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Noemi Mendez – N. Y. Time Travel Section Assignment

The article Air and Rail Travel News: “Remodeled Planet at British Airways” by Elaine Glusac published in the travel section of the New York Time has its pros and cons. I consider this article very interesting, because it makes the passengers more comfortable in long flights with new seat cushions, Panasonic entertainment system and seat with access to a power outlets to connect electronic devices for those who would like to during the flights. This is very good for people who travel very long distances flights, because they will have entertainment, be more relaxed and comfortable whiles riding a jumbo plane.

The downside of this article, is that this type of makeover is only for jumbo plane who are traveling very long distance flights: London to Boston; Chicago; Dubai; Kuwait; Largos, Nigeria; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Another downside, is that only the British Airways company is the one with the makeover. I consider that all airlines companies should acquiring the same new equipment and technology on their airplanes, no matter the distance of a flights. Passengers should be entitled to the same accommodations while traveling to different places. Nowadays, traveling is expensive and instead of accustomed their passengers with good experiences while traveling, there are some airlines that are depriving their passengers with limited services like food on short distance flight.

NYT Travel Section

Title: René Redzepi Plans To Close Noma And Reopen It As An Urban Farm

Mr. Redzepi, whose known to have a very influential restaurant named Noma, has quite the determination to go out of his comfort zone to reopen the restaurant as an urban farm. Redzepi came across an auditorium-sized empty warehouse. The inside walls were covered with street art and teenagers also used the inside space as a skating rink. Redzepi plans on closing Noma after a New Year’s service in 2016. He plans to reopen the following year with new alterations. Mr. Redzepi wants to transform the empty area into “a state-of the- art urban farm”, with Noma at it’s center. Redzepi envisions great outcomes for this renovation. Apparently, when a restaurant  owns it’s own farm, it goes to show the desire of a chef to have total control of the ingredients. As a matter of fact, he plans on creating seasonal menus and have vegetarian foods throughout the hotter seasons. The article states that the drastic change has not been driven by necessity, but rather to create evolution.

Christine Travel Summary #1

At Toronto Restaurant, Unfussy but Fish Aplenty… September 11, 2015

I choose this article because it had interested title and the picture of the food caught my attention. “A pan -seared fish with dill mayonnaise and coleslaw”, look delicious but kinda nasty at the same time. The article is about named John Bill who had vision of opening a restaurant. The restaurant was a combinations of fish counter and sit-down, the business started in Toronto. Mr. Bill restaurant was famous for their seafood dishes especially finned and shellfish. The name of the restaurant Junction in January. He had great vision and business plan. John goal was to make everyone feel comfortable and cozy when come to his restaurant. Only worries should be what food is being serve and how will it tatse. In the article, it explains how precise, presentable and delegate he made or wanted each dishes to be. Mr. Bill was passion about his restaurant as it was express through the article. He emphasize to make dishes and menu consist of different background food from different places such as British Columbian and Japanese. This would allowed eeveryone who travel from different countries to feel welcome. Mr. Bill didn’t want barriers between server to food and food to people. The challenging part is making sure the customers love the food the restaurant has to offer and how its prepared. Honestly, I agree with Mr. Bill vision of restaurant because each and every person can cook different meals at their homes. But they choose to come to your restaurant you should welcome them with a warm feeling. Customer come to restaurant to have nice meal with love one and try new dishes. They are to be treated comfortability, must be serve well and enthusiastic to try dishes the menu has to offer. I enjoyed reading this article, throughout the country there are seafood lovers doesn’t matter how its made.

Travel Section Assignment – Victoria A. Gaston

In the article “New Hotel Checkout Time: Anytime You Want” written by Charu Sur, in the New York Times Travel section mentions a new beginning of the very few hotels in different cities that are turning over a new leaf on the checkout policies. Hotels such as the Yotel, are now introducing late-checkout pricing plans and a new app that allows guests to choose any of the late-checkout plans offered at the hotel. Other hotels such as the Patina Hotel & Resorts, The Absalon, Peninsula Hotels, and the Capella offer a 24-hour stay, where guest can stay and go whenever they want. I believe that this new change will benefit those who travel frequently and book hotels to stay at during their travels. Having the option to checkout when you can without being forced and/or scheduled to can really make a guest feel more at home as oppose to being told when you have to leave. A guest should always feel comfortable wherever it is that they are staying at, and if hotels are making changes like these, then I believe they are looking out for the guest best interest during their stay. Giving guest the power to checkout when they want, can possibly turn them into returning guest, satisfied guest who will help hotel ratings increase, and that’s what many people review before selecting the hotel they wish to stay at. Changing the checkout policies within the hotel industry in my opinion is a very smart move and I think that it will allow many hotel businesses to progress and become better. Hopefully this new policy can reach all hotels soon, I’m sure there would be a lot more business if it does. I know that I would definitely start staying at hotels if this new policy is introduced to them all.

Electronic Profile Assignment

Kesso Diallo 9/16/2015
Hospitality Management

My dream is to become a flight attendant , I love to help people and also travel around the world. I have some experience in hospitality because I’m always generous and kind also ready to help people. My mother owned her own restaurant where I use to help her out sometimes after school. Now I work at a fast food restaurant called Mcdonald’s in brooklyn.
The best academic experience I ever had was my 12th grade english and history class. It was better than any class I ever took in high school. My english teacher was Ms.Bellitti, she made the class so interesting. I am a visual learner so the way she taught the lessons were just so perfect. As for my history teacher he was a cool person and made everyone who disliked the subject in the class actually would end up loving it. He would make us take turns reading aloud and if we didn’t understand he would explain to us until we understood. However I loved how he treated us like we were smart unless we showed him we were not.
During my middle school and high school years I would always set myself academic goals and achieve it. Now that I’m in college as a first year student a couple of my academic goals would be to expand my learning experience with the new teachers I would be meeting. Also I’m aiming to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher and aim for what I came to college for which is a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management.
Many people intend not to have a career experience because they feel like it will be hard or they’re just not ready. Well I want to become flight attendant and you must be kind and ready to help the passengers on board. I use to work in an optical place where I would help customers when they come in, I greet them and ask if they need help and if they say yes I would always be ready to assist. Also my mom owned a restaurant three years ago and that’s where I got my experience.
Every now and then we come across people who are unhappy with their jobs. sometimes these people don’t take time in thinking about what they actually want to do or pursue in. Well as for me my career goals is to get a job that connects with that I enjoy to do . Secondly finish my college major and start a family. The job that I’m willing to obtain is becoming a flight attendant which has my satisfaction , financial and new experiences I will learn.
Knowing your personal strengths and weaknesses can really help you in deciding the right career to choose and making decisions. Some of my personal strengths are: communicative, helping, patient, energetic, educated, open minded and social/people skill. I use these personal strengths in my everyday life and I enjoy every bit of it . I love to be communicative because I like meeting new people and get to know people and exchange words. Also I enjoy helping people with stuff they need ; giving a helping hand is generosity to me.
Personal interests that enhance my professional attributes is communication skills, professionals image, leadership skills, self motivation, getting slim with people and positive attitude. People have different interest that enhances their attributes and all it takes it having a strong mind and positive attitude .

Reflection of me – Deven Guerrero

Hello, my name is Deven Guerrero and I am 21 years of age. Since young, I’ve always asked myself, “What career do I want to pursue when I become older?” Being born and raised in New York, I am familiar with the opportunities and it’s something that I, as a student should take advantage of. At New York City Tech, I’m seeking to expand my knowledge, personally and academically. Not only to become a better student, nor to only improve the path of becoming a present and future industry leader, but to enhance lives of others around the world.

I’m currently majoring in Hospitality and Management, and as a student at City Tech, my academic goal is to learn and expand my knowledge within that field. The more I learn within the field, the more options I’ll have to decide what I really want to do. Main reason I chose this major is due to my passion for learning about how large industries bring in revenue, implement their businesses, and most of all, my interest in culinary arts. I’ve always been interested in business and marketing for several reason. My dad owns his own business which I work for, and I’m aspired to be someone like him in the future in a business perspective. This personal experience in business will allow me to understand business in the hotel industry as well. For the past three years, I’ve developed a passion for cooking and since then, I’ve improved my culinary arts at home by helping my mother cook, and watching the Food Network. After realizing how much I love to cook, the hospitality and management major was right for me because it will help me specialize my skills in culinary arts. Before entering City Tech, I was a student at BMCC and my major was computer networks. I recently received an associate’s degree under that major when I completed my first two years of college. Main reason I didn’t continue taking Computer Networks at City Tech is because I wasn’t passionate about it and it’s something I couldn’t see myself doing long term. I chose that major at first because I had industry connections and because of the money tech specialists make yearly. Now, I’ve learned that I should always strive to pursue a career in something I am interested in, disregarding funds and connections.

As a present industry leader, I see myself improving other lives. My short term career goals as an industry leader is to own a restaurant with a high end restaurant in it. I would love to manage my own hotel business, along as providing a menu of my specialty dishes for a high end restaurant in the hotel. By pursuing this, not only will I be able to master my skills in managing a business and mastering culinary arts, but I can spread culinary, and business knowledge amongst young and future leaders. I’ve developed this interest of enhancing other lives because it is a reflection of who I am. I enjoy helping others, seeing people happy, and that’s something that makes me happy as well. My reflection of who I am will enhance my professional attributes and will allow me to do what I love to do best, and that is, improve the livings of others financially and help them enhance what they love to do.

It’s difficult to determine where I’ll be in the future, but becoming a future industry leader is something I’m currently striving for. My understanding of a “future industry leader” draws an image in my mind of a 40 year old me being this leader. As a future industry leader, I see myself achieving one of my dream goals, and that’s to open up a non for profit to provide for the homeless around the world. Hopefully, by then, I’ll have several restaurants, and hotels to provide enough funds to accomplish my main goal in life.


In conclusion, I’ve always asked, “What do I want to become in the future?” The answer to that is through education and my passion for learning will help me pursue that. As a student at City tech, my main goal is to learn as much as I can in life for wisdom. As a present and future industry leader, I look forward to becoming someone who will not only make enough funds to provide for my own family, but to provide for the homeless around the world. I also look forward to becoming someone with great knowledge and wisdom to spread amongst others and improve the way we live as a society today.



Zhigang Gao [Gina]

Zhigang Gao [Gina]

HMGT 1101 –Perspectives in Hospitality Management

September 7th, 2015

My name is Gina, I born in Wuhan City which have a lot famous scenic sports in China. For example, Three Gorges Dan and Yangtze River.

When I was little I could see different tour guide very often, they wore nice uniform with name plate on it, held guide flag as a symbol, they use speaker to describe the history to the tourism and show them around of Wuhan City. The tour guides so confidence, also beautiful for wore huge knowledge, people behind them listen very careful with respect. Afterward I start having a dream to be a tour guide when I grow up.

After I graduated from high school, I was so lucky been accepted by Hubei University which is well-known of their travel management. I was so exciting learn everything about travel. At the first year as a freshman, I passed the country wide tour guide exam and got my tour guide license. With this license I could able to find a part time job in a travel agency company while I study in Hubei University. My job gave me so much practice, very useful for my major course. I was really enjoy the four years’ experience. I was working hard, study hard. I also play hard with my salary. I like try different food. When summer break I used to travel to different country, talk with native people, I had so much fun. I graduated from Hubei University in 2010, that day all our classmates got together celebrate, for we would start our real career.

Same year we start sending resume to our dream company. I am lucky enough hired by the biggest travel agency company named China International Travel Agency Company. This company in capital Beijing. They have 150 tour guides, so many brilliant people among them, I tried my best to be more professional and learn from other tour guide. I liked to listen to everyone in our company when they talk to me, always modest to them, so in the company I only have friends no enemy. After I worked there for years, our boss raised my position from a tour guide to a manager of customer service department. She commented me had patient to solve all the problem, I had 6 years tour guide experience, I knew tourist well. The most important personal strengths I have is always honest and thinking on people’s side, understand them well.

New position means more income, I use the money to travel around Korea, Vietnam and United States. I enjoyed the food, before I go, I always do research, list all the restaurant or sightseeing I have to go. Then post my experience and picture on blog and Facebook. I was so happy my experience can help my tourist and my friends or other audience.

I traveled so many Cities, finally I decided stay in New York, the life style here so freedom, 180 different countries immigrations live there, means I can try 180 different food here which make me so exciting. Now I study in New York City of Technology College, my major is hospitality management similar as travel management. Travel and food is my favorite thing, it will give me more passion to study my major. Also offer me more experience, make my study more vivid.



Christine Delva Profile

Christine Delva

HMGT 1101 –Perspectives in Hospitality Management

September 7th, 2015

 “Life is a hole in the heart”; by Ben Hecht. Whether you attack with positive attitude or just let it fly through your hands, either way it is happening. This quoted relates to my life and describe me overall. An empty feeling in my stomach emerged and I knew it wasn’t hunger; at least, not hungry for food. I am hungry for success but was struggling to pursue goals that I made for myself. When I was young, I had many dreams and fantasy of how I wanted to be when I grew up. As I grew older I was still uncertain in which direction or path I wanted to encounter. I am an outgoing person and for me to be scared to strive for success was unbelievable. I knew I wanted to be either Mortician or Sonogram Tech.

            Well as I grew older realizing science was my weakness. Helping people was in my blood and providing service was my strength. Making sure a customer is satisfied gives me joy. I decided to manage private events, cater cook food to people & etc. A friend came to me and said “Why don’t you make this your career”. I was confused at first and a little hesitant. Then I said “Christine, maybe this can fill the hole in your heart, go for it, enrolled into Hospitality Program”. Working retails and nursing home jobs gave me a well round background experience of pleasing customers. Even though, I never work in a hotel or any restaurant. I know I am capable of doing it. I truly believe if you attack something with a positive attitude anything is possible. You will accomplish many things and also make a difference in yourself. Also I do believe in helping others as well. You never know if this person or you and this person could make a difference. Listening to others advice, opinion and critics can benefit you as person as well.

Two to three years from now I can see myself doing variety of things. I would like to be working or managing a hotel/bed and breakfast in two different countries. Also have a little small event planning business and help my mom pursue a baking school in Haiti. I am eager to open all these ideas don’t know how it going to work but I know I will do a fantastic job at it. I obtain my Associate Degree while I was pregnant with my daughter. After having my precious daughter, thought it was the end of making a change in my life. But I was wrong, if I don’t spread my wings I will not fly. I decided to dedicate my time to focus on my school. I had to arrange my school schedule according to my work schedule, very determine even if it going to be a hard sacrifice. God is good; he will help me become the person I want to be by opening doors. Here I am in you class today.

            Helping people and making people happy fills my heart with unconditional love. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing someone very satisfied with the service you provide. If I do accomplish, these goals will change me as a person. My family is my supporters; my daughter is my future and touching people live will be phenomenal. I am willing to embark on this challenge to become who I believe I can be. By then it will make my heart a whole once I reach my dreams.



Rosa Chong’s eProfile Assignment

Hello my name is Rosa, I would like to first introduce myself as a very dedicated person. When I actually want to accomplish something I am committed to do so. I was born in Panama City, Panama. Since coming to New York my family had to move several times due to my dad’s new job placements. On the other hand growing up in Bensonhurst was very exciting for me, I get to meet new friends for every time I had to change schools, and with no doubt there were more than enough amenities to make Bensonhurst the place it is today. I enjoy cooking and baking with friends and family. When I was younger I wanted to be a flight attendant, with that being said I enjoyed anything that had to do with hospitality. I was lucky enough to be placed in the academy of hospitality and tourism program in my high school years. After graduating from that program, I wanted to exceed my education in this field of study. With the hope of possibly managing many luxurious hotels in different states around the world.

Growing up was a little tough for me, my mom was always sick and my dad was always at work. I was lucky enough to spent my whole childhood with my 3 sisters. As we got older, my older sister had to start working as well as college. I then had to take the role and responsibilities as the oldest one and watch over the little ones. I started working at the age of 13, I volunteered at a summer camp and I assisted teachers and went on field trips, traveling around NYC with little children. I helped out in my aunts street fair business selling jewelry, and my previous job was at a supermarket, getting a feel of retail. Currently I work in a pharmacy doing data entry. With plenty of experience working with retail, I am devoted to become a business manager. During school, I would like to intern at different hotels around New York City and work my way up from there. I will be graduating in Hospitality Managment with a bachelor’s degree. I want to be successful at what I do, so I can give my family the life that they deserve.

I can say some of my strengths are determination, and great communication skills. I am very energetic and a good team player, I can also work very well independently. I chose this major because I love to eat and I’m always willing to try new foods. I love to cook and bake and seeing someone’s smile when they try my food makes me so happy. I love traveling and meeting new people, I’m never afraid of change. I enjoy movement, I do not like to stay in one place, it excites me when I travel. I appreciate the customer service hotels provide when you check in a stay, I enjoy the feeling of busyness. I have a very strong passion to work in this field. With so much dedication towards this field of study, I will pursue my dreams to become a very successful entrepreneur.

Sonia J Eprofile

Hello everyone, my name is Sonia Jobity, and I am a transfer student from Kingsborough Community College with an A.A.S degree in Early Childhood Education. Now I am here at City Tech after 10 years, majoring in Hospitality Management. Yes, that is a big change in majors you say, you are probably wondering why the change. Well lets just say you cannot get a decent job with an Associates degree, and my last job I wasn’t recognized for my skills and experience.

I have been working almost 8 years in education, either as a Teacher Assistant or a Paraprofessional with children with developmental disabilities. The main reason why I chose this profession as I wanted to be home with my children when school was out. I have a child with high function autism and he was and still is my inspiration for working with children with developmental disabilities. Yes, this is a very rewarding field, but it also takes its toll as why I am here at City-Tech pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality. Before I became a T.A, I was a Call Center Representative for 3 years while pursuing my A.A.S. As you’ve noticed, I’ve waited almost 10 years to pursue my B.A, but I chose to have a family and raise my children.

The reason why I chose Hospitality, because I enjoy talking to people, baking, creating things with my hands, and designing. My mind and my hands take the best of me as I cannot focus on one thing. I recently took a certificate culinary course at Kingsborough and realized that this is something I will love to continue doing. I tried looking for work as a prep cook or anything in this field, but was told I didn’t have enough experience. Only jobs that were recommended were counter jobs and fast food places, jobs I weren’t going to do. With these disappointments I decided that this was going to be one of the first steps that I was going to pursue of my interests/goals.

I bake as a hobby and hopefully after I graduate I can turn my hobby into a business, with event planning on the side. I do not wish to have a storefront as I do not wish to be tied down to one spot. I want my business to move with me. I will also like to work in a hotel, learn the ups and downs of what a hotel offers, and from that experience be able to own and manage my own hotel.

People ask me what are you going to do after you graduate? What kind of job are you going to get with this major? What is Hospitality Management? Sometimes I don’t even have an answer because I don’t always know. What I do know, I am going to graduate.