Author Archives: Laura

JILsteps Joey Ismael and Laura


I know we watch a few videos on “how to” and I found a video on youtube in which the purpose is to teach the audience, how to remove scratches from any DVD. Documentation in form of a video is helpful if and how the creator demonstrates the purpose, evidence, steps etc. In this video the creator explains the process and at the same does the experiment for better understanding.

Hw Journal 2

Through out these past lectures on how to make a better research process, has been helpful. There is more easier strategies that I have learned in order to evaluate sources in any format, and why is important. The keys for internet searching, l and how to use the settings of ibrary catalogs including other databases. Before taking this course I would use the city tech library catalogs but after the lecture we had in using this kind of source was helpful. I would not use the settings right to better find what I was looking for, which made it stressful to find the close enough information related to my topic. Doing a annotated bibliography was my first experience and I would probably take my time to do outside of this course because I feel the sources included in the research paper are important. Summarizing the sources reminds us more of the topic and helps us stay in topic for our research paper to make sense with proper academic information.

Homework _11 advance search strategies

I only used google scholar once, I was starting to look for related articles about my proposed topic. I did have trouble because I found articles that were not really giving me the information related to my topic. In Mondays class I was able to understand how to use google scholar and its settings, and now I have practice by searching again related articles. I did find a couple and very interesting articles which I have posted it in easybib. This would help me get back to the articles I have found making it easier instead of just going back to the website to find the articles again. The articles are somewhat different because the last articles I found are up to date then the other articles I have found before. Which makes it interesting because my topic relates to social networking and it is what is being used the most and changing frequently.

Hw #10 _

I did have difficulties in making sure my research proposal question was making sense to what I was trying to proposed. I went through the topics covered in class to verify if I did feel comfortable in writing about the topic I picked. Also because I was making sure I would be able to write the length of a 5 to 8 pg paper. I am using the badke’s book for his tips in doing research, it has helped so far and am also using the guidelines handed in class to improve my assignments. I am still a little confuse for the sources selected, that is is journals and scholarly the same source?. Am using google scholar and the library databases.

Homework_9 Database

While reading chapter 3 of Badke’s book I finally found the answer in how to do a better research while using certain databases. We all might use google, library databases and etc to find information for our research papers and may find our selves going through many given results until we find the right one. That is as Badke explained we type for example ” interact ” and we get many results that include the word interact. His insights were very helpful, to make sure we use the right keyword(s) to find the “better ” and close result to what we might be looking for.


Copyright was defined as a “contract between authors and society” in the video Copyright: Forever less one day. This law of copyright was constructed in 1710 , here society can not copy from any authors work or remake it for they have control over their work for a limited time (25 years). I understood better for what copyright law meant when the example of wanting to remake the harry potter book, this book was published in 1998 having copyright protection which can not be used yet for any remaking. This was a good idea because it gives the right of authors to control over what they have done, & giving them also the privilege to keep their recent work out there for a limited a time before any other author wishes to remake it.

Exposure HW#6

“Avoiding social networking site is not, however, a guarantee of privacy. For IPSs and search engine providers can learn a good deal about customers by tracking the searches they make.” In reading both assigned articles I concluded what I had learned before in one of my classes, which is that not only do social websites expose our personal information we give but also other non social websites that use our information for contact, promotion, ads, and so on. I myself have a facebook account but I make sure I don’t provide personal information I want other to know. In the facebook article where there was an example of burglars knowing when someone would be in vacation to make there act, that actually happen to my co worker. There is no more privacy in the web so the only thing is to due is look for other alternatives or make sure a web is trust worthy, like buying a textbook online.

Wiki_ Homework 5

We all know of wikipedia but then again this article Charms of wikipedia was very interesting. Nicholas Baker went through some negative and positive points in using this website. It all depends in the way we could use and in my opinion I would rather use wikipedia for random search which has nothing to with my school research, because after reading this article I could tell vandalism has existed for a while. Which does not give me the confidence to use the information posted in wikipedia, but browsing wikipedia with the many topics this web page has, may be interesting and fun to see. Knowing there are different editors with bits of knowledge in Bakers term ” it’s like some vast aerial city wiht people walking briskly to and for on catwalks, carrying picnic baskets full of nutritious snacks.” Full of controversies, opinion, ideas and bits of knowledge.

Your Zine can be anything you want it to be_HW4

Zine defined as a self published magazine, where typos, improper grammar,  simple unique ideas, any sort of topic, writing styles and so on can be found in these zine publications. Is a style in which we as individuals can publish our creativity, which could be a good thing because we can share same interest with others or even feel freely to express what is going through our minds. What I really liked about zine is that there is no “rules” where I don’t have to worry about my grammer checking, I myself tend to make mistakes. This is just a way of getting something off your chest kind of way, and helpful for the individuals who enjoy writing.