Comment due Sunday, March 28 (but late comments are okay!)

I’ve been really enjoying getting to know each of you during your HOT topics presentations. Even if we only talk about math and the course, I love getting a little window into how you think.

I know it’s hard getting to know your classmates in an online class; this is one of the reasons that study groups play such a huge role in the class. It’s always extremely helpful to work with other people—doing math can be a really a social activity—and I strongly encourage you to work with your group on homework and HOT topic preparation outside of official group assignments.

Over the past week or so, I’ve introduced a few students to other students who are not in their group (actually, in one case they were in the same group). This is sort of like matchmaking, but it’s not romantic! I’m just trying to pair people whom I think would work well together. Sometimes this is because I think their ways of thinking are similar but sometimes this is because I think their ways of thinking might complement each other. I’m not an expert! It’s just about the vibe get.

So I’d like to open up my study-buddy matchmaking services to the class. Would you like to be matched with a study buddy in the class? If so, please say so in a comment below (or if you’d like to ask privately instead, send me an email with the subject line MAT 1575 matchmaker).

Once you’re matched with a partner, it will be up to you to decide how you’d like to work together. One suggestion is that you set up a time to talk in real time over the weekend about your Rederly homework. Which questions were you each able to answer easily? Which ones stumped you? Can you help your partner to understand something you already understand? If there’s something neither of you understand, can you bounce some relevant ideas back and forth?

You will receive participation credit for requesting a match.