Due Sunday, February 21 11:59pm
Watch the video above. As Snoop Dogg says, ya gotta read the syllabus! We’ve gone over everything from the syllabus in class and during our one-on-one meetings, but you probably still have questions. It’s a lot of information! Most of it is linked from the syllabus page.
For this OpenLab assignment, first read the syllabus (and linked information), then submit a comment on this post asking whatever questions you have about how this course will run: grades, schedules, your responsibilities…whatever! If you think you already understand everything, comment with one detail about the course that you think other students may have missed.
If you know the answer to someone else’s question, reply to their comment with the answer.
You will earn participation credit for your comment.
My question for this post would be will attendance be calculated in our grade?
Hi Brygetee. Attendance is not an official part of your grade. I do need to report your attendance to the Math Department at the end of the semester, so I’ll download the Zoom reports then.
Of course, even though attendance isn’t part of your grade, it will help you to complete the work that is part of your grade!
A question I have for this class is how will the exams be graded seeing as it will be done on rederly. What percentage is graded from the written work and what percentage from rederly?
I didn’t know we had a free textbook and link to get them online. Thank you for that Proff.
I wanted to Know how many questions would be in the exams we take and what is the grading process?
How will the exam work for this class because it online and the format is different?
Doing half of the total Rederly questions will give you full credit for homework. Homework is worth 10% of the final grade.
How would the final exam be given and is it going to be short answer or like the homework format?
Will the exam be taken in homework format such as rederly?
One thing the syllabus has taught me is that we are all provided dropbox accounts from CUNY, which is something that comes in handy that I didn’t know.
How long are the exams going to be and what is the format?
I believe someone have already asked. But same questions for exams. Are there any due dates for exams and how and where will they be taken?
I don’t really have a question that needs to be answer but the one thing I did want to mention is the Textbook from openstax well we be using it. I only mention cause of right now the only thing that we use is the videos and read whats on the lesson page. Might be good idea to say where in the text is relevant for that lesson.
Albert, I’m glad you’re finding the textbook useful! It’s a great book. The relevant textbook sections are all linked at the top of each lesson on the course hub. There’s also a link to the textbooks under Help & Resources ->Textbooks on our OpenLab page, but I’ve just added another link under Help & Resources, so hopefully everyone can find it easily!
my question is will exams be timed or given a specific due date like most assignments given in webwork or will it be under the format of during hot or cold meetings ?
Hi everyone! Since most of the questions are about exams, I thought I’d answer those together here.
You will take two exams: one in Week 6 and one in Week 13 (see the week-by-week schedule). I will say more about the details as the dates approach, but we will follow the Math Department guidelines from previous semesters for these tests and for the final exam. You will take your exam in Rederly. Once you start your exam, you will have 2.5 hours to finish it but you can start it any time during a two-day window.
Your Rederly score will not count at all toward your test grade. Instead, you will upload your written work for each question and that’s what will be graded. (So you don’t have to enter your answer into Rederly at all if you don’t want to.) Each question will be worth 10 points and you can earn partial credit.
You will also have a post-test interview the week after the tests during your HOT topic time slots (this is on the week-by-week schedule too). At the interview, I will ask you some questions about your written work so you will need to be prepared to defend anything you hand in. Your interview grade will be a grade out of 2 points.
For the test grade, two thirds of it will come from your written work and one third of it will come from your interview. This will be the same for the final exam.