Tag Archives: Online privacy

Social Networking… Sabrina Martinez

While reading the research article, Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck by Danah Boyd I was surprised to see how much of problem users had with the News Feed feature on Facebook. Although there are roughly 800 million active Facebook users, about 700,000 users joined a group to protest against the newly added feature which according to Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg was a feature to help keep tabs on their friends. Being that the information was already public information, I do not understand why the users had a problem with it. In no way it is invasion of privacy because it is only showing the information that the user shares. Yes, viewing the information was more obscure to users when Facebook was originally made however, like all networks companies pay to upgrade the sites and add new features. Many Facebook users have misused social networking sites to tell the world about their problems or for bullying purposes. Yes, you get those people who really read into everything on person does which creates problems.  I see it like this, if you are going to be ashamed if a certain someone is going to read your status or view a picture that they shouldn’t you shouldn’t post it.  If you don’t want people in your business, it shouldn’t be put on a SOCIAL NETWORKIG SITE! Now with the most recent updates I think that it’s a good idea that Facebook left if up to the users to choose whether they want certain information to be seen by their friends. One of the biggest problems I think is that people add other people just because you see you have friends in common etc. I have always said it the social networking is making people more anti-social. It makes me wonder what will  peoples social life look like in the next 20 years… will people be sitting at the same table texting each other while they are out….

H.w post # 6

From reading both articles assigned to read, I was forced to look at things in a new light. “Facebook Privacy Train wreck” shed a light on how after face books update on september 5th 2006 “invaded privacy”. However when this was brought to Zuckerberg’s attention he defended himself by claiming that everyones post are public regardless and that the news feed just allowed the users to keep tabs on they friend without having to sign on and type in their name all the time. Although Zuckerberg has a legit argument, people still feel like Facebook shows too much of their data and so as a result Zuckerberg had to make groups to allow people to post on a feed where only a few friends that were selected by the user can see.

Homework #6 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

I learned that on September 5th, 2006 Facebook launched a new feature called “News Feed” which angered many people because they saw it as an invasion of privacy. As a result, this led them to create groups and pages within the Facebook website itself that were against the new feature. I never experienced this myself because I joined Facebook in 2011, which was a lot later. I disagree with the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, on saying that all the information on someone was public anyway. On a technical standpoint; he is right because all the information on the News Feed can be viewed on everyone’s individual profiles, but people actually had to put time and effort to find certain information. With News Feed, everything little detail is added to that page which is accessible when someone enters Facebook and log in.