Tag Archives: research

RES. jour.2

I thought that looking for information that i can use in my research document would be easy. It was difficult because i was looking in the wrong  data bases. when i went back to my notes i had some terms written down that helped me find some information. Now i need to begin to put the information in order and set my outline up. i think once i do my outline, writing the paper would be easy because I have the information all i need to do is put into order and begin to write the paper. I hope the outline comes along well because i think that is the most important part of a paper.

Hw #10 _

I did have difficulties in making sure my research proposal question was making sense to what I was trying to proposed. I went through the topics covered in class to verify if I did feel comfortable in writing about the topic I picked. Also because I was making sure I would be able to write the length of a 5 to 8 pg paper. I am using the badke’s book for his tips in doing research, it has helped so far and am also using the guidelines handed in class to improve my assignments. I am still a little confuse for the sources selected, that is is journals and scholarly the same source?. Am using google scholar and the library databases.

Homework_9 Database

While reading chapter 3 of Badke’s book I finally found the answer in how to do a better research while using certain databases. We all might use google, library databases and etc to find information for our research papers and may find our selves going through many given results until we find the right one. That is as Badke explained we type for example ” interact ” and we get many results that include the word interact. His insights were very helpful, to make sure we use the right keyword(s) to find the “better ” and close result to what we might be looking for.