Author Archives: Ahmad Woods

12.5.2012 Blog Post – Ahmad Woods

Narukami Basic OMB BnB Tutorial and OMB Applications

This particular video is a tutorial for the competitive aspect of the fighting game Persona 4 Arena. It is meant to teach the players of this game people who exclusively play the character Yu Narukami how to optimize and maximize his damage from any point on the stage when performing a “burst”, a multi use and very important mechanic in the game.

The tutorial runs through every possible set up this character has off a “one more burst” into high damaging combos. It starts off with the most basic mid screen combo then goes off into more specialized setups. It begins by teaching the player how to execute the combo properly and how do avoid “same move proration” which causes the combo to drop. It then moves on into a high light reel of the kinds of combos you can do with one more burst.

To say this video is for those with specialized knowledge would be a fair statement. The video assumes you know how to play fighting games, it assumes you know how to play persona 4 arena, and it assumes you know numeric notation and other terminology. This fair game however if you’re playing this particular game in a competitive environment chances are you already know how to play fighting games so those explanations would be redundant.  If you don’t this is the wrong tutorial to for you. Although I would have like an explanation in this video for same move proration since it’s a term that exclusively applies to this fighting game but it isn’t something addressed in the game manual.

11-21-2012 Blog Post – Ahmad Woods

Reading an excerpt from Howard’s “Hot Type: A Modern Scholar’s Ailments: Link Rot and Footnote Flight”  describes the purpose of citation and there’s six of them;  acknowledgment, attribution, tracing, validation, protection against accusations of misconduct. I think probably the most important reason for citation is validation.  It’s nice to have that cushion to know someone has done some sort of research on on this because then you know that the topic may be actually worth researching. Needless to say it also makes you look good when you pull out all sorts of references; it validates your research since now you have evidence to support you claims.

Blog Post 10: Research Topic Difficulties – Ahmad Woods

The biggest issue I had with my research topic proposal was aiming it into the scope of this class. I feel like the best papers you can write are the ones you are actually passionate about and one thing I’m really into anime and other aspects of Japanese culture.  From the beginning I set out to write an academic paper on otaku culture once I was aware of the assignment.  The trick was figuring out how it fit into the class topics and at that point I had no idea how it could be done.  I even put aside a backup topic that had a higher chance of working in this class but one I was less enthusiastic to write about in the case this proposal fell through.  The discussion we had during class and the articles we read on social media however gave me some ideas.  A good portion of the discussion was focused on the negatives of social media but I wanted to make the case for the positives of it.  Then my topic idea hit me in the face; what if I can write about the positive effects social media has on niche cultures such as otaku cultures?  Of course I needed to flesh it out a bit more and the professor really helped me arrive at a proper sounding topic.

Blog Post 9 – Ahmad Woods

Would it sound crazy if I said search engines controls the internet? Maybe the word “controls” sounds a bit strong nearly implying that search engines are a collective internet Illuminati of sorts. However search engines do hold a large amount of power because it ultimately decides what we eventually click on. Why do you think corporations pay top dollar to have their web pages featured in Google’s first page search? I mean that has a lot to do with the fact that people normally do not look pass the first page but yeah.

The process behind searching through a search engine is rather intricate but the article explaining it excluded page ranks which is a big part of it all.

Blog Post 7 – Ahmad Woods

Every semester at the start of  a class where we’ll  be doing a decent amount of writing the professor briefs us on the syllabus then gets to the part on plagiarism  I promptly roll my eyes and stop paying attention there. That’s not to say I’m gonna plagiarize anyway, I haven’t as far as I know, I just don’t really take the warning seriously. Why? What’s really constitutes as plagiarism? I have had different professors tell me different things to point where the term plagiarism essentially means don’t get caught.

Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind article puts things in perspective for me and clarified that the definition of plagiarism is not a chameleon; it doesn’t change to suit the professors interpretation of laziness. If you own your words then there should be no issue with plagiarism. Some one gave me a rather brilliant quote, “the key to creativity is hiding your influences” which relates some what to that.

It just feels good to know that I wont get blown up for using my favorite catch phrase or something in a paper.

Blog Post 6 – Ahmad Woods

Internet privacy has been a growing concern in the digital age. Social networking sites like Facebook where users share personal data make it really easy for identity thefts to go in and do their things. Don’t believe me? Well then check this video out

You’ll be surprised at the amount of information people leave out to the public. Reading the online privacy article however it seems the biggest threat to our privacy is the technology tracking advertiser use. These things are particularly dirty because you have no way of turning them off and it’s mostly involuntary. The article explains that most people aren’t even aware of the extent of data being gathered on them. To make matters more complicated these advertisers aren’t even held accountable and they can hold on to your info for an undisclosed amount of time.

These advertisers aren’t even regulated and we should all be aware of how dangerous little to no regulation can be *cough*2008 market crash cough* People seriously need to be made aware of this and be educated on their options. Like I didn’t even know half of this stuff was going on until I read the article. Very informative albeit a very long read.

Blog Post #5 – Ahmad Woods

So a term that always mystified me was the Web 2.0. The phrasing suggests that one day the old internet or Web 1.0 got a massive overhaul and is now reborn as Web 2.0 over night. That clearly is not the case. After reading a wiki article on Web 2.0 I am now enlightened.  Web 2.0 is a platform that involves the user with the internet. What that refers to is the social media or a web where users are able to contribute to the web in many different. Network as platform

The video posted “social media in plain english” was very charming in it’s presentation.  The ice cream factory as an example to explain contributory media made it easy too understand. I used to underestimate the power tagging has but the video clued me into another purpose it may serve.

LIB1201 8/29 Homework

Reading chapter 1 of Badke’s book my impressions of it is it puts up a solid effort in engaging you for some boring old school text book.  The author clearly has a sense of humor which finds its way into his writing.  I never thought I could laugh reading a book on effective ways of studying.  The information present in chapter 1 and the examples made to explain them were once again engaging.  Badke goes on about how a traditional society handles information, to the invention of the printing press and World Wide Web and what changes they brought to the game. Terms such as “gatekeeping” which was a consequence of the printing press was a fairly new term to me that easily describes something I already knew.  He also goes into ebooks and how they shook up the industry of print and how they changed the way we get our information and who publishes this information. Chapter 1 over all was a great way to introduce the book.

Initially I thought our professor made a typo; why in the world would she ask us to read chapter 1 then jump ALL THE WAY to chapter 8? Surely there must a method to her madness.  I was right. Each so called chapter pretty much stands on its own. I figure I can use this book to suit a very specific need in studying different kinds of materials.  This chapter goes on about connoisseur and glutton reading, interesting terms to describe two kinds of readers.  A reader who is a “mindless sponge” reading for entertainment is classified as the glutton reader and the reader who is ruthless in only using the information who needs is the connoisseur. He also explains in this chapter why plagiarism is a serious offense and 5 steps to zero in on the content you need from a book. I never actually considered using a books index to help me research and a feel like a fool for not doing so before.  Promptly taking his advice a simply read all the study questions at the end of the chapter to do this homework assignment as they basically clued me on to what to look out for and what to retain.