches they make.” In reading both assigned articles I concluded what I had learned before in one of my classes, which is that not only do social websites expose our personal information we give but also other non social websites that use our information for contact, promotion, ads, and so on. I myself have a facebook account but I make sure I don’t provide personal information I want other to know. In the facebook article where there was an example of burglars knowing when someone would be in vacation to make there act, that actually happen to my co worker. There is no more privacy in the web so the only thing is to due is look for other alternatives or make sure a web is trust worthy, like buying a textbook online.

H.W. 6 Reno A

Facebook have become the biggest social network over the years, but during 2006 Facebook did have their flaws. The “News Feed” was the biggest problem that has followers or user to be concerned about using Facebook; it’s becoming an invasion to people privacy. People can see their friend’s relationship status, recent post, etc.; it’s mostly that people have access to other people private information. This also makes the user have less option of what they can hide or not, and this kind of leave them in public eye. I do think that “Newsfeed” is way over the top and it makes you feel uncomfortable to see you friend business (it’s kind of weird) but still you on a social Networking if you put something on the surf web it not private anymore.

Emira Marra, Homework #6 facebook

Facebook has greatly and drastically changed the social norms of privacy that we understand today. “Newsfeed” had become a serious issue within the Facebook community and, I can clearly see how that may have developed. Newsfeed blatantly displays peoples recent activities, relationship, family and day to day status’. I disagree with Mark Zuckerberg, that information is already easily accessible because what if someone did not think to search another’s page to find information as opposed to logging on and having the information of their daily activities in front of you. It would raise less curiosity to the other person and,one is still willingly allowed to search anthers page but without being uncomfortably exposed to an acquaintance on Facebook.