Author Archives: Noemi Mendez

Noemi Mendez- The New York Time Article

The article in the health travel news “Hawaii’s Dengue Fever Outbreak Grows” by Christine Hauser published in the travel section of the New York Times talked about local communities and tourist are getting sick due to an infected mosquitoes bite that cause the dengue virus. She also specify that the dengue virus it taking a peak during the tourism seasons where people from around the world love to visit the island and that why the writer in this article recommend that tourist take the necessary precautions before travelling to Hawaii. The writer also mention, that this virus is uncommon in this island and the government hypothesis that the virus travel to the island with an infected tourist in which a mosquito got infected with the virus and spread the virus in the island. Some of the recommendations for people not contracting the virus are to wear protective clothing and use repellent. Some of the symptoms that is cause by this virus are fever, headaches and pain in the eyes, joints and muscles. The writer mention that the government are spraying pesticides during daylight hours to end the virus and they don’t know how long the current outbreak would last. That why I believe that tourists need to update themselves with information and do research of what is going on in those countries before travelling and according to the news your plan your vacations.

Noemi Mendez Chapter #14 “Leadership and Management” Summary

This chapter talked about the different of been a leadership and management in the culinary art industry. According to the writer a leader is someone who are follows and influences people to do the right things in an organization. On the other side, be a management is more a difficult job and its combine with leadership because the managers of an organization need to coordinate, organize, motivate and control work activities for the organization to meet to the goal that was established at the foundation of the organization.

Key Words and Concepts:

Communication – Example – Physical, verbal interaction with the intent to relay emotion or description. When one person waves to another person. When someone speaks to another.

Controlling – Example – When one person does not allow another to complete a want or need or desire.

Decision Making – Example: When one person or a group of people come to a common thought or idea.

Effectiveness – Example: When someone works in an intelligent or exemplary manner to achieve a goal.

Efficiency – Example: When someone completes a task in a timely fashion and does it intelligently.

EthicsExample – When a person or a group of people create a practice that is an example of correct behavior.

Frontline Managers – Example: A manager that handles the responsibilities first before anyone else.

Human Resources and Motivating– Example: A person who is responsible for the care and practices for a group of people membered to a group.

Leader/Manager – Example – A person who is in charge for a group of 2 or more people in a group associated together for a common practice.

Leadership – Example – When a person takes the first step in being responsible in making a difficult decision first.

Management – Example – A good management it also a good leader that people love to follows.

Managing – Example – Managing an organization is not an easy job for a manager.

Middle Manager – Example – The middle management always supervise employees in an organization and is responsible of developing different strategic for an organization to be successful in the industry.

Organizing – Example – Organization the schedule off CUNY employees is not an easy task to perform.

Planning – Example – Planning is an important component for an organization to be successful.

Top Managers – Example – The CEO is an example of top managers.

Transactional Leadership – Example – The couch of the baseball teams is an example of transactional leadership.

Transformational Leadership – Example – The president Obama Barack is an example of transformational leadership.



Noemi Mendez – N. Y. Time Travel Section Assignment

This article “Way to Celebrate Thanksgiving, Old and New” by John L. Dorman published in the travel section of the New York Times talked about how Thanksgiving are celebrate differently in four different states like: New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles where families celebrate with old traditions ways and more modern ways on Thanksgiving Day. The first states that the writer mentions in this article was the City of New York. Where New Yorkers loved to celebrate Thanksgiving Day the old fashion way with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade that had been celebrated for 89th years with lineup of balloons and the performers of marching bands. He also mentions that New Yorkers are celebrating Thanksgiving Day with less traditional ways like biking excursion. Another states that the writer mentions is Chicago, where they also celebrate Thanksgivings like New Yorkers with the McDonald’s Thanksgiving Parade where characters balloons and matching bands are performing at the parade. After the parade, people usually love to go out to eat to the Miss Ricky’s Restaurant that provide a meal like Thanksgivings with turkey, mashed potatoes, sausage stuffing and green beans. After the big dinner at the restaurant people love to go to see the Christmas tree at the Millennium Park. The third states that the writer mentions states of Atlanta. Where people celebrate Thanksgiving Day with marathon, shopping and dinner. The last states that the writer mentions is Los Angeles, where people celebrate with marathon race, and the visits to different places like the auto show, the zoo and the botanical gardens. Even thought, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated differently in others states at the end of the day is a family celebrations where you spend quality time with the families that you love and at the end of the day that what really matter.


Noemi Mendez Chapter #13 “Special Events”

This chapter talked about the special events and the process that are involved in the development of special events in the hospitality industry. There are five steps in the event planning process, these steps are research, design, planning, coordination and evaluation. Another topic that was discuss in this chapter are the different kinds of position that are involved in planning an event. Some of these position are event planners, event management, and human resource management. Also the writer talked about the classifications of special events that are corporate, association, charity balls/fundraising, social functions, fairs/festivals, concerts/sporting, and the mega events. In addition the writer discuss the challenges, the skills and abilities that are required to complete the task of special events. To finalize the chapter, the writer talked about the job market and the trends of special events.

Key Words and Concepts:

Charity balls – Example – The charity ball dinner was able to raised one million dollars for children with cancer.

Conventions – Example – The directors of CUNY need to attend every year to local or international conventions.

Coordination– Example: For an event to be successful, it require a lots of coordination in decision making while the event is in process.

Corporate events – Example: Workshop and training meeting are examples of corporate events.

Event planner Example – I need to contract an event planner, when I decide to get marry with my fiancé in church.

Event planning – Example: The event planning is a career path that is growing in the hospitality industry and it is responsible in planning any social events from the beginning of the events to end.

Fairs and festivals – Example: My family love to attend and participate in fair and festivals.

International Festival & Events Association (IFEA) – Example – Is an organizations that provide ideas on how to sponsor a special events and be able to network with other business around the world.

International Special Events Society (ISES) – Example: Is an organization that promote international special events in society.

Meetings Professionals International (MPI) – Example: Are international meeting that empower education development in professionals careers for business to growth.

Social functions – Example: Wedding and engagements parties are examples of social functions.

Special events industry – Example: The event planner need to employs different organization to meet a broad range of services for an event to be successful.

Trade Shows – Example: The agriculture industry love to perform trade shows to promote or introduce their products to society.

Weddings and holiday parties – Example: Wedding and holiday parties are the most popular social events that are perform between families and friends.

Workshops – Example: CUNY love to offer educational workshop to their employees.



Noemi Mendez – N. Y. Time Travel Section Assignment

This article “Economic Fallout of Paris Attacks Hits Hotels Hard” by Doreen Carvajal published in the travel section of the New York Times talked about how terrorist attacks always has a negative impact to the economics of a country after terrorisms occurred. It is so sad, how terrorists decided to end the life of 129 innocents people in Paris, just for patriotist hatred of a country. Like the one that we passed on September 11 with the Twins Towers in city of New York. Where innocents people also died due to terrorisms, affecting the social economist of a country and the families that was left behind. Also the writer specified that Paris is one of the world’s favorite travel destinations for tourists to visits due to be considered the city of love, where romances flout around the city. On the negative side, the writer stated that there was more than 200 planned events cancellations around the city. Some of these cancelations are related with business, government conferences, festival and international tourists. With the continuations of false threat around the city, the hotels occupancy and restaurants rate has decreased by a 40%, the department store sales has decreased by a 50% and the cancellations of wealthy clients has cancelled luxury hotels reservations due to security issues. But, the hotels industry haven’t lost their hope and they are waiting with anxious that the economic boom again because Paris is considered to be an international symbol of love and celebration of life. I also believe that the economic in Paris will flourish again but it will take time like us in the United States. However, the emotional impact that was left to families with the dead of their lovers in the terrorists attack, it’s a scar that will never cured or forget from generation to generation.



Noemi Mendez Chapter #12 “Meetings, Conventions and Expositions”

This chapter talked about the development of the convention in the hospitality industry since the ancient times where people has always attended to meetings, conventions and exposition. Some of these events are associate with different themes that are related with social, sporting, political and religious purpose. Also the writer talked about the destination management, meeting planners, service contractors in which are organizations that provide service and their main focus is to meet the clients needs at the conventions. Another topic that the writer discuss in this chapter is the different types of meetings that are perform at the convention in which are clinic, forum, seminar, symposium, and workshop. He also discuss the different types of associations at the conventions that are trade, professional, medical/scientific, religious and government organizations. To finalize the chapter, the writer talked about the trends in the convention industry in which are more people are attending, some of the international show are limited to show, competiveness has increase, the industry should be more sophisticated and larger conventions are not well attended in the industry.

Key Words and Concepts:

Associations – Example – The New York Bar association is very popular among the bars industry.

Convention – Example – The directors of CUNY need to attend every year to local or international conventions.

Convention Center – Example: The Jacob. K Javits Convention Center is one of the 10 biggest venues in the state of New York.

Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVB) – Example: Are specialists in an organization that provide services to tourists at specials events.

Exposition Example – The art exposition at Lehman College was a successful event on campus.

Familiarization Trip (FAM) – Example: My father always get the familiarization trip discount when he decide to travel to another country because he work in the airport.

Incentive Market– Example: The USA Company at the end of the year offer to their employees an incentive market reward for those who meet the company goals.

Meeting – Example – All the teachers need to attend a meeting to discuss child development in the classroom.

Meeting Planners – Example: Are independent contractors that work with associations and corporations.

Meetings, incentive travel, convention, and exhibition (MICE) – A group of people that works in different organizations and travel to another countries or states for a convention meeting.

Social, military, educational, religious, and fraternal groups (SMERF) – Example: All the members of the SMERF organizations was able to attend the 2015 convention at the Orlando Resorts.




Noemi Mendez – N. Y. Time Travel Section Assignment

This article On the Road? You Can Still Eat Like It’s Thanksgiving” by Charu Suri Elaine Glusac published in the travel section of the New York Times talked about how international countries are implementing, attracting and offering to a Thanksgiving Dinner to Americans in a foreign country. I believe that this is a unique idea for those who has a small family and wants to do something different with their family outside of the United States. One of the country’s that offered a Thanksgiving dinner is Jamaica that is offer a buffet meal with turkey, chicken, ribs, fish and local desserts. Another country that the writer speaks about is In Porto Montenegro that offer a four course meal that included slow-cooked turkey breast served with a local pasta, tangerine relish and cabbage. A third international country that the writer mention is Hong Kong who served boxes with roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, giblet gravy, trimmings and desert as dinner. To finish the article, the writer also talked about domestic resorts that are offering the same Thanksgiving dinner to the Americans locally. For me this is cheaper because in a way you are saving on international expensive flights that would offer the same service locally and not matter what country you’re in, it will not be the same because this a tradition of the United States.


Noemi Mendez Chapter #11 “Gaming Entertainment”

This chapter talked about the history of the gaming industry in which is considered one of the most significant developments in the hospitality industry for last three decades. There are two types of gambling: the social gambling in which people bet against each other and mercantile gambling in which people bet against an organization. The chapter also talked about the different types of casino operations and the evolution of gambling and casino. Like the hotel, food and beverage, casino, retail, entertainment and the mirage effect. This chapter finalize with the focus on the sustainability in gaming entertainment, career information and the trends in the gaming entertainment industry.

Key Words and Concepts:

Baccarat– Example: The baccarat game is a game of cards and it is very famous in the casino resorts.

Blackjack – Example: The blackjack is a table game with cards. The objective is to score a particular amount total to win.

Casino resort – Example: People love to travel to Las Vegas to gambles in the casino resorts.

Comp – Example: When a customer received a bad service the casino usually offer comp to the customer like a special accommodations.

Craps – Example: A table game with dice to score a certain amount total of numbers to win.

Gambling– Example: Maria love to gambling at the casino every month.

Handle – Example: Handle is the total amount of money that people bet in a gambling game.

Hold percentage– Example: Casinos obtain their profit from the hold percentage that people bet in the organization.

Poker – Example: The poker game is a social and mercantile gambling game that can be play between individuals or an organization.

Roulette– Example: The roulette is a mercantile gambling game that is play in an organization.

Win– Example: When people

Noemi Mendez – N.Y. Times Travel Section Assignment

The article: “How to Upgrade Your Thanksgiving Road Trip” by Stephanie Rosenbloom published on travel section in the New York Times was a very interesting article to read because its talked about how to enjoy a long ride trip in a car with special equipment’s that could fit the needs and relaxation of your family while traveling a long ride in the car. Some of the electronic equipment’s that Ms. Rosenbloom mention in this articles are the Handpresso Auto Expreso which allow you make coffee. The second equipment is the portable stove where you can re-heat prep cook food. The third equipment is the Plaid Electric Blanket that keep you warm. The fourth equipment is the PowerCup Inverter that allowed you to charge any electronic equipment’s in the car and the last electronic equipment is that she mentions is the SoundLink Around-Ear Wireless Headphones II where you can listen to music, videos, movies, and take incoming call on your phone wireless. Some of the non-electronics’ equipment’s that she mentions are the organizers High Road Kids-Large Food’nFun Organizer and the High Road PadPockets Tablet Holder and Car Seat Organizer. She also mentions the Yeti Rambler Tumbler stainless cup that keep the temperature of a hot or cold drink for a long time. The Grand Truck Travel Pillow, Hooded in which I love because its help you to diminish the noise of passengers, block light and it also a pillow for your neck. While I was reading this articles, I can fit the need of my children and partner with each these electronic and non-electronic equipment’s that was mention. If every passenger is entertain you can have a more enjoyable ride in your car.

Noemi Mendez Chapter #10 “Recreation, Attraction, and Clubs”

This chapter focus on the different types of recreation, attraction and clubs activities that are able to the public views and entertains around the United States. Some of theme attractions national parks are: the Walt Disney world, the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, the Disney’s Hollywood Studios, the Universal Studios, the Sea World, and the Hershey’s park. Some of the regional theme parks are Dollywood, Legoland, Gatorland, and Wet’N Wild. Also this chapter talked about some of the Animals attractions like the zoo and the aquariums. In addition, this chapter talked about historic places, museums, international destinations, the different type of clubs and noncommercial recreation.

Key Words and Concepts:

City clubs – Example: The Woman Club help women to empower themselves and to build new professional skills.

Club management – Example: The club management need to be very organize for the club to success.

Commercial recreation – Example: The commercial recreation provide guides to tourism in amusement parks or historic places.

Country clubs – Example: Country club are usually places near the beaches.

Government-sponsored recreation – Example: The government sponsored recreations by using the monies that are collected from taxes.

Heritage tourism – Example: The New York Culture Heritage Network is an example of heritage tourism.

Leisure – Example: In my leisure time, I love to sit in front of the beach in a bench and see the ocean view.

National park – Example: There are 397 national park in the United States with different themes.

National parks Service – Example: Is a law passed by congress that help to conserve the park natural resources and culture artifact.

National Register of Historic Places – Example:   The Old Slater Mill is an example of the first place register as a national register of historic place on 1966.

Noncommercial recreation– Example: Voluntary organization, campus, Armed forces and employment recreation are examples of noncommercial recreation.

Recreation – Example: It is important to know the recreations activities when you are planning a vacation to another states or a foreign country.

Recreation for special population – Example: Are recreations to accommodate people wit special disabilities.

Recreation management – Example: If you want to become a recreation management you need to get a degree from a college.

Theme Parks – Example: The Walt Disney world is one of the most famous theme park in the United States.

Transient occupancy tax (TOT) – Example: When I stay in a hotel, I need to pay the transient occupancy tax.

Voluntary organizations – Example: My daughter Destiny attend to a voluntary organization called a Faro Beacon after school program.