Noemi Mendez- The New York Time Article

The article in the health travel news “Hawaii’s Dengue Fever Outbreak Grows” by Christine Hauser published in the travel section of the New York Times talked about local communities and tourist are getting sick due to an infected mosquitoes bite that cause the dengue virus. She also specify that the dengue virus it taking a peak during the tourism seasons where people from around the world love to visit the island and that why the writer in this article recommend that tourist take the necessary precautions before travelling to Hawaii. The writer also mention, that this virus is uncommon in this island and the government hypothesis that the virus travel to the island with an infected tourist in which a mosquito got infected with the virus and spread the virus in the island. Some of the recommendations for people not contracting the virus are to wear protective clothing and use repellent. Some of the symptoms that is cause by this virus are fever, headaches and pain in the eyes, joints and muscles. The writer mention that the government are spraying pesticides during daylight hours to end the virus and they don’t know how long the current outbreak would last. That why I believe that tourists need to update themselves with information and do research of what is going on in those countries before travelling and according to the news your plan your vacations.

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