Category Archives: Learning Logs

Adha CHAABANE’s Brooklyn Historical Society

Today’s field trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society was a great experience in term of getting a  brief history lesson about Photography and it’s evolution throughout time arriving to what’s available today. Starting from the daguerreotype, the old and first … Continue reading

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comparing Daguerreotypes to modern photography

without a doubt, the invention of photography was a big step in the right direction, having the ability to be able to capture the moment, was and still is a big deal, in order to immortalize the moment and freeze … Continue reading

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Photography has long improved over the years since the 19th Century. One of the earliest camera instruments was a daguerreotype which made capturing your surroundings much more efficient. People sought different ways to create images other than a hand painter … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Historical Society – Sandra Jarro

Today at the Brooklyn Historical Society I handle the daguerreotype, A type of photograph taken many years ago. The difference between that photograph and the photographs I have been taking this semester is that actual color. The daguerreotype mostly includes … Continue reading

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Write a post of at least 200 words comparing the daguerreotype that you handled today at the Brooklyn Historical Society and any digital photograph that you have taken this semester. How does the format change the experience of both taking … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Historical Society

During the class trip we saw a few examples of photographs. One of the samples we got was daguerreotype. This photographs were one of the fist types of photographs that were available to the public. There are specific similarities on daguerreotype. Technology … Continue reading

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There are quite a few differences between the daguerreotypes we saw today and the photographs I have taken this semester. The daguerreotypes we saw today were all posed human subjects in a studio type setting with neutral expression on their faces. These images were … Continue reading

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Greenwood Cem.

I enjoyed the history of Photography. Seeing the first type of photos and seeing how they were captured and rendered.  Looking backwards in time gave me a new perspective, because modern day we can capture a scene with an unlimited … Continue reading

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LL3 BHS – Hernandez

The photograph I chose to describe the difference in comparison to a daguerreotype is an image that I took at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. In the black and white image above you notice the contrast of light and dark which … Continue reading

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Brooklyn Botanical Garden – Crystal Pena

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